Chapter 24

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Chapter 24.

I walked into my fathers office to find him up long passed the rest of the house had fallen to sleep. He sat behind his dimly lit desk leaning back in his chair absently staring at a few files spread out across its surface. He turned his head in my direction with a look of faint surprise. "You couldn't sleep either, I see." He softly spoke. "How do you think she's doing? I mean honestly?" He huffed, then shook his head in a second thought. "Would any of us even know?"

My father seemed deeply shaken by Ally's arrival. His concern over her filled me with an odd sense of pride. I wondered what he saw in that little girl so many years ago that made him so, stuck on her, driven to help her even if she had no idea. 

"I think finding out that you have a whole group of contacts in branches of law enforcement that have been helping drop her name off reports was a shocker." I eyed my father. "You know you suck at being retired."

He chuckled. "I know. Never wanted it. So I've made a few calls and in two days this." He gestured around the house. "Will become camp. The team I've been working with are flying in and we have a group of seals coming in to secure the property. Alexandra knows its happening. That's why I asked how you thought she's doing." His expression dropped and he looked back to his desk.

"I've heard of the Trovessa's." I told him, taking a seat in the leather chair across from his large desk. "But just heard." 

"She zones off around Vance and I sometimes. Vance says not to snap her out of it until she's ready and neither one of us knew her story." I spoke after a short silence. I knew she was seeing things. Remembering.

"Nothing that girl does is without reason. She didn't tell your brother to protect him. I just wish I could have gotten through to her the last time I saw her." He firmly informed me, a glum expression on his face. "She calculates everything and learned early. She hasn't had anyone she could trust." My father picked up a glass from his desk and leaned back in his chair thoughtfully before he began to speak again.

"I just don't know what kind of damage she will endure after this is over. She's already endured so much. From what I see here..." He pointed at the files. "She's right about the army and she's right that we have to take down the entire structure to stop it. Elijah works with scientist on human conditioning. Her father is going to go down for conspiracy in relation to acts of terrorism against the us government on top of some of the other charges. His weapons trade has grown substantially since his incarceration and Ally has proof of human trafficking as well as pictures."

"How did you know she would go against them dad?" I asked. "Why did you put all your cards on her all those years ago? From what I've figured out today after all these years you were still betting on her and I know bits and pieces of her story. She's been made to do some horrible things and I know how that looks from the law enforcement side."

He sat up straighter and gave me a long look before pulling himself out of the chair to make another drink. "I just knew. So did some of the others I worked with. She was a very different child. It was plain as day to the few people who were aloud to interact with her when we had her in custody when she was a little girl." He studied the painting on his office wall but I knew it wasn't the art that put that look in his eyes and I patiently waited for him to continue. 

"We received a warrant and were able to pick Elijah up as a suspect in her mothers murder. Her brother was picked up too. He was a teenager back then, about 19. We cleared everyone else out of the house. We had to use inferred to figure out where the hell she was." He shook his head, remembering. "I just had a feeling. I told her about you and your brother back then. she might not remember. Alexandra didn't have a family, only her mother. She only came down because I reasoned with her like an adult and she knew she was alone and we weren't supposed to hurt her. Your brother found her and you both got her to me."

I nodded as he handed me a glass. For a man who was usually reserved I was willing to listen especially if the subject matter was our , Kitten. "I think she met us for a reason." I spoke. "She defiantly didn't kill me because of you. You know how shocked I was that that little woman bested me...and froze. She froze."

Dad smiled but sadly, as if he were at war with himself over his son getting hurt and his fondness for Ally. "You're lucky." He sat, ready to continue his story. "My commanding officer and I had to squeeze through between the walls and found her up next to a heating vent. That's why we couldn't find her. She knew we were using inferred."

"She was a kid. How did she even know what it meant? What it was?" I asked in disbelief finding it hard to picture a little ass kicker in pigtails. I shook my head.

"That's not the point." He set down his empty glass. "That girl has seen to much, grew up in a horrific environment. No place for a normal person let alone a child. All she had was herself to count on. We tried to help. I did. Alexandra continued to sacrifice herself long enough to get all of this." He gestured to the files. "This..." He gestured to a stack he turned around. "Is calculated and so organized that she has connections to other events at the back of each file, lists, names, prof of presence. She made sure that there was enough information here that was actually legally admissible, so that almost none of them will avoid jail time." My dad shook his head in grief. "She might not know what to do with herself when this is over and we have to prepare for that too."

I gave it some thought as did my father. He was right. "She has us, now. She's happy with Vance and I. At least she seems to be. Tom sees a difference too. Vance was surprised she even took a liking to me." I sighed. "It's something."

"You're right." He paused closing up and locking his desk. "I'm glad she fights so hard against them." My father took the last drink from his glass. "If she would have chosen to follow instead of take the risk of running. That girl would cause the world a heap of trouble."

"She's sweet dad." I tilted my head. How much did he really know about how she turned out. "Thought you might want to know she grew a big heart."

My father smiled with pride and patted my back before sending me off. "Thanks son. I needed that. I don't know how she got it but I needed to hear that."

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