Chapter 21.

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Chapter 21.

I hated waiting. At least I was out of the car. I was ok with hanging back but it would tear me apart to think about what could be happening if I couldn't see her. I stayed tight to the wall and was glad Ally stood in my direct line of sight, lit up by the cars lights she kept her hands out and palms up in a non threatening gesture to show she was unarmed. I frowned. She was.

I heard the car door open after the lights cut out. We were shrouded in silence before it was broken by the slam of a car door and heavy steps. I heard another door open and tensed studying Ally. She didn't look thrown off so I kept my place.

Shortly after the second door closed I heard the same heavy steps and then a man appeared in track pants and a white shirt carrying two heavy paper office boxes in his hand.

Setting them down he stood to his full height and studied Ally, while I tried to remember every detail about him in case I needed it. Tall, about 6'4, 210 pounds, peppered gray military cut black hair, broad shoulders, late thirties, several identifying tattoos. Who was this man?

"How you been?" He asked her.

"Alright." She gave him a sheepish grin and I relaxed. "I've come a crossed a few good people to make up for the rest."

"You grew up good, kid. Still kick ass like I taught you?" He tried to keep his tone light and failed.

Ally tilted her head to the side and studied him. "You're still looking good for an old man."

He chuckled and shook his head. "I brought you a few things. I missed a few birthdays." He ran his hands roughly through his hair and smiled. "Shit talking, brat! I'm not old." He chuckled making Ally smile.

"Yeah, now look who's sensitive." He shook his head and turned. "Hey!" She stopped him. "I'm here with a friend. I want you to meet him."

The man frowned and looked around quickly. I took that as my signal to step forward and the man trained his eyes on me before giving Ally a questioning look, his body still tense. "Alexandra?"

She cleared her throat and put a hand on his shoulder. "Good people." She nodded towards me and he relaxed.

"You growing soft?" He asked her eyeing me with a smirk.

Ally shook her head with a sad expression. "Just tired."

The man frowned at her and then looked to me with a worn expression that showed his age. Ally was now for the first time looking at the boxes he placed on the ground in front of her. It made me wonder just what they were. "Josh." I stuck my hand out and kept an eye on Ally.

"If you're good to her you're a friend of mine." The man gave me a strong shake but no name. I nodded. "I have a few treats for my girl if you don't mind." He gestured to the car.

I followed him to the back and helped him heave a trunk out and bring it around front to Ally. It wasn't to heavy just awkward for one person to carry. We set it in front of her and I put an hand on her back in comfort as she took in the box and the man. Her confused expression worried me but Ally never spoke up about it.

The man flipped the trunk open and pulled out a few things. "You know I never got around to having kids right." He pulled out a vest and held it up to Alex.

"Not to late you know?" She gave a weak smile taking the vest in her hands. "It's light."

"It's a test material. New. You can slide plates in and it's easier to adjust to woman's frame." He took it and flipped the bullet proof vest to show the sides. It was a tough fabric that had some give to it and a few straps under her arms and along the rib cage. He had to have done some serious hunting to find something like this.

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