Chapter 35 - Break or Break-up?

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Lilith wiped away the tears from her eyes as she tried to focus on calming herself as she curled into a ball. It wasn't working well since her room was basically no different than a jungle at the moment, not even she could move around very easily. She just sat on the bright pink leaf in the corner and tried to calm her heart. Her phone had dinged a few times and she knew it was Lance but she didn't look at the messages. Opting to hide her phone in the petals of a nearby flower. 

She didn't want to answer any questions about why she had cancelled dinner tonight. She wasn't in the mood to be around anyone, especially after the conversion she just had with Batman. As well the argument she could still hear Meg and Conner currently having down the hall. The plants swelled around her a bit more, she felt so safe and warm with so many plants around her.

They had told Batman and Black canary what had happened. Lilith also finally broke down finally admitting to Batman that she had been having troubles with her powers lately. Which to her surprise he didn't yell or over react. Robin and Meg on the other hand insisted that he take her off missions until she regained control, Conner and Wally tried to ague with them. Batman stopped the argument easily, he said she'd be pulled of big missions(Which she barely went on anyways), but since this was the first time it had effected their mission he wouldn't stop her from being on other missions. He also made her agree to extra training and a few Dr tests to help make sure wouldn't happen again. 

Meg and Robin however were super angry at it all, Robin argued with Batman all the way through the boom tube as they left. Wally and Zatanna however were sent out on another mission with Canary. Leaving Meg, Conner, and Lilith in the cave. Meg still angry went off to her room. Lilith trying to distract herself made a quick dinner for everyone and Conner took Meg a serving upon Lilith's request. Which ended up devolving into this following argument, that Lilith hear every word of.


"What?" Meg snapped opening the door after nearly five minuets of him banging on it.  "Dinner," Conner said bluntly, "Oh wow gridle cheese and chips," she paused and took the plate, as she added. "Not burnt Lily-pad must have made it." Her voice so harsh and mocking that Conner took a step back. 

"Meg what the hell is your problem?" Conner asked, "Nothing," Meg groaned, walking into the hall heading to the kitchen. Lilith took the chance to head around the corner on the other side and into her room. Despite the door between her and them she still heard the conversation.

 "If it was really nothing then why are you so upset that Lilith made dinner?" Conner asked, as he followed Meg into the kitchen where she practically threw the full plate of food into the sink. "It's not the dinner that upset me," Meg said, "It's Lilith then?" Conner asked, "Yessssss!" Meg practically yelled, turning on him. Lilith backed up from the door the plants already growing to impossible sizes. She had put more plants in her room in hopes it help her regain control but now she was only glad that they were there. That she could just cocoon herself in their leaves and be surrounded by the smell of the forest, as the argument got louder.

"I don't understand Meg what is your problem with Lilith?" Conner asked, watching Meg closely. "I don't know. It's like one day she appeared and suddenly she was every where," Meg explained, "She goes to the same school as us Meg. She was always there just didn't see her and now we do. What did you expect? Things to never change?" Conner asked, Meg bit her lip trying to hold back her anger as she muttered. "No." 

"What then?" Conner pressed, "Her not turn you against me!" Meg shouted floating now, "What?" Conner said in surprise, "What makes you think-" He started to ask but things started floating as Meg interrupted him. "You've been hanging out with her non-stop for months, every time I turn around you're with her. You left me at the dance alone to go after her, you always pick her side. You said so today." 

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