Chapter 15- Dinner with Who?

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"Kick higher," Black Canary told Lilith, they were working with the punching bags. Lilith was kicking the bag over and over again, "Turn your hips more, that's it." Canary said as Lilith hit it again, "I think that's enough for today," Canary said and Lilith nodded jogging over to the table and grabbing her water. She changed and headed outside with her book, she was barely out the door when she was hit in the side of the head with a a snow ball. She looked up in surprise to find every Young Justice team outside in the middle of a huge snow ball fight. Everyone took in a sharp breath looking at her.

"Hey Lilith sorry about that," Wally said running up to her and brushing off the snow. "Oh you will be," Lilith said with a smile as a vine she made handed her a snow ball. Wally ran as Lilith threw it at him. Everyone smiled as the snowball fight continued. Lilith smiled as she snuck up behind Conner and hit him in the back of the head. It was even funner when he turned around and Meg appeared above him shaking the tree branch knocking a pile of snow on his head.

By the time the sun started to set everyone was soaking wet and tired. Lilith said bye too the others and was about to head home when Meg stopped her, from what she saw it was under Conner's request since he pushed her towards Lilith.

"Hey Lilith, I was thinking..." "About?"Lilith asked, "Well Thanksgiving is tomorrow," she said playing with her hair. "Oh right that's a thing isn't it?" Lilith laughed, "So I've asked everyone else, but they are busy...I know it's a bit late notice and I don't know if you already have plans, but would you like to join Conner and I for dinner?" Lilith could hear the slight strain in Megs voice as she asked, and Lilith really wanted to to say no. Hanging out with Conner and his girlfriend alone did not sound fun, but she could feel Conner watching them not far away listening to ever word. He knew Lilith didn't have plans that's why he had made Meg ask Lilith to join them, always the nice guy. "Sure, I'd love to." Lilith said with a forced smile knowing she couldn't say no, "Great, we'll all have so much fun. Come by around two, maybe you could even help me cook." Meg said with a similar fake smile. Lilith knew Meg tried to be nice and like her but she couldn't hide her jealously too well at times. Though why Meg was jealous Lilith didn't understand, Conner was crazy about Meg. Lilith didn't stand a chance.

Lilith felt drained when she got home and not from the snowball fight. She sighed and started a fire before taking a long warm shower. She wished she could catch cold as an excuse to skip the dinner with Meg. Anything to get out of playing third wheel to the 'perfect' couple. Lilith sighed again as she sat on her bed and brushed her hair before bed. "This is going to be the worst day ever," Lilith said to herself before climbing into bed and hoping the next day would never come.

The snow was piled high by the time the next day came. Lilith thought about calling Conner and saying she was snowed in and couldn't make it, but knowing Conner he'd come and dig her out. Lilith cleaned most of the morning and around two decided to head out. She stepped out side to find the snow nearly reached her hip, she sighed and made a bridge of vines to walk across above the snow. She tried to take her time, but the cold was too much and she was practically running by the time she reached the cave. The door opened with a bit of trouble and she stood there shivering as it closed behind her. She looked around the cave was completely empty.

"Hello?" Lilith called and heard a loud crash in the kitchen. Lilith took off her coat and found Meg in the kitchen. A can of pumpkin pie filling rolled to her feet. Meg was on the floor it looked like she was trying to reach something and everything in the cabinet fell out. "Here you go," Lilith said handing Meg the can, "Thanks," Meg said with a small smile. "So where's Conner?" "Oh um he's on a small mission he'll be back soon, I hope." Meg said muttering the last bit. "Well I guess that means we should get cooking then, what can I help with?" Lilith said trying to make the best of the awkward situation.

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