Part 165

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A part of Yamuna is flowing near by Gurukul. Dron takes them in the evening there when he feels like. That day he asked twenty of them to come along,the Pandavas,his son Aswathama,and Duryothan,Dussasan,Vikarn ...

Arjun took his bow and arrows much to the discomfort of Duryothan." You are not going to fight a war. Arjun! Why do you carry your bow? "

Aswathama quipped." To get extra credit from Gurudev. Isn't it Arjun?"

Dron who is walking ahead nodded his head desparately. His son won't change. Arjun who is only a desciple inherited his passion for bow. But his own son Aswathama always takes pleasure in the company of Duryothan.

Bheem came beside Arjun and placed his hand around his shoulders protectively." Duryothan! He is carrying his own bow. Did he ask you to carry it?" He admonished.

Duryothan proudly answered Bheem." Who do you think I am? Son of Maharaj Dhritrashtr. Why would I carry some one else's bow?"

Yudhishtir tried to pacify Duryothan." He did not mean it. I think you are right. Arjun need not carry his bow now. We are going to the river. You made a point Duryothan!"

Duryothan carelessly acknowledged Yudhishtir's support and walked fast.

Arjun did not bother about the discussion going on. He is checking the path his Gurudev is walking and throwing aside the sharp rocks that may hurt his feet with the tip of his arrow.

The Sun is going to set and the sky is shining with golden hue mixed with reddish brown. The birds are twittering and flying faster to reach their nests. The Vedic chants of sages who dwell near by are making the atmosphere charged .

Arjun looked around and loved the beauty of the nature. He always enjoyed being in the midst of Mother Nature rather than living in royal palaces. He saw his Gurudev enter the water and became alert. He called out" Gurudev. Shall I come over?"
Dron stopped him." No Arjun. Be there. I will finish my prayer to SunGod and come.
Aswathama teased Arjun." Pitasri is used to be in water. He doesn't need your help."
Just when he is saying so Dron let out a shriek. He went away from the shore and the boys could not understand what happened to him.l
Aswathama shouted at him" What happened? Pitasri...
Dron answered back with great effort." A crocodile. It caught my feet." He is struggling hard to relieve himself from its grip but  he did not succeed. Soon blood started oozing over the water surface and Dron cried." Save me. I am helpless.."

The boys stood motionless.Then  they started running here and there. Duryothan said it is better to call the people living near by for help. Bheem said they should swim to him and fight with the crocodile. But not much time is left as Drona looked desparate and left his endeavour to free himself.

Aswathama shivered with fear. What would happen to his father? How to save him? His mind became blank.
Suddenly they heard the noise of the twang of the bow. Next moment five arrows sped from Arjun's bow and struck the crocodile in the mouth.
The arrows struck in such a way that mouth of the crocodile got opened wide. Drona's foot got freed and he could revive his spirits.

Bheem and Arjun swam to Drona and helped him reach the shore.
Aswathama took his hands and said in a shivering voice." God saved you Pitasri. A great mishap was averted."
Drona looked at him seriously and said." Arjun saved me my son. He is my saviour. All of you ridiculed him when he carried his bow. Duryothan! You must have understood now how important it is for a Kshatriya to always be alert and be prepared to tackle any situation.

By the way I am revealing it now. This is my second test to you all. Do you think I could not free myself from the crocodile? I can with the power of my mantrastras. But I want to know who among my students has presence of mind,accuracy,sharp eyesight and perfect timing. I think I got my answer."
Drona called Arjun nearer and blessed him." May your fame live forever Arjun. I hope people will acknowledge me as your teacher ...along with your prowess."
Arjun folded his hands and replied." I always remain Dron Sishya Arjun.. Gurudev. It is my good fortune."
Bheem questioned Arjun." How did you shoot in its mouth that perfectly? It is under the water not seen above...
Drona smiled and answered." Bheem. Your brother has great imaginative power and instinct. He can calculate the place where my feet must be and then shoot his target. "
Bheem smiled broadly and lifted Arjun above while Nakul and Sahadev clapped with pleasure. Duryothan and Aswathama bent their faces unable to swallow the fact.

The Fateful Evening part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin