Part 160

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Bheema asked Sahadev " You got any message? When will Arjun and Panchali return? "
Nakul laughed." Bhrata Bheem only four days since they went. You are missing them already. May be you feel Panchali's absence more because you both work together. By the way where are they right now?" He asked Sahadev.

Sahadev nodded his head." I don't know exactly. Some where near Ahichatr. They may stay there for one week more."

Bheema showed his desperation." I also should have went with them. I miss them so much."

Yudhishtir took the coconut water served to him and said." I heard sage Ved Vyas reached them.Sahadev you are bringing Mata and Gandhari Mata back today?" Sahadev nodded his head. Jyesht pita asked me to bring them. I am starting now."

Kunti asked Sahadev." Any message from Arjun? When will they be back? "

Gandhari admonished." Not even four days passed. You started your sulking? Let them breath free away from routine."

Kunti tried to explain." Bahu has so much to look after. Our journey day also is coming nearer. She has to look after finances help Bhim maintain food matters. Above all she has to attend the Sabha with Eldest as the queen atleast twice. What will people think if they know the queen went out for a long spell? "

Gandhari raised her hand." Enough of the list of duties she has to fulfill. Kunti, first time she went to spend time with her husband and to pay respects to Krishna. She is not answerable to people of Hastinapur. Ask your other bahus to attend to Bheem and your Eldest's needs. The one who won her certainly has this much right to take her along with him."

Kunti became silent. How could her Gandhari Didi understand the delicacies of polyandry? Panchali being with Arjun will surely attract gossip mongers. Even her co wives may comment on this. Luckily Chitra is away and Subhadra is in Dwaraka. ..She instructed Sahadev to send message to Arjun to return back as early as possible.

Sahadev told her clearly." Mata no one knows the place where they met Govind."

Kunti looked at him with disbelief while Gandhari smiled with glee.

Arjun asked Krishna." Why are you so adamant and not come to Hastinapur? Come with Subhadra. You can see your Bua off . Mata also will feel satisfied."

Krishna did not relent." Parth Dwaraka is in such a position that I can not think of moving away even for a  second.The youth are becoming lazy,arrogant and addicted. If I stay there things are coming under control. Don't you know how desparate I am to meet you? Luckily Satya's cousin's marriage gave me the opportunity.

How is Rukmini Didi ? She must be spending good time with her ladli Subhadra." Arjun said.
Krishna agreed." Yes Parth. She is immensely happy to have Subhadra in Dwaraka. Pragati is her beloved child. Didn't you remember. She always used to hold her at Indraprasth. 

Arjun's face turned pale thinking of the good old days spent at Indraprasth." Why did you let the dice game happen? You should have prevented it . Everything would have remained so peaceful without any disturbance.And my Abhi, Kirti.."

Arjun's voice broke with emotion that brought tears in his eyes. Krishna hugged him close and promised." You will meet Abhi and Kirti and whoever died at Kurukshetra for a brief time. I promise."

Arjun could not believe his ears." Are you joking? Will you make it happen? Are you serious?" Arjun bombarded his Madhav with his questions.

Krishna smiled at Ved Vyas who just entered and assured Arjun." Yes. I am serious.You will meet your beloved sons."

Ved Vyas folded his hands." Blessed is the one who is loved by you so much. Phalgun! I envy you Putr." He admitted.

Krishna told him" Rishivar. My promise should be honoured by you at a right time. "

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