Chapter 31- Music in the Memories

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"Who even did this to us?" Conner asked, "I don't know," Shazam said and Lilith sat up in surprise. She found herself basically in Captain Marvel's arms, the large yellow lightning bolt on his chest reflecting light that was coming through the now broken glass wall. 

"Ah she's awake," Captain Marvel said and Lilith looked around seeing that the sightseers were being taken care of by paramedics and cops as they took them out of the room. She, Meg, and Zatanna were all in their respective super outfits despite none of them not remembering changing into them. Conner was holding Meg, Robin was putting a bandage on Zatannas forehead.

"What happened?" Zatanna asked rubbing her head, "I don't know," Meg said and Lilith gave her an equally confused expression as an answer. "When did you guys get here?" Meg asked taking the hand Captain Marvel offered, he helped her onto her feet. "The gem is gone," Lilith noticed seeing the shattered case that was currently being tapped off by police. 

"Along with the entire exhibit." Zatanna pointed out, everything from the plants to the masks, were all gone.  "Villians took everything no one seems to remember what happened, we don't know much about what happened before we woke up here," Robin explained looking at his notes. "I remember stupid outfits, ninjas." Meg said, "Three guys one girl, didn't you pull the security tapes?" Lilith asked, "Disabled remotely minutes before, security didn't release it was looping until it was too late." Conner explained as he helped Meg get up. 

"Great batmans going to kill us," Lilith said rubbing her neck, "You know there is one way were could find out what happened," Meg said and they all turned to look at her, as she spoke. "I could look into our memories they may still be there just repressed, though it probably is safer to do it back at the base."

They all nodded in agreement though Lilith nodded more reluctantly than the rest. 


"Don't worry I'll focus on just today's memories, I can't go anywhere you don't want me to," Meg said to Zatanna as Batman and the boys set up chairs for them to sit in while they were under. 

"Conner, Batman, and Robin will be our backup," Meg explained as they sat down. "Why do we need back up?" Lilith asked, "A mind is a dangerous place, you can get lost. They are there to remind us not to get lost in our own past."  Meg explained as she sat across from Conner. Robin was with Zatanna leaving Batman with Lilith. "But remember everyone you can't interact with the memories we'll be just viewers in our heads. The trip to memory storage is interesting, to say the least. Try not to break or touch anything. Don't get lost in your past." Meg warned, Lilith wasn't worried there was almost nothing in her past she'd want to say too long in. in fact she wanted to be in and out as fast as she could not wanting Batman to see any of her memories about her mother or Meg that he didn't know. 

"Well let's go," Meg said with a nod holding out her hands to Conner, he took them the same time Batman and Robin took Lilith and Zatanna's. Lilith took note that Robin's face turned a soft shade of red. Then they seemed to all fall into a trace, though it took Lilith a little longer than the rest. 


"This is my mind?" Lilith muttered looking around to see that her mind was exactly what she expected. A giant greenhouse, "There you are, let's hurry I found the museum of memories it's this way." Batman said, "That was fast," Lilith said as she followed him, "It's not my first mind meld," He said bluntly, "So this is my mind, a greenhouse?" Lilith asked, looking at an entrance to a rose maze. Roses in an arch shape over the entrance spelled out 'Museum Of Memories' in bright gold. "Every mind is different but they have similar rules. Don't touch anything okay," He told Lilith she nodded clasping her hands behind her back. There were moving portraits hanging on the ivy walls of the rose maze. Memories some she vaguely recognized were gray and seemed to not be moving like an old photo. 

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