Part 121

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Arjun lowered his eyes and said." I regret blaming my revered brother.I incurred sin. Hence I want to kill myself with this sword." Krishna patiently said." Parth you regret blaming your elder brother.Now if you kill your self it incurs more sin.Now I show you a way. You praise yourself as that is equal to death.Do it Parth."
Arjun  started looking defiantly into his Eldest's eyes." You know Eldest.There is no other bowman on the earth equal to me other than Sankar Shiv.He also praised me with affection.You are able to do Rajsuya because I subjugated all the Kings and brought tributes.Who can stand before me in battle? Slaughtered by me the huge Kaurava army looked almost lost and very less no. I already finished off most of the Samsaptakas.Now sitting together in one chariot  with Madhav I will proceed to kill Karna. I won't put off my armour without killing Karna today."
Then Arjuna touched the feet of his Eldest and asked for forgiveness.
Yudhishtir raised Arjun up and with regret said thus."  I am the worst among men. I am the exterminator of my race.Having been insulted by you why should I live? I am unfit to be the king. Let Bheemasen be crowned King. I will go to forest."
Krishna intervened and said." O King.It is my advice that made Parth say such words to  keep his vow.Forgive us for that. Today the battlefield will taste Karna's blood.Mark my word."
Yudhishtir folded his hands and admitted." Keshav,you saved both of us from distress. I am indebted to you as always."
Yudhishtir reminded Arjun." Phalgun! That Karna insulted me before all the troops. If you dont slay him today Life is no longer dearer to me."
Arjun confessed honestly." I swear I will definitely slay Karna today."
Then Krishna asked Yudhishtir to comfort Arjun who is saddened by the situation.
Yudhishtir embraced his younger brother and blessed him." Go now Arjun. Slay Karna like Indra killed Vritrasur.

As Arjuna proceeded with determination all the creatures regarded Karna already slain in battle.Krishna then saw Arjun with sweat on his forehead that indicated his anxiety to fulfill the great task ahead of him.Krishna assuringly smiled at him and said." Parth! No other man existed on earth that achieved what you did with Gandiv.Parth it is your might and prowess that made you remain safe having encountered Bheeshma,Drona,Bhagadutta,Vinda,Anuvinda,Sudakshina and Srutayudha etc.Still you are humble because of your learning.You have sureness of aim,sound judgement,presence of mind and means of selection.There is none equal to you in the three worlds.
But still Parth,don't disregard that Karna with high skills.He is handsome and an accomplished warrior.
No one can slay Karna except yourself.Now slay Karna today and give relief to your brother.
      Krishna continued." Parth,there is nothing wrong in slaying Karna.He is a part of all attempts made to kill you begining with Lakshagrih.He is the leader of all sinful acts done by Duryothan.He is the one who fled away from Abhimanyu but broke his bow from backside.When Abhi died Karna along with Duryothan laughed in glee.Parth he is the one who insulted Krishnaa in the dice hall.Punish him Parth Win great fame by doing so.
      Hearing the words of Krishna Arjun became free from anxiety. He addressed his friend with a smile." Madhav today I will be free from my fury that existed in my heart since when Krishnaa was insulted in the dice hall. Today onwards Eldest will sleep happily free from his fear of Karna.You will see my prowess that supercedes Karna and slay him in battle."
Bheema who is waiting for Arjun's return from his elder brother filled with joy hearing the twang of Gandiv.He observed how his brother is exterminating Kaurava forces with great energy and heard the notes of Devdutta and Panchajanya blowing victorious notes together.
Arjun proceeded towards Karna routing Kaurava forces left right and front.

Arjuna urged Krishna to take him to Karna for a single combat.Salya observed Dhananjay and addressed Karna." There comes the warrior who has Krishna as his charioteer.He is coming desiring an encounter with you.He is not looking at anyone else.The Warriors on his way are flying out of fear for Arjun. Now muster your courage and advance  towards him."
Karna said." I will never return from battle without killing those two Krishnas.Or struck by Arjun I will sleep on the battle field."
Salya said." Every one say Arjun is invincible. Now he is protected by Krishna. Who can stand before him?
Karna said." As far as I know such a great warrior was never born before.He is able to shoot so many arrows as oneHe can send them two miles away easily.His achievements are countless.Seeng the two Krishnas together I feel fear along with courage.Except me no one can face them at al."
Then Karna while proceeding towards Arjun urged his troups to fight with Arjun.Partha struck all of them with innumerable arrows drawing Gandiva to a complete circle.
Then Aswathama,Kripa,Kritavarma and others together  attacked Jishnu who countered them with great skil.Seeing that Satyaki and Sikhandi came to that spot and attacked those who came on the way of Arjun.
Dhananjay looked like Rudra himself and crushed four hundred well trained elephants and hundreds of car warriors.Gandiv thrummed with minace. Kaurava army fled here and there unable to bear the force of Jishnu.
Arjuna then reached Bhema and informed him of Yudhishtir's welfare.lThen ten of Duryothana's brothers surrounded him but Doon they were slaughtered by Arjun's crescent shaped arrows.He also killed ninety Samsaptakas who tried to obstruct his way.With excellent shower of diverse arrows Arjuna checked Kuru army that came on his way.Seeing his brother proceed towards Karna the great Bheema followed him.
On seeing Arjuna's rage and force Kaurava army felt hopeless of Karna's life.
But unable to bear Arjuna's valour they reached Karna and took shelter with him.In the meanwhile Karna slaughtered Panchala forces in great number.Karna's son Prasena was killed by Ugrakarma the commander of Kaikaya warriors.
Karna became furious and with three shafts killed Ugrakarma.Then he killed Dhrishtdyumna's son also.Arjun then proceeded towards Karna along with Bheem .
Karna pierced Uttamaujas,Yudhamanyu and Dhrishtdyumn with excellent shafts.
Then a great battle happened between Bheem nod Dussasan.
Bheem killed Dussasan and drank his blood drops making everyone plunge in terror.He then killed ten more Kauravas who tried to attack him.
At that moment Karna's son Vrishasen fought with Nakula and overpowered him.Nakula got onto Bheema's car.Vrishasen showered arrows on both and pierced them severely. Bheem called Arjun" the son of Karna is afflicting us. tackle him now."

Vrishasena pierced Partha with a shaft and uttered a loud shout.He also struck Krishna and again Partha with number of arrows.Arjuna enraged addressed Karna" today I will slay your son in your presence. Not like how you all killed my Abhimanyu.If you can protect him now."
Having said so Arjuna rubbed the string of his bow took aim and pierced Vrishasen in all his limbs.He then cut off his bow and then his head.
Karna was grief stricken and proceeded towards Jishnu with great wrath.

Panchali stood stupefied . She was worried on seeing Yudhishtir come back from the battlefield severely wounded . She saw the arrows that got stuck in his body parts and called the Raja Vaidya. After a while the arrows were taken out and the wounds properly bandaged.The lep was applied and Yudhishtir got relief to some extent. From the charioteer Panchali found out that Karna did that and insulted him with wordly darts.
Panchali then went inside the Sibir and found Yudhishtir who closed his eyes but could not sleep.Panchali went to the kitchen and  prepared cool  butter milk and brought it along with Malini.
When she approached her Sibir she saw  under the shade of the tree the Devine chariot with white horses. Her heart skipped a beat.
Why did Arjun come at this time leaving the battlefield? To see his brother? But with Karna on the field as Senapati Arjun need to be present  there. She waited outside and heard Arjun's voice." We came to enquire your welfare."
Then she heard Yudhishtir's blaming words in a grim voice. She was in shock. How could  Maharaj be so rude to his younger brother who sacrificed even his wife for his sake? Panchali became furious. She closed her ears hearing Yudhishtir's horrible words." You should have come out aborted from Kunti's womb."
Malini feared on seeing the change of expressions on Draupadi's face.She tried to open her mouth but Panchali signalled her to leave.
From where she is standing she could see them but she won't be seen by them.She did not move but felt jitters in her stomach when Arjun took the sword . Her Govind again rescued his friend and asked him to blame his brother.
Draupadi stood rooted to the ground. In all these years of togetherness she never saw Arjun burst out like that. What did he say? She could not believe her ears." You insult me lying on Draupadi's bed? " Arjun's voice made her tremble and she collapsed there with tears. Her years of grumbling about Arjun's submission before his Eldest when he decided to share her suddenly found the answer.
Her Arjun finally said the unsaid and prohibited words.Yes he did not say much. But what he said is enough for her lifetime.
She has a relieved expression on her beautiful face. Inside Govind made truce between the brothers and sensing them coming out Panchali stood and composed herself.
Arjun saw her and slowed a bit then proceeded towards the chariot.Krishna stopped ,took buttermilk from Draupadi and drank it completely." Too tasty Sakhi. I hope you don't mind making it again for Eldest." Krishna said cheekily and started walking. Panchali called from back." Govind.."
Krishna turned back and smiled." Be ready to welcome your victorious husband . He will slay his greatest rival today. You have a reason to celebrate. No two reasons you know." Krishna winked and walked away. The chariot sped off to create history with the two Krishnas brimming with energy and confidence.Panchali stood gazing at the chariot that raced ahead with a smile on her face." Thank you Arjun for everything."Yajnaseni closed her eyes reminiscing the just said words." You insult me lying on Draupadi's bed?"

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