Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

I woke to Ally wiggling in my arms and smiled breathing in her scent. "You're awake?" I asked with a smirk opening my eyes. Ally's brilliant blue ones greeted me and she bit her lip. My focus darted down before slowly sliding back up to her eyes. "Good morning." It was. It still felt a little unreal. I was so relieved it hurt. It's hard not to at least ponder the other ways this could have turned out.

Pulling her in I gave her a slow lingering kiss, feeling her smile against my lips. "You have to let me go. I have to pee." She pleaded in a whisper. I released her and she carefully walked to the bathroom. Her posture better than yesterday showing her injuries were giving her less trouble. I would have to watch her closely though, she's to accustom to hiding her injuries.

Throwing the covers to the side I sat up rubbing my face. I would have to shave today, even to me this stubble was irritating. The light spilled in through the window and I stood up to look outside. I smiled thinking about how fitting the weather was. It was going to be a nice day.

Hearing the bathroom door click open, I turned around just in time to see Ally flutter into the closet. I heard her hmmm from inside and rose a brow peeking inside. She held a loose singlet in one hand and a shirt in the other where she stood in her t shirt and under shorts. God I missed those shorts.

Ally grumbled and tossed both of the shirts and grabbed a new one. I laughed catching her attention and earning a smile. "Are you having troubles, kitten?"

"I don't really have to many clothes and definitely not loose ones. I feel like I get tangled in them." She huffed blowing her hair out of her face scowling.

Stepping to the back of the closet, I grabbed one of my old shirts that shrunk before I really got a chance to enjoy it.  I lifted last nights shirt off her carefully. Opening up the neck of the shirt, I slipped the new one over her head and she smirked. "Thank you."

Smiling, I waited for her to slip her arms through and picked out some fresh clothes myself, going for comfortable to lounge in. When I turned back to Kitten she was leaning against the door frame smirking. She'd been watching me get dressed and I gave her a curious look, moving forward.

"Did you sleep well?" I brushed her hair over her shoulder with my fingers and she sighed closing her eyes with a nod. "Good." I kissed her forehead. "Coffee?"

"It's two in the afternoon." She told me and I looked at my watch. Really. No wonder I felt so much better.

"Do you care?" I asked.

Ally chuckled and shook her head. "No, but I'm just going to make another cup of tea."

Downstairs my father was already holed up in his office talking away on the phone. Ally tapped on the door and I left her to talk to my father before she made her way to the kitchen.

"How is she?" I smiled at my mother.

"If we all keep asking her we will drive her crazy." I gently reminded my mother.

She scowled at me. "Beside the point."

"She's doing ok, mom." I kissed my mother's head good morning. "What are you making?"

"Blueberry muffins." She answered.

My mothers blueberry muffins always came out purple with all the extra juice she adds but they were by far the best and she made them at least once a week. I moved around to the table and sat down with Tom and Vance.

"What do you want to do today?" Vance asked and Tom rose a brow at him.

"What do you have in mind?" Ally wouldn't be able to move around a whole lot so I wasn't sure what we really could do except for sit around the house.

Losing All But The Fight. (complete) updated.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt