Part 164

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Suka ,the son of Ved Vyasa smiled at Parikshit's enthusiasm.He teased him." Prince Parikshit! My father told me the story of Raj Kumar Arjun's excellence in use of weapons. I am fortunate enough to listen to this even before he penned the actual Mahabharat. But whenever I visit you,I am forced to narrate you this part again and again. Don't you want to move ahead ?
Suka is elder to Pari but he has a great rapport with Arjun's grandson. He frequently visits him and spend time with him only. At a young age Suka gained mastery over his senses and studied Vedas and Sastras. He told his father that he will be a sanyasi and lead his life accordingly.

Ved Vyas was sad but finally accepted Suka's wish. Strangely Suka who never interacts with anyone developed a soft corner for the future hope of Pandavas,Arjun's grandson Parikshit. He liked the dark handsome boy of fourteen years who has a dual personality. He lives the life of a prince but he has this detached mindset that peeps out of his Royal countenance,that attracted Suka so much.
Parikshit insisted." I want to swallow the extraordinary excellence of my grand father Arjun. That also listening from some one like you who got it from Sri Vyasa is too tempting. As much as I want to make it fast in my weaponary training My grand father is moving it slow. He says I don't need to hurry up since situation in Aryavarth is not like it used to be in his time. I may not need to fight that many wars.Still I want to learn atleast one tenth of what my grandfather mastered."

Suka nodded his head and continued.
The science of arms (Dhanurved) classes arms under four heads, viz ., Mukta, Amukta ,
Muktamukta , and Yantramukta . A Mukta weapon is one that is hurled from the hand, as a discus. An
Amukta is not hurled from the hand, as a sword. A
Muktamukta is one that is sometimes hurled and sometimes not, as a mace. A Yantramukta is one shot from a machine, as an arrow or a ball. All Mukta weapons are Astras, while all Amukta ones are called sastras.
There are four kinds of weapons -
1). Mukta weapons ( weapons which can be hurled by hands such as discus,dart and other things such as trees and stones)
2). Amukta weapons ( weapons which cannot be hurled by hands such as sword,noose and bow)
3). Muktamukta weapons ( weapons which can be sometimes hurled and sometimes cannot be hurled by hands like mace,lance and spear )
4). Yantramukta weapons ( weapons which can be hurled only by a machine like arrows or ball
Accomplished in all weapons, Arjuna became the foremost of even the foremost of car-warriors; and his fame spread all over the earth to the verge of the sea. And although the instruction was the same, the mighty Arjuna excelled all (the princes in lightness of hand). Indeed, in weapons as in devotion to his preceptor, he became the foremost of them all.

'Thereafter Drona began to teach Arjuna the art of fighting on horse-back, on the back of elephants, on car, and on the ground. And the mighty Drona also instructed Arjuna in fighting with the mace, the sword, the lance, the spear, and the dart. And he also instructed him in using many weapons and fighting with many men at the same time. And hearing reports of his skill, kings and princes, desirous of learning the science of arms, flocked to Drona by thousands."

Suka stopped as Arjun entered with Uttara. He stood up and Arjun greeted him.He asked him." Did Ved Vyasji arrive from Ganga teer? I want to know about my mother and Gandhari mata and Ofcourse Jyesht Pita."
Suka replied." He may come within one week. I will inform him about your wait for him" He glanced at Parikshit and nodded his head to take leave.

Arjun stared at his disappearing figure and wondered.How could a person look so splendid in such a young age? Suka's face shines with the light of his knowledge.

Arjun turned to Parikshit and asked." How is your practice? Shall I help you in anyway?"
Parikshit clung to him and protested." Who helped you in your training? Still you surpassed everyone. In spite of having you with me I can't make it fast."
Arjun kissed on his forehead and assured." You will learn but where is the hurry? Still you are a kid only."
Uttara laughed and remarked." He is fourteen years old still he is a kid for you. Don't pamper him that much."
Uttara took Parikshit with her and Arjun reminisced his training days at Drona's gurukul.

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