Chapter 16- Call for Help

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Lilith sighed as she looked at the window displays, "I hate Christmas," She said as Zatanna stood next to her. She had several bags already full of presents for everyone. They were in the mall looking for gifts, Conner had been in and out all month long for missions. Zatanna noticed Lilith's mood and tried to cheer her up by taking her shopping but it seemed to be backfiring. 

"Why do you hate it?" Zatanna asked, Lilith looked down. "Father loved it, always decorated house top to bottom with everything, always had me grow mistletoe toe and a tree." Lilith explained, "Oh well we could decorate it if you'd like," Zatanna said, "No it's fine, I'd prefer not to." Lilith muttered, "Alright then... So what do you want to get everyone?" "I don't know, any idea's?" Lilith asked, "I barely could figure out what to get them," Zatanna said half laughing as they moved onto the next shop.

"I think I'll get him a new shirt, perhaps knit him a scarf." Meg said, Lilith's head snapped up. They saw Meg, Artemis, and Aqua Girl coming towards them. Lilith turned around to walk the other way before she was noticed but Zatanna smiled and shout to the others. "Hey guys, I didn't know you were shopping today!" She waved the others over, Lilith caught Meg's eye before they both looked away Lilith's jaw tightened as they reached them. "Zatanna, Lilith what a coincidence." Artemis said, and Lilith immediately knew it wasn't. This is why Zatanna had practically dragged her out of the house. "We were about to get lunch want to join?" Aqua girl asked, "Sure!" Zatanna said to enthusiastically, "You know I'm not hungry, I think I'm just going to start heading home." Lilith said they all looked at her, "Oh but we just got here," Zatanna said, "Well you could join them, I should probably get going bye guys." Lilith said before practically running away. "Wait!" Artemis shouted trying to follow her but loosing Lilith quickly in the crowd.

"Lilith!" Zatanna shouted, Lilith broke into a sprint. She vanished, "You guys set this up didn't you?" Meg sighed, "We just wanted you guys to get along again," Aqua girl said, "Well you tried," Meg said walking towards the food court. They all looked at each other confused, they had never seen Meg act this way towards anyone before.

Lilith sighed as she reached the cave, after running away from the girls she didn't know where else to go and she really didn't want to go home. The small cottage feeling smaller with each day that passed, "I've narrowed it down to two potential hideouts, Sb and Aqua-lad are already checking out this one. Easy mission," Robin explained pointing at something on the screen. He stopped talking when he saw Lilith enter. He and KF were in the main arena messing with the screens, there was a map up on one screen, Lilith barely got a glimpse when he shut it off. "Alright lets get started," Robin said only giving Lilith a slight glance as they left leaving her alone in the cave.

She couldn't help but feel lonely. Wolf walked over to her as she entered the living room. Lilith sighed, "This, this feeling right here. This why I didn't want friends, I wish Conner could of understood back then that this would happen," She said petting wolf as she spoke. "It's because just like everyone else in my life they'd just leave me alone and I'd be right back where I started. I mean sure I did run from the others, but none of them tried to follow me." She said wolf looked up at a her with an almost sad expression. "But you don't understand a word I'm saying do you wolf?" Lilith said sitting down wolf laying his head on her lap. They watched the news for a couple of hours until Batman and Red Tornado walked in. 

"Lilith, have you seen Super boy or Aqua lad?" Red asked, "Um no... Aren't they on a mission?" "Not to my knowledge," Batman said looking at Red Tornado who shook his head, "But Robin just said they were out on one," Lilith said sitting up, "Robin?" Red Tornado asked, "Yeah he and KF left a while ago on another mission, I think," Lilith said petting Wolf absentmindedly.

"Mission? I didn't send them on a mission." Batman said pulling out his tablet and looking for something. "This is bad," Batman said rushing out of the room, Lilith stood. She and Red Tornado followed him into the main room. He rushed to the computer screens just as the girls came into the cave from the side door. "What's bad?" Lilith asked and the girls all stopped talking as an alarm sounded. "What's going on!?" Lilith shouted her hands over her ears, Batman hit a button and the alarm stopped. A map came up a small red dot in the spot Lilith had seen Robin point out earlier before turning it off.

"It's Super Boys distress signal, he's in trouble." Batman said typing so fast Lilith could barely see what he was doing. "Conner? What's wrong with Conner?" Meg asked flying over, her bags floating around her. "There's Robins as well," Batman pointed out a second red dot appeared on the screen. "Team get changed, we have a mission." "Right!" They all shouted running off, "Not you Lilith," Batman said his hand on her shoulder, "What? But-!?" "No exceptions you're still on probation," Batman's said, "No! You can't just leave me here, not when Conner needs help." "That's exactly why I'm leaving you here." He said sternly, "I'm not staying behind while you all run off!" "You will," Batman said in his angry final tone, Lilith had known her whole life. She pouted knowing nothing she said would change his mind. She stomped off and sat down Wolf coming over to comfort her. 

She knew there was no way they were going to leave her behind, even if it meant breaking her probation. She watched as the others came back all ready to go. They followed Red Tornado and Batman through the boom tubes, and out to save the others. Lilith stood, "Come Wolf they're not leaving us behind so quickly," she said rushing off within minutes she was in her hero outfit and after a bit of hacking thanks to Batman's training she hit the button and the boom tube opened.  "We're coming Conner," she said as she and Wolf stepped through the boom tube.

Poison Love (Young Justice, Super Boy Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt