Chapter 9 - Two steps forward, One step back

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"Jeez, we've been so busy lately between your missions and my increased training the garden's a wreck," Lilith said as she stood in front of the biggest section of the school garden. It wasn't long before winter would be here. Yet as Conner stood next to her holding the tools in his arms, he looked around confused. The garden looked as pretty as always. "We have our work cut out for us," "Okay?" he said, as they worked he noticed what she meant. Weeds had grown in all over and several plants were starting to turn brown from neglect. "What if we got more people to join the club?" Conner asked as he heaved a black bag of weeds into the dumpster behind the school at the end of the day. Lilith laughed, "What's so funny?" he asked, "You're kidding right?" "No..." he said sounding unsure. They walked over the roses as they talked and she started playing with some. "I mean what's the harm?" He asked, "There's no harm but good luck." She carefully plucked a rose sniffing it. "You're not going to help?" he asked, "I think you'd have better luck without me." "Why?"He asked she turned towards him arms crossed, "Have you really forgotten?" She asked, he just shrugged. She looked down at the rose, it was perfect and practically glowing in the sunset light. "Unlike you I don't really get along well with others." Lilith sighed,"You think I get along with people?" Conner said with a smirk, "Yes, I mean you're super nice and amazing... and your girlfriend Megan is little Miss Perfectly perfect. Sure she's clumsy but that's what makes people like her more. They're not afraid of you and her, like they are of me." She had been looking at the flower, but as she said the word 'me' she glanced up at him before looking down again.

"Maybe if they got to know you like I do-" She looked up at him again a small smile on her face but her eyes were sad like there was a secret she wasn't sharing. "You really are something wonder boy, but no I don't think it'll work." Lilith said shaking her head, "Don't think or don't want it to?" He asked and she looked down smile gone, "Does it matter?" "Yes," he said, she looked away. Her phone buzzed an alarm, she quickly turned it off. "I've gotta go, Canary's training me Megan likes roses right?" She said shoving the rose in his hand. Before he could say anything she turned and ran. He looked down at the rose confused, before heading to the field where Meg was just getting out of practice.

Canary fell to the floor for the second time, Lilith standing above her sweating. "Nice work, keep practicing and you might even be able to beat Robin." She said, "Doubt it," Robin said, he was in the corner with Red Tornado comparing notes on the missing hours a few key members of the league they were still trying to find. Lilith had been briefed on what had happened with Savage, and how he had taken over all the league members with some kind of magic mind control. From what she understand if it wasn't for the Young Justice League things would have gotten a lot worse.

"-So are you two in?" Wally said as he entered the room. He had been talking with Meg and Conner. "A double date sounds great," Meg said, "Yeah sure," Conner said glancing at Lilith who had gone back to training. "How did you convince Artemis to agree, I thought she didn't like dates. Expectantly fancy dinners," Meg asked as Conner went over to play with wolf. "Well I haven't exactly asked her yet." Wally said with a smirk, "What?" Meg asked, "You know how she is, I have to find the right time." "With you it's never the right time," Robin said, they started arguing. "Recognized Batman 02, Aqua lad B02, Tempest B10," Everyone stopped at the same time. "Miss Martian, Super boy, you've got a mission. Aqua- lad and Tempest will join you, since you're going to Atlantis." Batman said, "What's going on in Atlantis?" Robin asked, "Nothing you should be concerned with since you have you're own mission." He started to say before the computers voice came on over head again.

"Artemis B07," "Jewel Weed, Kid flash, Robin, and Artemis. You're on another scouting mission we found a factory this time. They look like they may be the main factory for the puppets you've been seeing. Someone's behind these things I want you to find out who," Batman said, "So what's our mission?" Conner asked as Robins group moved out. Lilith paused to look at Conner as before she followed the rest of them, she had just turned away when Conner looked over at her only catching a glimpse of her red hair before she was gone.

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