Part 191

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Uttar saw before him the ocean called The Kuru army.His whole body shivered in fear. He has sweat all over his body. He requested Brihannala.' Please take me back to our city. I can not fight this huge army lead by Maharathis.I am too young to indulge in battle with them. Let us go back Brihannala."
Brihannala laughed at him raising his eyebrows. ' Prince. You boasted that you will get back the cows. How couldYou forget that word ? A Kshatriya should stand firm in battle and fight till he gets victory . Now you should do your duty. I will not turn the chariot back."

Uttar is terrotstriken. He jumped from the chariot and started running towards the city. Arjun placed the whip safely,got down and ran behind Uttar.

Drona is the first one who observed his dearest desciple's resemblance in Brihannala. He said in an excited tone. ' He looks odd with long hair and a lady's garment. But his masculine shoulders tell another story. That long shapeful arms belonged only to Arjun and no one else. But is he risking himself by revealing his form before us?" He looked at Bheeshm with anxiety.

He is afraid that without counting days Arjun is exposing himself that may send them again to Exile. But Bheeshma knows his grandson is too perfect in calculations.

He said with a wry smile addressing Duryothan and clearing Drona's doubt.' The lion was in the cave for thirteen years and suffered. Now he came out to face the herds of elephants.Nothing can stop him now."

Drona understood that his desciple is safe and not in the danger zone In the meanwhile Arjun caught Uttar and brought him back on to the chariot

. Uttar pleaded with him.' Brihannala,please leave me. I will present you gold and ornaments.If you are confident you fight with them. I can not."

Arjun replied firmly.' Yes. I will fight them. You be my charioteer.Now take the chariot to the burial ground where a big Sami tree existed."

After reaching the Samitree Arjun asked Uttar to climb up and bring down the weapons. Uttar is afraid first but finally he climbed up and had a reeling sensation looking at the weapons

.Arjun ordered him  to bring Gandiv and inexaustive quivers. Gandiv appeared like a snake to Uttar but later he could see the bow in its original form

.As he pushed it down with great difficulty Arjun took it in his hands.Uttar is in shock. Where did the Pandavas go keeping their weapons here? They are so noble. What happened to that pious queen Panchali? She must be in troubles. Alas! " he expressed his concern.

Arjun smiled benevolently . ' Don't feel bad Uttar. They successfully completed their exile and incognito. Kanka is Yudhishtir. Valala is Bheem who killed Kichak. Damagranthi and Tantripal are the twins. Sairandhri is Draupadi. And finally I am Arjun.I got this form due to Urvasi's curse. But now it is over.Uttar hurry up. "

Uttar couldn't believe his eyes.' Arjun is my idol. If you are Arjun tell me your ten names.Then I will believe you."

Arjun described his ten names. ' Arjun is my name given at the time of my birth. I was born at the constellation of Uttar Phalguni .So I am called Phalgun.My mother Kunti is Pritha. So I got the name Parth. Indra presented me a Devine crown  when I conquered Kalakeyas. So I am Kiriti. I always have white horses tied up to my chariot. So I am Sweta Vahan. I brought unlimited wealth conquering all the kings.So I am Dhananjay.I never do Bhayanak things in the battlefield. So I am Bhibhatsu.I always win the battle. Hence I am Vijaya.While fighting with enemies I desire victory and I will never allow anyone to harm my Eldest. So I am  Jishnu. I can shoot arrows with both my arms. So I am Savyasachi..An extra name is there for me That is Krishna .it indicates my dark complexion. Are your doubts cleared now? "

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