Chapter 48- Science Unfair

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'Are you sure you're okay?'

Lilith stared at her phone screen as she tried to drift off to sleep. Tucker and Conner had both messaged the same question. Was she okay?

She had been staring at her phone for nearly an hour, each minute that passed made her want to message them back less and less. She could pretend she fell asleep early, and answer in the morning but she also wanted to talk to someone. Not that she was getting much sleep with her brain running a mile a minute. Lilith sat up slowly when her phone dinged again.

'Do you hate us now?' Tucker asked, and Lilith sighed biting her nail a bit before answering. 'No, of course not.'

'I'm sorry Lilith,' Tucker said, and Lilith bit her lip, 'It's not your fault, things just happened.' Lilith said, and it was exactly what she kept telling herself. Things just happened nothing she can change now. 'I know, but you seemed so upset. I wish I could help,' Tucker said and Lilith smiled, 'You can try to get some sleep, that way at least one of us will be awake for the science fair tomorrow. Lol,' Lilith sighed, 'Having trouble sleeping?' Tucker asked, 'A bit, there is just so much going on all at once. It's overwhelming at times.' Lilith paused and stared at the message. Unsure why she actually sent it, and why it was taking him so long to answer back. The other messages had basically been instantaneous.

Lilith laid back in a huff staring at the ceiling just as a message came through.

'I can help with that if you'd like,' Tucker said, 'How?' Lilith asked and only seconds after sending the message her phone started buzzing silently in her hand Tucker's name lit up the screen.

"Hello?" Lilith answered, "Hello," His melodious voice said over the phone, "Tucker are you okay?" Lilith breathed, "Yes, are you?" He asked and she could almost hear the smile in his tone. "Well, it looks as if I've given up trying to sleep entirely so maybe," Lilith snickered softly, glad her father was a heavy sleeper and was out like a light in his own room.

"Like I said I can help if you'd like," Tucker said almost nervously, "Well your voice is rather calming," Lilith couldn't help but admit, her face flushing red even as she said it.

"I'm glad because I like talking, to you." Tucker said, "It must suck not to be able to speak normally with people." Lilith sighed, "It isn't any worse than not being able to touch people," Tucker said, "Right," Lilith said trying not to giggle, out of everyone Tucker seemed to understand her most.

"But as much as I'd like to talk to you all night, I really meant that I could help you sleep by singing." Tucker said softly, "Tucker," Lilith sighed, "I won't force you to do anything I swear," Tucker said quickly, "Isn't your sister going to get suspicious why you're singing on the phone?" Lilith asked, "No, she snuck over to Edwins ten minutes ago and my grandparents are basically deaf. Only you'll hear me," Tucker said, and Lilith bit her lip.

"I still don't think this is a good idea," Lilith said, "All I want to do is to help you, Jewel," Tucker said, his voice so sweet Lilith couldn't help but smirk. "Why do you like calling me that?" Lilith asked, "Because I like to think that I really met you when you were Jewel-weed," Tucker said, "Well Mayhem, I can't argue with that." Lilith said, and she somehow knew Tucker was smiling on the other end. Her mind wandered off thinking about the moments she had shared with Tucker. Her face went redder as the memory of the time he held her in his arms played in her head.

"Promise not to make me do anything, not even sing?" Lilith asked, and she nearly jumped when she heard him laugh softly on the other end of the line. Even that sound was music to her ears, something she wanted to hear again.

"But Jewel you have such a wonderful voice." He mused, "Tucker..." Lilith said almost playfully, "Very well, I promise to only sing you to sleep no funny business." Tucker swore, "Thank you Mayhem, I really do appreciate the thought." Lilith whispered, and Tucker laughed softly again.

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