Part 195

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Suka stopped his narration and sighed heavily. He looked at Krishna as if to ask whether he did justice to the story narration.
Krishna smiled and asked mischievously. Now I feel your father must have travelled with us on that journey.
Every one clapped their hands and Pari rushed to Krishna and Arjun with beaming face. He hugged them together and gushed..Such an nice it would have been if I was born by did you feel traveling through darkness and light?
Nakula yawned and said...Your Pitamah could live without sleep. So he will be alert even at night time. And my Bhrata Bheem also could manage since he lived with Hidimba bhabhi. Only myself and Eldest can not stay so...see..I am already in half sleep and Eldest in full sleep..
Every one looked at Yudhishtir who lied back on the mat and peacefully asleep.
Devika  tried to wake him up..Sahadev frowned at Nakul and said. Eldest always follow know that.. Why you are pointing out? He gently made Yudhi sit up and then lead him to his hermitage while Devika followed them.
Chitra still couldn't come out of her excitement. How could her husband reach Vaikuntha that easily? She looked at him lovingly and felt proud.
Alli asked directly...You both seem so human but manage to do superhuman things. Are you really Vishnu incarnate?
Arjun felt embarrassed but Krishna laughed with amusement. Ever heard of paradox? He questioned cheekily... Subhadra quipped..We could never get the real fact..I believe. My brother won't share it and my husband himself is too humble and confused..
Arjun smiled and nodded. How nicely you judged us Bhadra..he appreciated.

Ulupi said...I believe in divinity factor. How could a normal human being manage to reach celestial regions? He touched Siva while fighting with him. He went to Vaikuntha. He sat on Indra's throne..
Krishna teased..Don't forget he reached the depths of the land of Nagas...
Ulupi blushed at his hint. Chitra hugged her and said..Ofcourse I thank her for what she did. Otherwise we wouldn't have entered in his life..
Alli,Rekha,and Subhadra expressed their solidarity by saying..So true..We Thank Ulupi.
Arjun observed his fireborn ..who turned her face away...years passed but she still feel bad. for what happened during his pilgrimage..
Arjun lifted Parikshit and started walking. Uttara already went to her hermitage signalling Arjun to bring Pari..Krishna followed Arjun while the ladies jovially started towards their hermitages ..
Satya pulled Panchali up and crossed..Why are you looking dull? You did not like the story?
Panchali smiled and said..Ofcourse I relived the moment. You were the I got tensed up due to his vow...So just felt the pain again..
Satya pressed her hand and said..yes I understand..

Arjun dropped Pari on his bed and said...Now sleep well. No more story sessions again. Be serious and learn your lessons...and Ofcourse I will test yourarchery skills tomorrow.. Specially Sabdabhedi. Be prepared...
Pari nodded his head obediently..and closed his eyes. But what story is left for him to goad Suka..he is in serious thought.
Panchali felt his touch on her waist. She is lying on the mattress ..Pragati is with Kunti.
Arjun turned her towards him and confessed..I swear I love you the most..

Panchali got up and sat..her hair carelessly tied in a lose knot below her back spread like the waves...She raised her hands to get the huge mass of hair into a knot but Arjun pulled her back making her fall on his heart..
Leave it lose...told you many times not to bind it and restrict its freedom..

Panchali sulked...You Know how to win hearts. You use it to your advantage.

Arjun smiled and Said...continue.

Panchali tried to get out of his grip in vain. " You are a flirt. You like to have new relationships,new adventures..
And...Arjun stressed..

Panchali defiantly looked at him and answered... You actually felt so enamoured by request and you lost your control..

Then?   Arjun repeated.

Panchali raised above his heart still surrounded by his arms...Then you conveniently utilised the opportunities...your besotted wives fell in your arms...much to your relief.

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