Part 127

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After the death of Karna Duryothan plunged in the river of grief. Kripacharya counselled him." Yuvraj.the great Bheeshma,Drona and Karna were vanquished by Savyasachi. Jayathrath was killed by that hero when all of us stood there helpless and stupefied.You collected eleven akshouhinis army but that was wiped off almost by the wielder of Gandiva like heaps of cotton extinguished by fire.
Now the Sparks of Gandiv will scatter the remaining army of the Kurus. Who can resist Arjun in battle? Your army became leaderless. I advise you to save yourself by making peace with Pandavas.If Dhritarashtr requests Krishna to stop the war he will oblige.Do that now."
Duryothana disagreed.He said." I prefer to die in the battlefield fighting till my last breath.I can't make peace with Pandavas."
Then on the advice of Aswathama Duryothan made Salya the chief commander of his army.
Having heard of this Krishna goaded Yudhishtir." Use your ascetic powers and slay Salya in battle."
As the battle began Arjuna rushed to slay the Samsaptakas who are less in number now as he himself destroyed them fiercely till then.
Nakula killed Sushena ,another son of Karna in battle.
Salya fought fiercely and destroyed Pandava army in huge numbers.
Bheema killed Salya's horses and his driver.
A great mace fight happened between Bheema and Salya
Both were wounded severely and Kripa took Salya away in his chariot.
A great battle happened between Arjuna and Aswathama.
Aswathama covered the two Krishnas with hundreds of arrows.Then the straight arrows released by Arjun covered the whole battlefield.The battle ground looked like the sporting ground of Rudra.
Aswathama's horses and chariot were killed Then he hurled a big mace with spikes on Arjun.
Arjun smashed that mace with seven arrows.
Aswathama assisted by Samsaptakas fought with Arjun .
Meanwhile Salya wounded Yudhishtitr severely and Nakul rushed to help his brother
After fighting with Salya for a long time Yudhishtir hurled a weapon that he always worshipped towards Salya inspiring it with mantras. It pierced the heart of Salya and entered the earth.Sahadeva killed Sakuni and fulfilled his vow.
Savyasachi exterminated the whole Samsaptakas and kuru army and stood triumphant in the battlefield.
Unable to resist the shafts from Gandiv the soldiers either succumbed or fled away.
Arjun killed the Trigarta king Susarma and put an end to the long standing rivalry between him and Trigarta king.
On seeing every one wiped off except Aswathama,Kritavarma and Kripa Duryothan fled away from the battlefield.

Duryothan went to a lake called Dwaipayan and entered it by Jalastambhan.He got to the bottom and due to his power of illusion the water freezed .He lied down taking rest as his body was highly mangled in the battle.
Yudhishtir was highly agitated on not finding Duryothan anywhere. He sent his men in search of him but they came back of without any news of Duryothan.
Kritavarma Kripacharya and Aswathama went to Dwaipayan lake and called out.' Yuvraj come out of the lake. We are ready to sacrifice our lives for your sake. Let us go and fight with Pandavas. It is not difficult to win. You can still get back the crown."
Duryothan replied from the bottom of the lake." Let us take rest and then fight our rivals. You go and relax for a while. We will then think of our strategy and resume our fight."
The three warriors went away to a secluded spot and rested there without seen by anyone from Pandava side.
Meanwhile some hunters who are acquainted with Bheema observed all this and informed the whereabouts of Duryothan to Bheemasen.
The Pandavas along with Krishna came to Dwaipayana lake.Yudhishtir addressed Duryothan."Why are you hiding here shamelessly? You became the reason for the destruction of the whole clan of Kshatriyas. You always nourished ill feelings towards us. Lakshagrih,The Dice game all these are the result of your wickedness.When we sent Govind to avoid war you did not oblige. Because of you our grandfather,GuruDron,and all our near and dear ones were slain in battle.Be a Kshatriya now and fight with us .We won't leave you till you either win over us or get warrior heaven.
Duryothan replied" Dharma Raj.Go and enjoy the kingdom. I am relinquishing my kingship for your sake. I won't fight with you as I was left with no assistance. No chariot,no wheel protectors,no army at all. So it is not proper for you to fight with me who is helpless."
Yudhishtir replied." Duryothan.I am giving you option. You can fight with any one of us.I give you the chance to select your weapon also. If you win any one of us You can rule over Aryavarth."
Krishna frowned and admonished Yudhishtir." What is this Eldest? Why are you behaving like a fool?
If Duryothan selects any one of you other than Bheem by choosing mace combat what will happen?
Even Bheema is not on par with Duryothan in mace combat. I still doubt Bheema's victory. And you again staked the hard earned kingdom without thinking of the consequences? I think forest life only Is written in the fate of Pandavas. The great Bheeshma,Drona,Karna and others were vanquished by following a plan of action decide by me. I made you follow my plan even though they are unfair by the rules of war. My aim is to establish the Dharma Rajya. It looks like you are bent upon spoiling all that has been achieved by me till now."
Arjun looked at Krishna with bewilderment.What he says is true only.In a split second his Eldest changed the equation itself. Now the possibility of victory swings more towards Duryothan,
Bheema assured Krishna." Don't worry Kanha. It is in my destiny that I should fight with Duryothan and win the final battle. I promise I fulfill my oath taken in Kurusabha."
Krishna and Arjun together hugged Bheem and wished him good luck.
Duryothan came out holding his mace on his shoulder. He told Bheema." You are right. Our fight is inevitable.Thirteen years I practiced with great dedication. I excel every mace wielder except my Gurudev in mace combat. I am ready to fight with you."
Krishna and Arjun sighed with relief.The danger has been averted. That moment Balram who went on pilgrimage before the battle started came there to witness the great fight. He blessed them both." Both are my desciples only. May the best win now." He said.
The mace combat went on with both the Warriors putting their full might in their strokes. Both are acquainted with all kinds of Praharas and are able to guess the moves of each other. While Bheem looked mightier Duryothan excelled with his fine skills that made the celestials hail him with superlatives.
As the fight became intense Yudhishtir got tensed up and wiped off sweat from his forehead.
Arjun observed that and taking Krishna a little side ways asked him." Madhav,who do you think will win today? Is there a chance for Bhrata Bheem to win over?
Krishna nodded his head sounding desparate." I told you Parth. Duryothan is the best mace wielder. He practiced relentlessly for thirteen years with such dedication that he became peerless I must say.
On the other hand Bheem has physical might more than skill in Praharas.That is why he is not able to supercede Duryothan till now.It is a tough fight for Bheem."
Arjun looked at his dear Bhrata Bheem who is putting forth all his might and toiling hard to score over Duryothan invain.
Arjun took Krishna's hand in his and asked softly." So what should he do Madhav?"
Krishna looked deep into Arjun's eyes and said." What else Parth? Bheem should fulfill his oath taken in Kurusabha when Duryothan insulted Krishnaa to sit on his lap. He should break his thighs though it is against the rules of mace combat.But looks like Bheema forgot that completely."
Arjun looked at the warriors. Just then Bheem took two rounds and struck Duryothan but Duryothan ably received that blow and returned it skilfully. But due to the pace involved in that move both of them laid back for a minute to take respite by recovering from exhaustion.
Arjun closed his eyes and visualised the terrible scene of Kurusabha that happened thirteen years back.Just then Dussasan fell on the ground unable to take away the robes that continuously covered Draupadi due to his Madhav's grace. Krishnaa collapsed on the ground with tears in her eyes. Karna taunted her" Princess of Panchal. Your husbands are slaves now. They can not stand by you. Select someone else as your husband." Duryothan laughed with glee and showed his thighs and signalled Draupadi to sit on them.
Arjun opened his eyes which are reddish at the corners indicating his fury. Krishna pressed his shoulder looked into his eyes and nodded.
Arjun strolled off a little nearer and Bheema who is taking rounds for his next Prahara caught his brother's eye. In a split second Arjun looked down and with his left hand slapped on his left thigh.
Bheema grasped his brother's signal and while finishing third round rised higher landed with force on Duryothan striking both his thighs with his big mace.
Duryothan collapsed on the ground with blood flowing from his thighs.Balram shivered with anger. He shouted." Bheem. You crossed the border. You disobeyed the rules of combat. I will smash your head."
He took his mace and jumped towards Bheem to strike him.Krishna stopped him and held him in his strong grip.He gently addressed him." Bhrata.Please compose yourself.No rule is valid when a person has to fulfill his oath.Bheema pledged to break Duryothan's thighs when he insulted Panchali.Moreover Sage Maitreya cursed Duryothan that his thighs will be broken by Bheema in battle. So it is predestined. Calm down. Bheema is not at fault."
Balram fumed at Bheema and expressed his concern for Duryothan.He went off not reconciling with what happened before his eyes.
The mighty Duryothan,The great ruler of Hastinapur met with his downfall and fell on the earth helpless and friendless. Celestials showered flowers on Duryothan for his bravery and boldness and said Sadhu sadhu.

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