Chapter 40 - Shadow world

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'We've only been here for an hour and I already want to rip my hair out,' Prince complained to Mayhem through thought communication as Ivy walked cheerfully around her new garden.

"Pink or purple?" Ivy said growing the corresponding colors around her throne made of a large flower at the end of a pond. Prince was playing with magic bubbles as he laid on a rather large lily-pad. Mayhem was at the edge of the pond near his feet in the water relaxing.

"Does it really matter?" Mayhem complained, Prince gave him a warning look but Mayhem ignored it. Ivy turned slowly, "Shouldn't you be singing or something?" She asked, "I made the plants able to play the song on repeat, he'll only need to sing every few hours." Prince explained, "Well why don't you two go play with some of those young justice brats."

"Those weren't our orders," Mayhem said standing and crossing his arms. "Well they are now," Ivy said, "No we were told to stay in the main hideouts until told otherwise, we only helped you take over Gotham because Morgana needed the hero's distracted." Mayhem said as Prince got up to stand next to him glaring at Ivy. "He's right we're only a part of your plan because we were told to be."

"Ugg and this is why I don't like working with brats. Hopefully, we can get our final piece soon so I don't have to work with kids anymore, or with the rest of that anti-league." Ivy complained, "Yeah, yeah you'll have your patch of the forest soon enough." Prince sighed, he hated that the older league members didn't treat them like equals.

This is why they only bothered listening to Morgana she at least treated them like they were human, and she was the woman with the plan. No one else would have been able to get so many villains together like this and for one purpose.

"Oh speaking of forests, we seem to have a new flower in our neck of the woods," Ivy said her eyes glowing green for a second. "Get ready boys, we have company coming."

Prince and Mayhem both rolled their eyes but got into position.

"Next time we call dibs on Mr. Freeze," Prince whispered and Mayhem nodded in agreement.


"Her power is everywhere, I don't think I can shrink them not when hers are mixed with swamp things powers," Lilith said softly trying to focus, she and Batman thought it would be best to sneak in through the back. It would have been a really good idea if all the windows weren't covered in the thickest vines Lilith had ever seen.

The city had basically been turned into a rain forest, scary dark, and dangerous. Everything from the people to the plants were all ready to kill you. Lilith liked flowers but Ivy had grown most of them with teeth.

"Well, then the hard way it is," Batman said just as Green lantern joined them.

"Cut into this as far as you can," Batman said and Lilith stepped back as Green Lantern basically made a giant chain saw with his light. As he started doing this more vines tried to cover what he was doing. Just as he was thrown back Batman threw a bomb into the cut just as vines grew over the damages. Green Lantern had a shield up and ready as it exploded. Leaving a giant hole in the side of the roof.

"There goes our element of surprise," Lantern sighed, "Knock knock?" Lilith joked with a half shrug, they both jumped to follow Batman into the hole before it closed itself up.

They ended up in a far corner of the building, it was so densely packed with plants it felt more like a maze than the open floor plan Batman had shown her. Walls of vines and Ivy surrounded them. Just as Lilith was thinking it was a bit dark in there the halls basically lit up. Glowing moss and luminescent flowers bloomed around them like someone had turned on black lights all leading the way.

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