Part 72

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It has been more than one month since the marriage of Uttara and Abhimanyu happened. War will start after twenty days sharp. The preparations are going on at a faster pace. Uttara is combing Abhi's hair and enjoying the naughty ness of her husband. Abhi teased her ' Have your fill princess. I won't be available for such things afterwards,'

Uttara pouted and questioned.' Why do you say so? Where will you go?' Abhi answered proudly ' Whereelse? But to the battlefield? It is not an ordinary war. Finally I am getting an opportunity to prove myself.' Uttara hugged him from behind.' I know Savyasachi Arjun will always be there to monitor his son who is a little bit over the board.'
Abhi smiled and pulled her on to his lap.' But I would like to do fight on my own not under the protective shade of my father.' Uttara quipped' I hope he will always be there for you.'

That evening turned to night which brought immense joy in Pandavas camp. Uttara complained of giddiness and was examined by Raja Vaidyaa who declared the good news,Uttara is pregnant . Every one is elated and are in high spirits. Krishna sighed in relief.' The purpose for getting you married to Subhadra has been served. Aryavarth will have a successor to Kuru throne,' He told Arjun who was confused and irked.'

Madhav you always talk in riddles.How could Abhi get the throne when Prati is elder to him? I can't understand' Krishna replied in a firm voice' I talked about Abhi's  son not Abhi or Prati.' Arjun stared at him trying to grasp the essence of his words. Krishna pulled him up and dragged him ahead abruptly diverting his attention.' Let us go .The meet to discuss about the commander in chief is going to start, your Eldest gets tensed up if we are not in time.After that we will enjoy being grand fathers to be and celebrate with the ladies.'

Arjun smiled at that and felt great, He still remember holding Abhi first time in his arms , Now his little Abhi will hold his son.Yudhishtir asked his brothers who will be the Sarva SenAdhipati for the Seven Akshouhinis army that will fight on Pandava side .Sahadeva said ' Virat. He with his army is loyal to us. Let him be the commander of the whole army Nakul proposed Drupad's name. ' Our Father in law with his experience can guide our army well ' Bheem said Sikhandi.' He is born to take revenge on Pitamah, We should make him Senapati'
Arjun expressed his opinion' Dhrisht Dyumn with his great understanding of vyuhas can counter the plans of Kauravas Also he is equipped with weapons that were granted by the firegod.I think he is young and energetic to bear the pressures of war.' Yudhishtir asked Krishna his choice'  Krishna  said' I will vote for Dhrishtadyumn for the same reasons as told by Parth. Let him be the Senapati' .

'Your favourite son in law opposed your candidature for the commander in chief of the whole Kaurava Army." Panchali told her father after she came to know about the selection of Dhrisht as the Sarva Senadhipati.Drupad looked at his daughter amused at the way she pronounced the Favourite.

Before he could answer Yudhi came and gave explanation.' Forgive us for ignoring you and proceeding with your son.But Arjun's suggestion was supported by Govind.So...Drupad stopped him in the middle.' You did a good thing. At this age it is stressful to bear such big responsibility. Dhrisht is capable and young. He will manage perfectly."
Yudhi still persisted.' But still it hurts. So  I request you to forgive me."
After he left Bheem Nakul and Sahadev came for the same purpose.But the one who is the reason for the whole turmoil didn't turn up.Just when Drupad is about to leave for his rest room with Sikhandi Panchali heard the familiar knock on the door, She opened the door to the third Pandav who is in high spirits following the news of Uttara's pregnancy. He smilingly clasped her waist and about to say something and then observed his father in law and Sikhandi looking embarrassed . Arjun composed himself left Panchali and did Pranam to Drupad.Sikhandi teased him ' I think we should have left a bit early.Just leaving. Feel free ."
Sikhandi always disliked the man woman kind of togetherness and never hesitated to expose her feelings.She has this like dislike kind of relationship with Arjun as she always felt Draupadi is too besotted with Arjun and loses herself to him completely. She liked his extraordinary valour but hated him for sharing Draupadi and for making her a prey to be insulted in Kuru Sabha.
Arjun walked in and Drupad asked him .' Is the division of army complete? You selected seven commanders? " Arjun nodded.' Yes Pitasri, Dhrishtaketu,Chekitan,Sahadev,Satyaki,Sikhandi ,Virat and yourself." Sikhandi fumed.' Who told you to select me? I have my own battle to fight with Santanav Bheeshm.I can't manage your army."
Arjun replied curtly.' Thank your stars. You are the commander of one Akshauhini only.But Bhrata Bheem wanted you to be the chief commander of the whole army.'
The sarcastic tinge in his voice did not escape Sikhandi.' You think I can't manage the whole army? ' Sikhandi questioned him bluntly.Arjun made an innocent face.' When did I say that? Did I say so Pitasri?" He asked Drupad.Panchali nodded her head in despair.She knew her father will never go against Arjun.
Drupad admonished Sikhandi.' When did he say that? Sikhandi you should first hear properly and then speak. Arjun is right. It would have been a difficult task if you lead the whole army. And first understand this. Whoever be the commander he has to work in sink with Arjun's plan.He knows the formations and defence tactics more than any of us.With Arjun at the helm of affairs it is too easy for Dhrisht to manage everything. Arjun,Dont take Sikhandi seriously.I say sorry on her behalf. "
Panchali and Sikhandi looked at each other.They thought that Arjun will  say sorry for not selecting him as Senadhipati.But instead Drupad is saying sorry," Drupad continued.' Arjun I thank you for not selecting me for the pivotal post. Only you understood how precarious it will be for me at this age.You removed the burden from my head. Dhrisht will perform well under your guidance. Don't hesitate to scold him if he underperforms."
Drupad moved out with Sikhandi who could see the smile at the corner of Arjun's eyes.Panchali turned her face away and walked in.Arjun followed her and hugged her from behind.' I came to wish the grand mother to be. But you are busy with your father. " Panchali retorted.' Ofcourse I am happy to be the grand mother.But I doubt you will ever change atleast after becoming a grand father."
Arjun laughed and turned her towards him.He took her face in his hands and whispered.' Who  will believe that you will be a grand mother? Just no signs of age on you.You are ever young and fresh. What nectar are you drinking daily? May I have some of it? " Panchali blushed and pouted.' Your son is getting a son. And your playfulness remains as it is. Learn to be like a Pitamah."
Arjun bent forward and out rightly declined her suggestion.' See how beautiful the winter night is. The campfire also won't work now. Only the Fireborn can offer me warmth.Krishnaa ,age is not effective on heart. It can effect body. But in your case age stopped showing effect. And I hope it did not show much effect on me even' Arjun said with attitude. Panchali raised her lotus eyes to see her ever energetic and handsome husband smiling with confidence.She thought to herself' How true his words are. With age he became more desirable and charming.She bit her lower lip trying to hide her besotted feelings bending her face down.

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