Part 181

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Gandhari touched Kunti's hand..Share it with me.. Why are you silent?
Kunti replied in a shivering tone.." Pooling up courage Didi.. Your Kunti whose steely resolve paved the way for her sons to establish themselves as the rulers...whose quick decision to share her Bahu among her five sons resulted in unity of the brothers now faces the truth unveiled before her eyes. The curtain that prevented her to see the real feelings of her Bahu is burnt by the fire of truth..

Gandhari said... Good for you.. it should happen..but it happened at the last phase of your life. Otherwise you would have offered solace to that innocent girl who is most effected by your decision..
Kunti did not say anything..She still did not come out of the revelations that she came across last night.. She want to relive the night..
The Indraprasth royal palace celebrated the news of Arjun's marriage with Subhadra... Kunti is on cloud nine. Her Phalgun turned her dream true.. Subhadra her coveted niece will enter Indraprasth as the coveted Bahu...
Priyamvada came there to give her milk. Kunti asked with surprise." Where is Bahu? Why did you bring? She did not attend morning puja also.

Priyamvada had a grim expression on her face.. She did not open the doors yet... yesterday afternoon her chamber was closed...When the news of Arjun's marriage with Subhadra was announced...
Kunti fumed at her." Why did you let her do so? Is it a new thing if he married again? My other sons brought wives..she was fine.. Priyamvada  she must be unwell..don't draw conclusions..
Priyamvada looked at her with despair and said.. If you want to deceive yourself do so. I said the fact.

Panchali is serving ...the dinner is in progress. After one and half day she opened the doors much to the relief of every one..
Bheema asked her with concern." If you are indisposed there is Rajavaidyaa to help you. Or is it for different reason ...Arjun's marriage with Subhadra..

It has nothing to do with Bahu's illness. Bheem don't think in such ways...Kunti who entered declared firmly.. Draupadi raised her eyes and looked at her for a split second...Then she moved ahead to serve..
Kunti now understood the look...not then.. the look that revealed her pain,her despair,her disappointment.. Then she brushed it off as nothing significant..

Subhadra's arrival.. Panchali did Aarti.. She Kunti was immersed in pampering Subhadra. But she now remembered the eye lock that spelt the truth.. Arjun's besotted look..Panchali's angry glance..and Panchali still gazing at Arjun through the Aarti flame...She noticed it but..overlooked..
Kunti wiped her tears and lead Gandhari inside.. She made her relax on the bamboo asan... Gandhari took her hand and stopped her.." Kunti.. immensely grateful to almighty for making you realise the true love... Whatever wrong you did will be wiped off with your tears.
Kunti came to her hermitage her mind still is under the spell of past night's revelations..
Panchali 's whole demeneur changed with Phalgun's arrival..Twelve years she Kunti witnessed a detached queen, dignified,serious and focussed on Indraprasth's financial administration. ..But with Arjun in Indraprasth...she looked different,beautiful with minimum make up and ornaments she shone like she never did before.
Bheem used to comment... Where did this beautiful princess disappeared all these years..
She Kunti feared the unity of Pandavas at stake?
Now she repent. Why didn't she think about her third son who suppressed his love to honour her wish.
Yes Arjun married multiple times.. but Panchali is his first love first wife..
How could she forget the way he celebrated her birthday?
The day after her birthday..Indraprasth..

Priyamvada signalled Kunti to wards Panchali who is looking as fresh as a blue lotus.. She wore an ananda colour saree with white upper garment..Her eyes..indicate her sleepless night.
When did they return from boat ride..she asked Priyamvada.

Priyamvada replied..Just before Arjun's practice hour..
Kunti sulked. Her other sons never went on such shires with Panchali. Of course they went with their wives. But Arjun is different.. He always enjoys nature worship..
Arjun and Krishna entered with beaming faces.. Satya taunted them." Where did you go after Arjun's practice... All of us are waiting..
Really ? All are waiting? Arjun repeated side glancing Panchali.. Krishna answered mischievously." Any doubt Parth? Above all someone is desparately waiting for you...and of course  dearest Satya always does...
Panchali turned away on the pretext of arranging breakfast for them. She Kunti could clearly see the blush that crept on her cheeks, the beautiful smile that hid behind her reddish lips..
Instead of feeling joyous for the way Panchali is melting towards her third son,she is apprehensive of her other sons who are present there though they are with their wives..
Now she understood how the expression of love reigned supreme in the hearts of her Phalgun and his first wife..

The Fateful Evening part 2Where stories live. Discover now