Chapter 18- Hero or Villain

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"Okay to recap Conner went off to find my father, enlisting Robin and Aqua lad for help. In the process they ended up discovering who've been making and selling the goo men." Lilith said to wolf as she paced back and forth far from the factory where everyone was being held. "Who just happen to be as far as we know; Lex Luther, Queen Bee, Harley Quinn, and my mother Poison Ivy... On top of that upon discovery of said factory he was caught. Before they could lock him up he activated his distress signal thus having us come to his hopeful rescue. Yet that failed and now the others are trapped as well. Did I forget anything?" Lilith asked, Wolf tilted his head at her. "Right, we still don't know how my father fits in all this or what happened at the other sight." Lilith said, "What do we do? What do we do?" She said hitting her forehead, she froze when saw some kind of portal open.

A person came fly through, she dived behind a large bush and wolf followed. With barely even a thought from her the bush grew enough to hide them. "Come on lets move you idiots!" She heard the man say, she recognized him. He was that magic kid with the cat, Klarion. "No need to boss us around," a gruff voice said as he came through the portal followed by others. He was a large gorilla, "Grodd," Lilith whispered in surprise as goo men started to come through the portal carrying things. Like a few stretchers, it took her a second to see whom was knocked on them but she had a feeling. Which was proven right when she saw Klarion take off Robins utility belt. "I told you to take this from him!" He half shouted throwing the belt into the bushes across from her. "Even with all the science and magic we put into making these things they are still so stupid." Klarion said, "Don't worry we're working on the upgrade, Dr. Mural and his new team are working on giving them some kind of brain." "He better I need proper disposable minions, not rag dolls with strings." Grodd complained.

They kept taking as they walked away but Lilith didn't follow afraid to be seen. Yet the words kept spinning in her head. Unless there was another Dr. Mural in the world Conner had really found whom had taken her father. An idea came to her as she picked up Robins belt, she smiled a put it on. "Come on Wolf time to save the others and get my father back." Lilith said heading back towards the warehouse.


"I'm bored!" Harley complained as she hung from the tree watching Ivy pour more potion on the tree. "It's growing rather nicely," Grodd said as the door opened. "We brought a few more guests hope you don't mind," Klarion said, "Can I play with them?" Harley asked, "No just put them with the others," Lex said, and Harley sighed taking the new arrivals to the spot where they had put the others. She opened the roots to find everyone fast asleep in the goo. "It's sad isn't it, how easy they were taken down." Queen bee said, "Yes, but its not all of them." Ivy said looking at kid flash and aqua girl. "Where missing one," Harley agreed, "They didn't bring her?" Lex asked, "She didn't attack with the robot," Grodd said taking the pieces of red tornado over to the tables for them to mess with.

"Why would they leave her behind?" Klarion asked, "Maybe they didn't," Ivy said she smiled as a flower reached out to her, the petals opening to show glass ball and Lilith with wolf were shown in it. Lilith was piling wood, wolf helping. "What is she doing?" Harley asked, "I'm not sure but it should be interesting to see." "Why don't we just stop her now?" Queen bee asked, "What damage could the little girl do?" Lex said, "Besides if we let her tire herself out she'll be easier to handle." Grodd agreed, "Well I'll keep an eye on her," Ivy said smiling as she sat down watching Lilith. "Lets just hope she's as useful as you think she'll be," Lex said coldly, "She will be, after all she has only tapped into a fraction of her powers." Ivy said Harley sitting next to her. "She'll really join us?" Harley asked, "She'll have to," Klarion said with a smile as he pet his cat. "Maybe not a first but she will eventually, but for now I think she's trying to save these sub par hero's. You raised her to be to kind my love," Ivy said looking up as Lex brought out Lilith father to work on the project.

"I didn't need to she was always kind, must have gotten it from me and I'm proud she wants to be a hero." He said, Ivy only smiled. "I am kind, after all I let you raise her didn't I?" Ivy said with a smirk, "You abandoned her," Liliths father spat at Ivy, "It was what was necessary, after all I thought she didn't have powers." "So you left her until you figured out she'd be useful?" He spat, "Exactly, and now she's the missing piece to our plan." Ivy said, "You wont win, the justice league-" "Is too busy off world to save their own," Lex said, "Now back to work." Lex ordered, and Lilith father reluctantly started working.

'Good luck my sweet girl, my precious Lily.' He thought half glancing at the crystal that showed his daughter.

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