Part 76

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Arjun opened his eyes suddenly. Seeing Draupadi he moved and made place for her on his couch.' Why are you roaming without sleep? See your eyes! I think you should have stayed back at Upaplavya." He scolded with concern. Panchali is miffed.' You think I could stay back? Never. If that is the case I would have gone back to Panchal thirteen years back." Arjun enjoyed seeing the frown on her face that made her look more beautiful.He gave a piece of advice to her observing the expressions on her face.' Better late than never.Now I very much wish you take your sons to Panchal. Wait I will ask my father in law also to go back. Then I will send Abhi,Uttara and Subhadra to Dwaraka. Then I will be at peace." Panchali got up to say good nite but was not allowed to go.Arjun did not let her get up.' Honestly all my fears and concerns will blowoff in your presence.Krishnaa I very much want you here with me. But my only fear is you will be effected by day to day war happenings. "
Arjun's face became dull as if he is foreseeing future incidents. Panchali took his head on her waist standing nearer to him.'She said in a low voice.' Arjun,I heard tomorrow you go and discuss the rules of war with Pitamah.I want you to be bold and calm when you face him.Remember it is not easy for him also to fight with you whom he loves like his own son.So don't make things difficult for him."
Arjun silently nodded his head indicating his approval.He asked her.' Did you set up every thing for my early morning Sivabhishek? I would complete it before I go around the camp to check my army." Panchali smiled.' Ofcourse your excellence,I did everything for you. You can proceed."
Arjun looked up and smilingly said.' Thank you my queen."...
The morning brought the news of an unwanted visitor seeking entrance into the Pandava camp.He was Rukmi,the Vidarbha prince and brother of Rukmini.After politely offering him hospitality,Yudhishtir enquired his welfare. Rukmi is arrogant. He nodded his head indicating everything fine and turned towards Arjun and boasted.' Arjun,It is your good luck if I fight  on your side.Dont be afraid of the Kaurava army with so many Maharathis. They are nothing before me.You just relax and watch . I will finish of your rivals."
Every one who listened his words got hurt at his boastfulness. Arjun looked at Krishna who is smiling ,calm and composed. He thought of Rukmi's shamelessness as Krishna who defeated Rukmi at the time of Rukmini's abduction is sitting there.Arjun looked at Rukmi with his natural attitude and said.' When Duryothan was imprisoned by Gandharvas You were nowhere to help me. When I fought with Kaurava army at Virat singlehandedly I didn't seek your help.Now you think I need your help? I don't need your services. You can go somewhere and help those in need. I don't need you in my camp."
Rukmi fumed at Pandavas but went off and met Duryothan. There also he was rejected. He returned back to Vidarbha disappointed. Only two persons did not participate in war. They are Balram and Rukmi.Afterwards Krishna,Dhrisht ,Pandavas ,and Sikhandi went to the decided place where they have to discuss rules with Pitamah.It was nearer to Duryothan's camp as no one wants to give trouble to Pitamah by asking him to come to a far away place. Bheeshm.Dron,Kripa,Aswathama,Karna,Duryothan and Dussasan met the Pandava warriors.

Kurukshetr and River Hiranvati always  had the kind of peace and tranquility that made the sages establish their hermitages there and pursue spiritualism.But the whole scene got changed with the advent of Kuru Pandav soldiers. Every where activity enthusiasm and apprehension.But generations together will remember the destruction and bloodshed that happened due to the animosity between the Pandavas and Kauravas

.Krishna addressed the gathering that met to discuss the rules.' I request Pitamah Bheeshm to decide the rules of war." Bheeshm got up looked at all those waiting for him to speak.' I welcome every one who gathered here. The war that will start day after tomorrow marks the clash of ideologies,I won't blame any one side for this. Both are equally responsible for such an unwanted  war that may lead to total loss and destruction.But let us move forward and prepare ourselves for day after tomorrow's battle. The war will start one hour after Sunrise and continue till sunset.Atirathi should fight with Atirathi, Maharathi should fight with Maharathi and so on.Multiple warriors should not attack a single warrior. Night battle should not be allowed. Wounded soldiers should be taken care of with utmost attention. Remember we all are honourable citizens first and then we are acclaimed warriors. Let us keep our reputation intact."

Arjun looked at his white beard which he used to pull and play in his childhood.Now destiny made him stand up against his dearest Pitamah. Will he be able to shoot an arrow at him? Kunti Mata used to be fed up of him as he always used to throw tantrums to eat food. Then Pitamah will make him sit on his lap and make him eat by telling stories of Kuru warriors.He used to say.' My son,you should excell all our ancestors including me in valour."

But he never said that he should prove his valour by striking at him only.Duryothan arranged snacks and drinks to all of them.Krishna brought Parth out of his thoughts ' Are you sleeping Parth? Enjoy the hospitality of Hastinapur." He handed over the drink to Arjun.Grand Father took Badami milk and looked at his dearest grandson . Destiny brought them against each other.Arjun is dearer to him than anyone in this world.Now if at all he has to move to the other world he would like to do it at Arjun's hands.Suddenly the  Badami struck in his throat and he started coughing.

Every one panicked. Arjun ran to him and clasped him ,tapped on his head by bending his head down. The Badami piece came out of his mouth and then Arjun offered him water.' Duryothan's face became red. He scolded his attendants.' Why did you leave pieces of Badame? Can't you put powder in Pitamah's bowl?Dussasan,Don't let them repeat it again."

Pitamah took Arjun in his arms and kissed him on his forehead.' Don't worry. I am alright.I won't leave until you help me leave this world." Arjun sulked.He looked deep in to his eyes expressing his hurt feelings.Duryothan became impatient seeing the bonding of GRANDFATHER AND PARTH.Krishna observed that and approached Arjun .' Santanav Bheeshm,We are grateful to you for your guidance and blessings. We take leave as of now. Parth,let us leave. He will take rest."
Arjun hugged his grandfather tightly and whispered.' Take care ." ...

Panchali asked Krishna and Arjun curiously.' What happened there? Is everything fine? " Krishna smiled .' Panchali  I have to drag Arjun literally from his grandfather. He wanted to re experience his childhood by sitting on his lap.  "

Arjun desparately pointed out.' That Duryothan boasts he is takingcare of him properly. But he can not even make him drink proper Badami milk.And he wants Pitamah to fight the war at the stake of his life." Krishna Warned him.' Parth,Don't be that sentimental.It happened by mistake. Now think more about how to face The Great warrior Bheeshm .No one except you can tackle him." After Krishna left Panchali asked Arjun.' Are you  fine?" Arjun replied matter of factly.' I hope I am . "

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