Part 40

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Indra stared at his son and his wife as they walked towards him and touched his feet. He blessed them and remarked in a low voice to be heard by Arjun only.'No wonder,even Urvasi failed to win your attention.Now I understood why my son remained a  celibate  despite living among heavenly beauties."
He then addressed Panchali showering affection.' Your husband will definitely punish your culprits. Bheemsen will fulfill his promises. You will regain every thing you lost.You will be a symbol of woman power even for the coming generations."
He then bid adieu to them and left in the chariot driven by Matali.
The night became a moment of celebration for The Brothers and Panchali. The sages were fed and then Panchali served the brothers their desired food cooked from Akshaya Patra.Arjun narrated the Battle between him and  Kalakeyas,Nivata Kavachas  elaborately on the behest of Bheem.
Sahadev praised Arjun heartfully.' Bhrata,Now I can feel assured of our victory in the forth coming battle with our can crush them with your Astras within a minute."
Nakul crossed Arjun.' Bhrata,Tell us truth. Who are the lucky ones that got your attention there? Panchali  you just turn deaf for sometime.Bhrata,tell us."
Panchali frowned and went to the adjacent worship place but she is all ears towards What her husband is revealing.Arjun started hesitatingly.He doesn't want to hide The Urvasi incident from either his brothers or his wife.He admitted  honestly.' I want Panchali also to listen to this.It is important.

Draupadi curled her fingers inside her fist as if to gain courage to hear one more affair of Arjun in heaven.Arjun's voice broke the silence around.' Urvasi the apsara came at night and expressed her desire for me." The brothers were dumbfounded. Panchali leaned against the wall of clay that appeared to withdraw support to her finding the heaviness of her heart too much to bear.
Nakul clapped and could not control his excitement. ' Didn't I tell you that this time an apsara will submit herself before you? My words became true.'Sahadev shouted.' Stop it Nakul.Urvasi is our mother like.She is the wife of our ancestor,Pururav.So Bhrata must have refused to accept her."

Arjun fondly looked at his youngest brother.' True Sahadev. Exactly I did the same. But she took it offence and enlightened me that there won't be any such rules in heaven and I am free to have her at my will'
Panchali  stood stupified. So did Arjun oblige Urvasi? She can not wait to hear.Arjun continued.' When I firmly refused to accept her,She cursed become a Eunuch and live in the apartments of women." .
What" exclaimed the brothers with deep shock.As for Panchali her world shattered she felt as if bearing the burden of the Earth on her back. The darkness of the night spread in her eyes also She slowly walked out with dragging steps ,reached the river and collapsed on the rock where she used to relax daily.

After Arjun finished his narration the brothers got back their breath and sighed with relief. Yudhishtir praised Arjun's will power.' Certainly it is a boon in disguise. It will help you in our incognito. "
Bheem found out Panchali is not inside. He is worried.' Draupadi must have misunderstood the whole thing. Arjun go and convince her nothing bad happened to you."
Arjun regretted making his Krishnaa pathetic by telling the Urvasi Episode.As he reached the river,he could see her vaguely in darkness  that spread around. He went and touched her hand and she burst out. ' it is my fault only. I am over posessive about you. That is why I always sulked whenever another woman lost her heart to you. Now I am being punished by God. "
Arjun tried to stop her.'But listen Krishnaa.."
Panchali did not relent.' What can I say to Subhadra? That  dearest sister of Govind will certainly curse me of my imprudence.I made you the target of Urvasi's curse."
Arjun touched her cheek and pleaded.'But actually the curse...
Draupadi  did not let him finish.' I forget that there are others who got  right over you. What will I say to your royal wife Chitra ? She will definitely blame me for restricting you from going for others.O my Govind! Panchali placed her hand on her head and Arjun again started this time in a louder voice.' If you pay attention to what I am saying...
Panchali nodded her head in desperation.' How can I face noble Arya? Or that friendly Ulupi? Rekha? They will burn me with their power. Why should I ask you not to get into affairs? And now I am even more scared. What can I tell Alli? Your passionate wife who always suspected my obsessive love for you . She complained that I am your favoured wife."

Arjun is finding it difficult to control the outbursts of his Fireborn.' It is easy  to control a huge army single handedly but not Yajnaseni.He decided.Panchali continued blaming herself. ' hey Govind I made a blunder. Because of me your friend has to endure that ...state. Fie on me. How could I show my face to Kunti Maata? She would definitely fire me for making her dearest son a target to Urvasi's curse. Arjun,why did you reject her? Why did you honour my word? Panchali shook his rock like shoulders and did not let Arjun say anything.
Arjun closed his eyes and his Madhav  smiled at him mischievously.He opened his eyes and tried final time to make her understand that the curse won't effect him immediately but will take its course only in incognito.
Panchali is not in a position to understand.She is in her own world blaming herself for causing threat to the virility of her most desirable husband due to her posessive love.

Arjun lifted her fragile body in his arms easily looked around ,found a  boat  in the shore ,a little bit into waters  and. Effortlessly  entered into that with his wife. The boat must have been used by Pahadi people who will cross Alak nanda to get groceries from the tribal areas of Himalayas. He comfortably placed her keeping his uttariya and a blanket that was placed there under her back. Panchali was dazed at the way her husband  acted and before she could realise and say anything she was stopped in the most romantic manner that is synonymous with her most charming husband. ..After an hour Arjun wiped the  single tear at the corner of her right eye.and whispered.' Did I need to say more?" Panchali blushed like a new bride and hid her face in his heart.

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