Chapter 8 - First

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Lilith opened her eyes to find herself in the garden outside her home again. This time vines grew around her ankles and wrists pinning her to the ground. Flower petals were falling into her hair from the rose bush tree that had grown around her. Her hair was tangled in the roots. It loomed over the house and garden like a giant green and red canopy. The starry sky just barely visible through the leaves. "Well that's new," she says sitting up the flower petals cascading around her. She tried to sit up only slightly having trouble with the vines and roots attached to her. She stood but heard a twig snapping not too far away, in the forest. Worry flashed across her face before she got up and quickly climbed the tree hiding in it's branches. She sat waiting, "Are you sure it's around here?" Robins voice came through the darkness.Lilith's shoulders fell in relief as she heard Conner speak, "Of course- see found it..." "Wow you weren't kidding." "Come on," Conner said heading towards the small cottage. It wasn't until they were walking through the squeaking gate that she decided to move. Conner looked up to the tree the moment she did move. "Hello Conner." she said smiling, "Asleep outside again?" "Yes...Sorry about the tree, I normally don't grow something so big." "You grew this?" Robin said as he walked in after Conner. "Yes, I kind of have no control of my powers when I sleep." "Oh," he said nodding and examining the tree with increased interest. "Um... What time is it and what are you guys doing here?" Conner smiled, "Its almost midnight and we've got a mission,""We?" she asked, "You, me, Robin, and Meg." "Where's Meg?""Powering up the ship," Robin said as he kept looking at the tree. "So what kind of mission?" "Tell you on the way back to the cave Meg's waiting for us," Conner said.

"Got it? In and out, and try not to get detected. This is a stealth mission only," Robin said, as they walked into the cave. Everyone was in full superhero outfits ready to go. Meg watched as Lilith climbed into the plane with Robin. Then at the floor, "You okay Meg?"Conner asked, Meg looked up from the spot on the floor she had been glaring at. She smiled but it was only half hardheartedly, "Yeah just tired, we've been doing a lot of missions lately," "Don't worry about that now that we have new members the work load should subside a little." "Yeah..." They climbed in the plane as well and took off. "This is cool," Lilith said looking around from her seat, unsure if she should touch anything. "You get use to it,"Conner said, "Hey Super boy, Robin said this was stealth mission...I thought you were more fighting missions, why are you on this one?" Lilith asked, Megan turned slightly to listen she had been curious about that too. "Well since I know you're skill set better, than the other's. Batman thought it be good if you were paired with me at the start." "Oh," Lilith smiled, Meg's jaw tightened before she looked back at the monitor. "Hey Robin there's a problem,"Meg said not looking up, "What's wrong?" "There's no clearings any where near the target, I'll have to hover here. We'll have to jump. "

"Jump?" Lilith asked, "Don't worry we've got parachutes," Robin said throwing her one. "Don't worry I can catch you if you have trouble." Conner laughed, Meg turned back to the controls her nails digging into them. "Worried, I'm not worried..." Lilith said sarcastically looking out the window at how high they were flying. "Were almost to the drop point." Robin said, he moved to the back of the plane and Lilith slowly fallowed him. Conner got up and smiled at Meg, Meg barely got a chance to smile back or say anything before Lilith said with shaky voice. "Hey Wonder boy?" "Coming," he said looking away from Meg and moving over to Liliths side, Meg took a breath and followed trying to stay focused on the mission.

"See it wasn't that bad was it?" Conner said as Lilith landed ruffly next to him, her parachute stuck in the trees above them. "Yes getting stuck in the tree was the best part." Lilith sighed, "Will you two focus, please?" Robin said, he was several yards away kneeling at the edge of the cliff and looking through his binoculars at a large groups of buildings at the bottom. Meg was next to him, "They look like storage buildings," Robin said, "There are a lot of guards for just for storage buildings." Conner said kneeling next to Robin, "Well we have to get in one and see what they're hiding way out here." Robins said standing, "What's the plan?" Lilith asked,"Meg and I'll check the first few buildings you two stay together and check the rest. Find out what they're hiding without getting caught." He said, Conner and Lilith nodded. "I'm having trouble connecting to Lilith," Meg said shaking her head glancing at Lilith confused. "She can connect us telepathically, it's safer than the com links." Conner explained, after a second or two Lilith looked around shocked when Robins voice appeared in her head. 'Meg we all hooked up?' Lilith stared at Meg in amazement. She wasn't looking at her. 'It's odd I've never had trouble before,' Meg said, 'Don't worry you'll get use to it.' Conner said putting his hand on Lilith's shoulder. 'Let's go!' Robin said moving first.

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