Year 3- Chapter 18- The start to another year.

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Another year to write, more stories to share. This year might be abit boring but I'm going to try and make it enjoyable.

As always over the break I wrote to Hermione, Ron and Harry when I could, of course seeing Regan as much as I could. In those letters it had been agreed that we would meet at the Leaky Couldron a couple of days before we go back to Hogwarts. The Weasley family had spent the whole time in Egypt so letters from them were irregular but was nice to hear from them. The only problem with us going to the Leaky Couldron is that I would be leaving my parents a few days before I normally would but it also means I get to see my best friends sooner, so can't complain. My suitcases and trunks are packed, Star is in her cage, my robes are washed, folded and waiting to be worn again, I'm really looking forward to being back at my home away from home. I had new lessons this year, new teachers and a chance to make new friends, hopefully this year doesn't get interupted by anything and I can focus just on studying and exams. I was dressed in a pair of black skinny ripped jeans with my yellow knitted jumper with a big red L on the front of it that was a present from Mrs Weasley from my first christmas at Hogwarts,I wore my standard chunky platform black trainers, comfortable and gives me some height. I grabbed my small overnight bags for when I'm at the Leaky Couldron so I don't have to dig through my massive trunks full of clothes and school supplies, it's easier and more convienent. I reached the bottom of the stairs in my muggle home, to be greated by my parents waiting to see me off before the year ahead. I gave them both a massive hug and told them I'll miss them and love them, they returned this and told me to stay out of trouble.I grabbed my trunks that I would need for the first few weeks until my other trunks get sent to Hogwarts and headed out the door and a few houses down the road to where I would be meeting Regan and where the night bus will be picking us from, I've heard the night bus is certainly a fun way to travel but it's the fastest way to travel especially at night. We wasn't waiting long before the bus turned up and we told the construstor where we would like to go. We found a bed, placed our trunks next to them and strapped in for the journey ahead, I had no idea how long the journey to The Leaky Couldron would be so I was expecting it to be a long one. Regan and I spent the whole journey the same way we did in first year, talking about what we was looking forward too this year at Hogwarts, and the lesson we was most excited for. Before we had time to think about how long we have left in the journey to the Leaky Couldron we had already arrived and was being shoved off with our bags. We collected oursleves and picked up our things before heading in and into our shared room for the night. Hermione and the Weasleys are already here but it's late at night so we would have to have the reunion tomorrow. The Leaky Couldron is a hotel or place to stay for Wizards and witches only so you can have now fear of being caught if you use magic and you can be truly yourself. We changed into PJs before jumping into bed and falling into a deep slumber.

The next morning we woke up refreshed and ready for the day ahead which I have no doubt will be a hectic one as we was boarding the Hogwarts express in a few hours. Regan and I showered and got dressed before heading down for breakfast. Already downstairs was Hermione and Ron so when we walked down the stairs we was ambushed with hugs from them. It was so nice to see them and be back with my second family, it also made the fact that we was going back to Hogwarts today even more real. Of course it didn't take Hermione and Ron to start arguing about something as they always do, I was sitting there watching them while laughing away to myself, all while this was going on no one had realised that Harry had joined us downstairs until Ron spotted him at the bottom of the stairs. We all hugged him one by one and sat down at the table where we was informed as to what Harry had been up to and of course his so called family was causing problems again. Ron told us all about his time in Eygpt and how they made front cover of the newspaper, we was inturupted by Fred and George teasing Ron about showing us the newspaper article, I stood up and gave them both a hug before being joined by Molly,Arthur and Ginny again all exchanging hugs. We sat back down at the table and conversed in random chit chat when I noticed Mr Weasley taking Harry of to the side to have a chat with him, I wonder what that is about. After the small reunion we found oursleves on Platform 93/4 boarding the train. 7 hours awaited us before we made it to the school. There wasn't any free compartments so we had to sit in one that held a sleeping fgure in the corner, we made the most of the space we had. It was a very dull rainy day, I have a bad feeling something is bound to happen. Harry explained to the 4 of us the coverstion he had with Mr Weasley earlier this morning. I knew Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban well I mean everyone knew this but I didn't think it would be because he wanted to kill Harry. All the sudden the train came to a hault and jolted to stillness, the lights in the train went out and the whole train went cold, then another jolt was felt. A tall black ghost figure stood outside the door before turning to Harry and started what seemed like sucking his soul out his body before the figure in the corner jumped up and sent the figure flying and out of the compartment. Harry fell to the floor unconscious, he was only out for a few minutes but it was a scary few minutes, why would that thing attack him, was it sent by Sirius. Hermione crouched next to Harry while he was coming round,as soon as he was sat up the figure -who we found out to be Professor Lupin a new teacher this year- handing Harry some chocolate telling him that it helps. Harry stutterly asked "what, what was that thing that came?" Professor replied, "that was a dementor, guards of azkaban, searching the train for Sirius Black, now excuse me I need to have a word with the driver" he stood up and walked out closing the door behind him. We soon arrived at Hogwarts after changing into our robes, we found ourselves in the familiar surroundings of the great hall for the first feast of the year before lessons started tomorrow. The feast started off with some student in the school choir singing a song, during the performance I found myself looking around the hall for a certain someone who I didn't get a chance to see much last year because of everything that happened, I was hoping i'd see him again some point this year, I was brought out my thoughts when Dumbledore spoke, he intoduced Professor Lupin as the new DADA teacher,just after that I heard wispering coming from behind Harry of course it was Malfoy, he was teasing Harry for fainting on the train, I simply gave him a dirty look and told him to shove off, I'm convinced just has he was about to turn back round I saw him smile my way, I'm confused on whats happening between us because when it is just the two of us he is pleasent towards me but horrible when with his friends, I suppose he is like that with everyone though. I tried not to think about it too, thankfully I had Dumbledore to do this for me as he continued his speech, Hagrid woulf be the new Care for Magical Creatures Teacher as the previous teacher decided to retire, I was looking forward to having Hagrid teach us. He also informed us that the school will be host to dementors due to the escaped Sirius Black and Azkaban think its best to have them guarding every entrance. Dumbledore finished his speech and it was time for the food, I love Hogwarts food there is always alot of choices to pick from and my belly always thanks me after, ok maybe not always but I like my food. We spent the whole time catching up with Neville, Seamus and a few other students on what they did over the school break, sounds like they all had a great time. Dinner was finished and it was time to head to bed, we made our way up the Gryffindor Tower, said the password to the painting and was let in, walked up the huge amounts of stairs to Hermione, Regan and I's dorm to change and settle down for the night before classes tomorrow. It seemed to take me ages to drift off, my mind was wondering to all sorts of places, when was I going to see Cedric again, Do I have feeling for Cedric, Why was Draco they way he is with me, Why was Draco on my mind, What if a Dementor attacks me, alot of what if and why's, my brain was being frazzled by this all. Eventually I did managed to get some sleep but I think it was only 5 hours worth, the rooms alarms blared, I slowly pushed myself up, Put my slipper on and headed to the showers to get ready for the day before breakfast and first lesson of the day. Lets do this.


Very boring chapter I know but it's just to set the scene.

Lindsey x

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