Chapter 45 - Suprise, Suprise, Suprise

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Lilith fell through the portal. She was surprised to find herself back at the museum, though she was outside. She crumbled to the ground in a flower bed in the courtyard.

Lance's magic had affected her more than she ever expected. She was so tired and yet she could tell her powers had grown again, having thrown off the magic Lance had used. The leaves on her arms and face had grown back in force. She watched tiredly as the flowers around her reached for her growing in waves onto the pathway almost covering her in a carpet of plants. She didn't even try to make them stop. It took most of her energy to open her eyes between each blink. She smiled when she saw Wally's red outfit streak around the building pausing when he saw the overflowing plants.

"Found her!" Kid Flash yelled as she closed her eyes, "Jewel wake up!" He yelled as the others came to join him where he was. When Lilith didn't open her eyes KF tried getting her out of the flower bed and the plants fought back.

"What's happening?" Red Tornado asked, "She's trapping in the plants," KF explained, "What did they do to her?" Conner said walking over and practically ripping the plants off her. They were growing back almost as fast as he got rid of them.

"We need to get her back to the cave," Red said, as Conner picked her up her head falling to the side the flower vines still trying to reach her.

"What about the crown?" Meg asked as she ran up. "She has it," Robin said gesturing to the gold crown that was being entangled in vines in her hands. "I got it," Troia said as she reached for it and tried to take it from Lilith but the vines grew around her hands.

"Don't break it," Aqua-Lad said, "I'm trying but these weeds are strong," Troia muttered, "Perhaps Batman will have a better solution," Red said, the team all looked between each other Meg and Robin seeming the least happy at Lilith just being there.


"She followed the young villains into a portal next thing we knew she was outside." Red Tornado explained, "I wonder what happened?" Batman said looking to Red Torando who was standing next to Lilith in the medical room of the cave. She was hooked up to more than a few monitors. Conner stood outside arms crossed having being forced out of the room. Meg walked by at the end of the hall pausing only to give him a slight glance as went by.

"She managed to get the crown at least," Red said, "True," Batman sighed looking at the crown that now sat on the bedside table.

"She is becoming so strong," Red said, "Too strong too fast," Batman sighed sitting down on the edge of the bed, "I think you underestimate her, she did quite well today." Red said, "I'm just worried about her, she's still so young. They all are," Batman said, "And they all have saved the world more than once," Red reminded him, "That doesn't make it any better, if anything it's worse. Why do we have to keep sending children out to save the world." Batman sneered as he brushed back the hair from Liltiths face plucking another leaf from Liliths hair that hadn't been there a moment before. He stared at her as Red left the room. The super-suit she was wearing was covered in dirt and a few small vines were growing up her arms.

"Un-uncle?" Lilith muttered, "I'm here," He said softly, "What happened?" Lilith breathed, sitting up. "You saved the day, but you also lost control of your powers again." He said softly, Lilith took a second to breathe and think. The villains knew her identity, and she, theirs.

"I-I tried, but his magic made me so tired," Lilith blurted, unable to say, Lance. Her heart hurt and she felt so betrayed.

"I know, I know," Batman said as tears streaked down her face. He moved closer and hugged her carefully. His suit protected him from her skin. Lilith sighed knowing full well that it wouldn't end well if she didn't tell him what actually happened. That she was found out and knew who the villains were.

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