Chapter 56 - What the future may hold

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Lilith stood at the window of her room, looking out at the forest. Lilith wasn't sure but whatever they were using to hide the castle was making it hard for her to feel the plants despite being just an arm's reach away from the nearest tree. Lilith sighed as there came a knock at the door to her room.

"May I enter?" Morgana's enchanting voice came through the door. "It-it's your house," Lilith said turning around as the door opened.

"I am not surprised you are still awake," Morgana said as she smiled at Lilith entering the room and closing the door behind herself. "I doubt sleep is really going to be an option tonight," Lilith said glancing at the untouched bed.

"Yes, I understand. Well either way I have had the bath prepared. I doubt you'd like to stay covered in dust and grime," Morgana said that's when Lilith noticed Morgana was carrying clothing and even a towel which Lilith could only presume was for her.

Lilith looked down at herself for the first time since the battle. She hadn't realized just how dirty she was, she was covered top to bottom in concrete dust, and the dirt that had mixed with her sweat made it streak down her face. The outfit she wore was practically beyond repair. The boots were broken and the heel was coming off. Her hair had so many leaves growing in it that you couldn't tell if her hair was a natural red or streaked green.

"A bath sounds nice," Lilith said moving toward Morgana, "Child?" Morgana said, "Yes Ma'am?" Lilith paused, "I'm sure my Lancelot has told you what is coming," She said softly, "Yes...I-I told him that I will help," Lilith said and Morgana immediately smiled at her.

"You believe my words?" She asked sounding surprised, "I'm-I'm...I-I...I trust Lance and Tucker and... I-I trust my friends so if they believe you then I believe you." Lilith stuttered, "Trust is a very hard thing to earn, and is so easily broken." Morgana said, Lilith looked away from her.

"How-How do you know it's coming?" Lilith asked, Morgana, glanced at the door and slowly moved to sit on Lilith's bed gesturing for her to join her. Lilith did so slowly.

"If you know Batman's notes on me you will know that I was gifted with sight," Morgana said and Lilith tilted her head trying to think. "'Sight' was what we use to call seeing the future," She explained and Lilith stared at her as Morgana seemed to stare off into space her mind drifting far away.

"Nightmares of what is to come, I rarely see anything but the worst of what was to be. I had to be sedated just to sleep, potions made by a kind man and once a powerful warlock. One who gave his life to save Merlin," Morgana said seeming to drift off thinking about him.

"Everything you see comes true?" Lilith asked, "They always come. Though I have yet to see some of it happen, there have been times were the future changed. The bad things came but the worst case was averted by the league or myself," Morgana explained, "They didn't-didn't believe you this time?" Lilith asked in disbelief.

"I am a villain in their eyes, besides I've never come to them before now. I've always only just nudged them in the right direction," Morgana said, "You'd think they'd at least try to take it seriously." Lilith huffed, Morgana smiled and placed her hand on Lilith's gloved one. Taking no notice that the glove was missing a few fingers.

"I don't blame them, what I saw seemed a bit outlandish even for me." Morgana said, "What did you see?" Lilith asked, "I...I could show you if you'd like?" She asked looking at Lilith. Lilith licked her lips and nodded. Morgana stood leaving the clothes she had been holding on the bed. Lilith stood as Morgana held out her hand for hers.

"It's been around since the beginning, if not before." Morgana explained, "When suddenly there came light darkness was born...It has no official name most people consider it a dark god and named it 'the Absence,'" Morgana said her eyes slightly glowing as the room around them changed, Lilith watching in horror and surprise as darkness enveloped them. They were in space, the earth far below them just as Lilith started looking around stars in the sky started to go out one by one. Like a wave of death, it enveloped everything around them eating away. It was as it was named it wasn't darkness but more like the absence of light. It was darker than darkness, it was nothing and something.

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