Chapter 17- Ambush?

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"That's the spot," Batman said to Artemis and Meg, they were outside a giant warehouse in the middle of no where a giant forest seemed to be grown around it as if it were apart of it naturally. "We've got to go in then-" Meg said moving towards the warehouse, Batman stopped her. "Not so fast Miss. Martian, we need to find out what we're up against." "But-" "We're not going in blind," Batman said, "Too bad, a blind bat sounds fun." A woman said from behind them. They turned to find Harley Quinn lounging in a tree behind them.

"Hi yeah bats," she said with a smile and wave. "Harley," Batman said coldly, as Artemis and Meg turned ready to fight. "Oh I wouldn't do that girlies." She said as a practical army of people appeared around them, guns trained on them.

"Well Lexie was right catching the super brat did bring in something interesting, except where is the rest of your little group? Or did they go to save bats little buddy, I guess we'll see them soon enough-" "Where's Super Boy?" Meg growled, "Well he's inside of course." Harley said with a smile and jumped down from the tree gracefully, she practically skipped passed them.

"Come on we've been waiting for you, everything almost ready." She said before she spun her smile turning cruel as she said, "Cuff them," a few of the biggest guys stepped forward. Meg and Artemis started to fight back she got an arrow through one of their legs, but his gun went off. Artemis fell holding her arm and Meg turned to fight only to see the man Artemis had hit was bleeding the green goo. Meg wanted to fight but stopped when Batman waved her off. He put a quick bandage on Artemis's arm before tell them to let the men cuff them.

"Oh an obedient Bat today, how nice." Harley said flicking Batman's nose before turning towards the building again. "Come on," She said skipping again as they followed her reluctantly, the guns still on them.

"Honey I'm home, and I brought presents!!" Harley shouted as they entered the building, it had been gutted and the ceiling was entirely made of glass. It felt as if they hadn't walked out of the forest at all but just into some kind of hybrid of forest and lab. Now with proper light they could see who or what the army was made of.

"They're all, goo men?" Meg asked looking around surprised as the men carried things about. There were hundreds of them in the building and far more in the forest that they couldn't see. "Oh would you look what the cat dragged in," Queen bee said from her table. It was like they had grown a garden around her, which they probably did. Everything except the tea set and food was a flowery garden set fit for a castle.

"Batman so nice for you to join us, we just got a call your other little group is on there way," Ivy said from the giant root of a huge tree she was sitting on and messing with. He could see her pour something on the roots but what exactly he couldn't tell, but he could swear the trees started to glow slightly for a second. "Queen bee, Harely, and Ivy all in one place how convenient." "Your forgetting someone," Lex Luther said practically appearing from the shadows will an entourage of goo men.

"Just how many are there of you guys?" Artemis asked, "More than you need to know about," Ivy said, petting her plants as she walked passed a few seemed to follow her hand as she walked passed. Meg could swear a few had teeth.

"What are you all up to?" Batman asked, "Oh nothing to important, world domination the usual. It's that right red?" Harley said putting her arm around Ivys shoulders as she worked, Ivy shrugged off her arm and kept working. The goo men helping, doing something not really paying attention as if it was all part of their program.

"We heard the other facility was attacked, I don't suppose you had anything to do with that?" Queen bee asked, "Perhaps," Batman asked, "Where's Super Boy!" Meg shouted getting impatient, "Always so loud," Lex said before adding, "Ivy?" "Oh I was so hoping to play with him a bit longer," she said with a smile, "You'll have time for that later for now lets keep them under control, and someone take his belt." Lex said, they were lead to the tree and a goo man grabbed Batman's utility belt. "What are you going to do?" Artemis asked, "You wanted to see Super boy right?" Harley said, "Where is he?" Meg asked, "Don't worry he's safe, for now." Harley said then touch a knot on the tree seconds later the roots opened to reveal a green cocoon of sorts. Conner seemingly asleep in the goo, Harley moved behind Meg and kicked her in the back. Meg tried to use one of her powers but the cuffs started glowing, that when she realized they were power damping cuffs. She grabbed Artemis's arm trying not to fall but they both ended up falling into the goo.

"I told he wasn't far," Harley said, "What is this?" Meg asked, see the villains smiling from above them, "You next Bat's," Harley said and pushed Batman, he wouldn't have fallen if it wasn't for one of the roots of the tree moving and tripping him. "Bye-bye for now," Ivy said moving to stand next to Harley as the goo started cover each of them and the roots started to close. Batman barely caught a glimpse of a familiar shadow crossing the moon that was shiny through the glass ceiling, before the roots closed trapping them.

"What now?" Meg asked, "Honestly, I don't know." Batman said calmly.

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