Chapter 33- Hero X Villain

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"Conner are you going to sulk all day?" Lilith asked, they were on the couch in the cave.  Her leg was on his lap while he cleaned the blood and bandaged it. "I'm not sulking," he muttered, "It was an accident I tripped, you know how clumsy I am and I know you didn't mean to squeeze my hand so hard. I understand," Lilith said, Conner didn't say anything and just focused on bandaging her wound. Lilith tapped her fingers on her thigh as he worked pouting as she tried to think about what to say.  So instead of trying to talk him out of his funk Lilith got a sudden idea, smirking she willed the near by flower pot to grow a ring of blooms and then set the crown on his head. She was glad he had finished working on her leg because she immediately burst into laughter pulling his leg out of his grip as she doubled over laughing. 

"What?" He started, looking at her utterly confused. Then a smile broke out across his face as he pulled the flower crown from his hair. "Aw but I thought you looked rather dashing with that in your hair," Lilith teased, Conner gave her a not so serious look but the little ring of flowers had done the trick. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have over reacted, I hear you laugh I just was surprised when I saw both of them on top of you." Conner said holding the flowers gingerly in his hand. 

"I know, but you did want me to make friends. Outside of the league," Lilith reminded him, "I know but I also...Just didn't like..." Conner said, "Must I always ask you to elaborate?" Lilith asked with a smirk. "Nothing it's nothing, I was just being stupid." Conner said, Lilith wanted to ask him to tell her more but she didn't get a chance when her phone dinged. She wasn't used to getting messages. So thinking it was her father she opened the screen to see two new messages. 

'Hey Lilith, it's Lance. Conner gave us all your number when we joined the club. I hope you don't mind, I just thought we could talk. Maybe about super hero's or just our science fair project.' Lilith wanted to say something to Conner but didn't when she saw the second message was a Gif of an animated chibi of Batman waving at her. She breathed a smile spreading across her lips as she sent a quick message back. 'It fine except, I still haven't decided on my fav'

"Something funny?" Conner asked, Lilith tucked the phone into her pocket. "A funny picture a friend sent," She said turning her focus back to him. He gave her a half hearted smile. "I am glad you're making friends," Conner said, "Well I really had no choice when you dragged four of them to me," Lilith joked nudging him in the ribs, he smiled and then grabbed two game controllers.

"Want to play a round or two?" He asked, "Don't you have to pick up Meg at practice soon?" Lilith asked, looking at the time on her phone. Conner's shoulders fell. "No, not today. She's a bit mad at me," Conner admitted, "What did you do this time?" Lilith asked, "What makes you think it was my fault?" Conner asked, "Because if she had been at fault you'd be mad a her and not the other way around." Lilith said bluntly, "Well fine, it's more of a mutual anger." Conner said, "About?" Lilith asked already having an idea about the answer, "Nothing I want to discus, it's kind of personal." Conner said, "I understand," Lilith said taking the controller, "I don't overreact a lot do I?" Conner asked, "Does it have anything to do with the mind digging we all did the other day?" Lilith asked, before she could stop herself. 

"A bit, I just was-I don't know. I didn't over react, like she keeps saying I did. I just wanted the truth and she wont tell me." Conner said pausing Lilith, "Well some times the truth isn't something someone can share. A bit of anonymity is a good thing," Lilith said only later wondering why she had defended Meg. "I know but in her head, she was blocking memories I was apart of. Some that I'm sure you were in and I just wanted to know why?" Conner blurted, Lilith stared at him dumbfounded about what to say as her continued, "I thought we shared almost everything, but when I asked to see the day she had tried to dig into your mind. She stopped me, she wouldn't let me see any conversations you two had alone." Conner said, Lilith paused putting her hand on his shoulder. 

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