Chapter 49 - Not so true nature

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"See you all Monday," Lilith said as she turned to head into the forest.

She and the rest of the gardening club had stayed rather late after school to set up for the school graduation the next day.

"You're not really going to walk home alone are you?" Lance asked Lilith, Lilith paused. "That was the plan," Lilith nodded, Tucker had stepped forward just as Conner spoke.

"I'll walk her," Conner said, "You guys are worry worts I can walk myself home," Lilith sighed, "Oh come on Lilith we're girls we should always have a strong escort for dark nights," Musa said as she took Edwin's arm. "Knight in shining armor at your service," Edwin said with a smile, "Fine Conner can walk me home since we live near each other," Lilith said trying not to notice that both Lance and Tucker didn't like her choice.

"See you guys," Conner said moving to walk with Lilith. Lilith glanced back only once to see Lance watching them leave.

Lilith sighed in relief when she entered the forest out of everyone's view. She even took off her gloves and let her bare hand brush along with the trees as she walked with Conner.

"Well we may have all lost the science fair, but at least we all passed," Conner said, but Lilith only nodded. Thinking about how the science fair at the fact that Meg's friends seemed surprised that her project seemed mostly unscathed. Lance had lied to her, she knew the table didn't give out. She just wondered if he had used magic at school to fix it.

Had he learned magic from Morgana Lay Fay as Constantine suggested? Mostly she really wanted to ask him more questions, and wondered if she should?

After a long walk in silence, Conner suddenly grabbed Lilith's arm moving to stand in front of her.

"Okay that's it, I know you're upset. Please tell me what has really been bugging you," Conner pleaded, Lilith bit her lip and looked down. "It's nothing really," Lilith muttered, "If it was nothing plants wouldn't be growing where your stepping," Conner said pointing at the ground behind her. Each spot she had stepped in now had overgrown grass. Lilith sighed, clutching her skirt

"I-I-I-" She stammered, "Lilith, I'm not very good at this whole friend's thing but I'll try to help," Conner said softly leaning over slightly to look at her face.

"S-someone found out, that-that I'm Jewel Weed," Lilith blurted not realizing she was saying it until the words were already out of her mouth. Conner stared at her. "Wait really?" He asked, Lilith, nodded, "During our fight the other day my-my mask vanished, someone, saw." Lilith muttered, looking at her feet her entire body shaking.

"Who?" Conner asked, "Mayhem, and Prince...It was Prince's magic, it made my powers shrink." Lilith said quickly her voice barely audible but Conner heard it all. "The villains know who you are?" Conner asked softly, Lilith licked her lips and nodded again.

"We need to tell Batman-" Conner started but then paused, "-But if we did he'd kick you off the team."

Lilith nodded, "Probably but that's not why I haven't told him." Lilith said, "The whole moving thing?" Conner asked and Lilith nodded slightly, "I know it's petty but I'm mad at him and father, I also think it'll be okay." Lilith said, "What makes you think that?" Conner asked, "I don't think they're all that evil and with me moving, well..." Lilith trailed off not sure where she was going with it.

"Right," Conner nodded then added, "Also your mother already knows who you are and where, so if a villain was going to do anything she'd probably already have done it."

Lilith perked up as he said this, "What?" Lilith asked looking at him, "Poison Ivy, you said she recognized you in your first fight if she wanted to do something she would have by now right? I doubt she kept it from other villains, they'd probably send someone to watch you. She did break out from Arkham again this morning," Conner shrugged, Lilith stared up at him.

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