Chapter 25- Friends and Faimly

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"I mean think about it, who else will know you for you. The biggest problem I've ever seen with superheroes is that they can never truly be with someone out of fear." Lilith shrugged as she sipped the tea Artemis gave her from the fridge. "Fear?" Artemis asked as she leaned on the counter, " Fear that whomever they choose with being in danger, that one day their secret identity will get out and their loved ones will be targeted. On top of that, you can't just tell anyone that you're a super. What if they hate that hero or the relationship fails and they know your secret. Not to mention so ill defects of some superpowers." Lilith rambled, "Now you lost me Ill defects?" Artemis asked, "I don't know how you feel about superpowers, but I'd trade out mine in a heartbeat. My mother is a temptress like a Wolfsbane flower. Pretty and smells good, but she could kill you if handled at all. I'm more like nightshade, looks harmless but is deadly."

"Oh right, Batman briefed us on your powers. Poison nails and lips...Does that mean you've never even kissed someone?" Artemis asked her voice lowered to where only Lilith could hear her. Lilith made a face and shrugged, "Kinda don't want to kill anyone," "I never really thought about having powers but I definitely don't want offense," Artemis said, "None taken, I don't want them either."


"Do I have to go? It's just a dance," Lilith complained, watching her father go through the rack of dresses, from a chair nearby. "I know you're no keen on large groups or-" "People in general," Lilith chimed in, "Yes, but you're young you should have some fun," Her father said as he held up a purple dress that she made a face at. "Father it's a sweetheart dance, I don't want to go. It'll be filled with couples," Lilith complained, "You could ask someone to the-" Her father started, "No, father I'm not asking some jerk to the dance so he complains about me wearing gloves while we dance." Lilith complained, "It's a dance, it is perfectly normal for you to wear stain gloves with something like this gown," He said holding up another dress.

"Pink is not my color father," Lilith said, "I know you like green and black but this is pretty right?" He said holding up another dress this one bright red, "That one isn't bad, but shows too much skin." Lilith sighed, "Don't want to affect" Lilith trailed off when she spotted a mop of red hair through the racks. She sat up slightly, as Meg came looking through the racks. Meg didn't see Lilith and Lilith thought about ducking behind the nearest pile of clothing but didn't get a chance when Zatanna and Artemis came around the other rack.

"Lilith!" Artemis said with a smile, "Morning," Lilith said laying back into the chair with a sigh as Meg's eyes landed on her. "Oh hello there, you're all Liliths friends from youn-that club." Liliths father chimmed in correcting himself before he said the young justice team. "Yes, sir. What are you two up to?" Zatanna asked, "Just a little shopping," Lilith shrugged, "Yes and perhaps you all could join us. Since it seems I have a very different idea of fashion than my daughter." Liliths father said and she immediately gave him her 'Im complaining without voicing it' look.
"Of course we'll join, right?" Artemis said happy, Zatanna nodding in agreement with Meg made a similar expression to Liliths.

"This dress is pretty," Zatanna said holding up the same red dress Liliths father had just held up. "Too much skin," Artemis and Lilith said at the same time then smiled at each other. "Oh my phone's ringing and it's work. You know what girls why don't all have fun, Lilith I'll wait in the car but take your time I have books to keep me acupied." He said then answered his phone before she could protest. She thought about going back to sitting arms crossed on the seat, but an encouraging smile from Artemis and she was looking through the racks. At least half heartedly.
"Oh I like this one," Meg said holding up a mermaid style pink dress. Lilith held back a chuckle and pulled a green dress off the rack. Long sleeves but tight fitting, "You could at least try it on," Zatanna said when she saw Lilith putting it back. She didn't argue and just threw it over her arm browsing the racks. She was handed and forced to choose a few more dresses before they dragged her to the dressing room.
"Come on Lilith we want to see," Artemis said and Lilith sighed as she glared at herself in the mirror. Blue had never been her favorite color but the dress Artemis picked for her was a bullseye.
"I don't know do you think Conner would like it?" Meg asked, tworiling in the corner of mirrors. "Sorry Meg but, pink is not your color," Zatanna said, and Meg went to change. "Red however is so yours," Artemis chimmed in towards Zatanna as they stepped up to the corner of mirrors to admire themselves. "Yeah but it's a sweet heart dance everyone will be wearing red." She complained as she tworld in the mirror.
"Who cares what everyone else will be wearing, you obviously love the dress. It is lovely on you," Lilith commented as she stepped out, "But you should wear your hair up it's starting to get caught in the jem's along the collar." Lilith added and with a careful touch unraveled her hair from the jem's.
"Speaking of a dress looking lovely, Lilith your stunning." Artemis said, "I like it, and father with approve of the color." Lilith smiled meakly and went to change out of it.
By the time she was done the others had gone to Buy their dresses. She paused on her way out of the changing room she saw Meg still comparing dresses in the mirror.
She had the pink in one hand and a black with shimmering gold in the other.
"Black and gold," Lilith muttered, Meg paused looking at Lilith in the reflection. She looked as if she wanted to put the black one back now. Lilith felt like she had to explain so she swallowed her pride.
"Conner always says his favorite thing your wear is your bubble bee uniform.  Maybe it's because you're always so confident in it's because it's a cheerleader outfit and he's a teenage boy, but..." Lilith paused, Meg watched her. "I think he'd like what ever you wear, however the black and gold might remind him of your unform."
Meg studied Lilith for a minute and Lilith could have sworn she felt Meg try to prod her mind, almost like she wasn't trying.
"He talks about me to you?" Meg asked, "Honestly, all the time." Lilith complained, "Like about what?" Meg asked, "A little of everything, he hates when you're not happy." Lilith sighed, "He doesn't like when he doesn't know what your thinking, and... I think I'm done with this conversation. If you want to make things right with him you should try and talk to him. Not worry about whether or not he'll like the dress you're wearing. He's a guy he'll be lucky if he notices you're wearing anything different." Lilith said before stomping off. Barely saying goodbye to he others as she bought her dress.
"What you pick?" Her father asked when he woke from his book reading daze as Lilith climbed in the car. "A blue long sleeve dress Artemis picked," she said and added with mumnble, "Though I still don't want to go I really don't have a choice anymore."

Poison Love (Young Justice, Super Boy Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu