Part 109

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Panchali walked towards Hiranvati river. It is past mid night.As she passed by Subhadra's tent she heard the sobs of Uttara and Subhadra's futile attempt to console her. She stopped for a moment and then proceeded. She stood there staring into the standstill water and tried to think of the previous day's horrible occurrence ,the death of her beloved Abhi.Why did the Almighty be so cruel to her even after enduring such troubles in life. Did she ever imagine her life without Abhi? His beautiful face appeared before her.' Jyesht Mata,I am enough to punish those culprits. No need of my father."
             Tears rolled down her eyes and she collapsed in the sand unable to stand further.Panchali placed her head on her knees and wept.' Why did Yudhishtir send him alone inside Chakravyuh. If he can not find any one to break the vyuha in the absence of Arjun,he should have readily accepted defeat.What pleasure would be there even if they win in the end? They lost the joy of their life Abhimanyu. Is she wrong in endorsing the battle? Arjun always said.It is not difficult to fight war but it is difficult to bear with loss. And he used to say loss will happen in both sides. But she is blind. She could not see how Arjun will be taken away from the field and Abhi will be deprived of his father's protection. Now with sunrise,Arjun will jump into the rival vyuha to kill Jayathrath by sunset. If he can not by chance..She shivered in her spine.
                 ' There is no question of impossibility. He will do it tomorrow.' Panchali turned back and saw the handsome God incarnate with peacock feather stand firm and upright. Before she could say anything Krishna asked her straightly.' Don't you have confidence in Arjun's valour Kalyani""Panchali had a pale smile appear on her lips. ' I have confidence in Abhi also. He is equal to his father.Still what happened? I lost my precious child. And I don't know what will happen tomorrow."
Krishna thundered with determination.' You should then atleast have confidence in my love for Parth,Kalyani.As long as I am there no one can touch Parth.Tomorrow people will see how much Krishna loves Arjun. They will also see the dance of Gandiv in his hand like never before.People will feel that swayam Sankar Shiv came down to  earth to destroy Kauravas.They will see Parth as never before."Panchali raised her eyes and looked into his lotus eyes.' Govind,I feel relieved on hearing your words. But if at all any thing else happens or Jayathrath still lives,You should arrange for your Sakhi's farewell also.She is not different from his Gandiv. She is a part of him." Yajnaseni revealed her resolution and walked away leaving a concerned Govind look ardently at her disappearing form.
                       Arjun lied down on the bed of Kusagrass and closed his eyes. His grief now is converting into uncontrolled fury that will definitely turn the tide against the Kauravas.Suddenly he felt the warmth of Krishna's hand on his forehead.Madhav, he muttered under his breath. Krishna softened his curls and closed his eyes.Say Om Namah Sivaya Parth,Krishna's words reached his ears and instantly Arjun,s conscience got fixed on The Thre Eyed Lord. After a while he saw himself and his Madhav flying over the Himalayas and the next thing he saw is Manas Sarover and then the snow peaks of Kailasa Mountain.Arjun shivered with ecastacy and chanted.' He Chandra Sekhar Pahimam. Rakshamam. Om Namah Sivaya." Krishna's grip on Parth's shoulder tightened as they alighted in the middle of Kailasa. There he sat the Dakshinamurty,the Laya Karak with Uma Parvati on his side.

Kailash parvat is shining with Snow White peaks and beautiful flower lakes. The whole ambience offered immense mental peace and serenity to Arjun's grief stricken heart. He stood with folded hands and stared at Chandrasekhar,Parameswar Mahadev. He looked the same as benevolent,graceful with Vibhuti lines on his forehead and Sakti by his side. His eyes exhibited immense love for his special devotees. He side glanced Mata Parvati whose face brightened on seeing her brother,Swayam Narayan and his dearest friend Arjun,whose face looked sad and painful. She stood and welcomed them gracefully." I am pleased to have you both here,Bhrata Narayan,she said. Siv Sankar smiled at Adisakti's enthusiastic welcome to Nar Narayan.
                    Mahadev blessed them and asked with a beautiful smile.' What made you both come all the way here? Is everything fine? Whatever you ask I am here to gift you that."
            Siva then turned to Arjun and said in his kind voice.' Jishnu,ask without hesitation. What do you want? With your Madhav beside you in happiness and sadness why do you look agitated? "
             Krishna and Arjun stood and prayed.' He Mahadev,you have the Sun and the moon as your eyes.You are the all pervading universe.He Chandra Mouli,Nagabharan,you are beyond birth and death.You are Veda Swarup .He Three Eyed Lord ! He Uma Maheswar,no one can describe your power.Rudra,Trilochan Salutations to you."
                Siva nodded his head in delight. He then indicated by nodding his head to tell the purpose of their visit.Krishna pressed Arjun's hand and Arjun understood. He bowed his head and said ." He Devon Ka Dev,please grace me with Pasupat that you granted me before.
       Siva ordered them to bring his bow and arrows from the lotus pond which is near by.Then the Ganas lead them to the. Lotus pond.In the middle of that Sarovar Krishna and Arjun observed two ferocious serpants shaking their tongues and spreading poison around.Krishna and Arjun washed their feet and chanted Satarudriyam with devotion.Siva graced them and they were able to see the bow and arrows in place of serpants.Krishna and Arjun brought them to Mahadev and folded their hands.
          Arjun then saw a celibate in young age emerge from Siva's body and take the bow and arrows.Arjun observed his stance and grip with single minded concentration.Arjun then memorised the Pasupat Mantr which Siva enlightened him only once.Now he understood the way Pasupat should be released with perfect recitation of the mantra.He kept the bow and arrows back in the Sarovar.
        When Arjun returned he sensed Siva's prasannata and felt gratified.Siva smiled at him and said." The boon I gave you then  got fruitified Arjun. Now no doubts were left . I know you will win always. Your Madhav will never allow you to falter. My blessings Arjun, Go ahead."
           Arjun kept his forehead on Siva's feet and prayed ' Lord help me avenge my Abhi's death.I was not able to save him. Atleast this much I should do."
      UmaParvati kept her hand on Arjun's head and side glanced her Shiv Sankar. After Krishna and Arjun left Parvati shouted at Chandra.' Can't you keep Varchas for some more time? How sad Arjun is. Swami I felt bad for him." Chandra felt embarrassed and Sankar Shiv smiled at Uma.' The mother of creation feels for every one of her sons.

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