Chapter 67- Hurricane

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The tangle of vines moved out of there way.
"I never expected you to be so strong, it's like they just refuse to attack you." Ivy commented, as she pet the rather large and toothy fly trap that grew next to her. It was purring almost like a cat.
"We found her," Lilith said in her most determined voice.
"Yes and I suppose a deal is a deal," Ivy said, was the waive of hand Lilith's friends were released.
"What about Mama Fey?" Lance said over Lilith's shoulder, Ivy seemed almost annoyed that she was being addressed by him.
"Fine," she sighed heavily as she flicked her hand making the goo pod drop Morgana, still unconscious right at their feet.
"Good bye, Poison Ivy." Lilith said as Lance opened the portal to his void and a start portal quickly took its place.
"I'd wish you luck my child, but..." Ivys voice trailed off Lilith could feel the plants tell her the truth.
Ivy was hoping they'd fail, because without Harley she wanted nothing more than everything to not exist anymore. The plants around Ivy curled as is they were pets comforting Ivy. They were feeding her more power, Lilith watched as her mother's skin seemed to become more bark like.
Soon Ivy would be more plant than human, and the planet would be nothing more than Earth the only life being green.
Lilith remembered that her mother had wanted nothing more than to save the planet and turn it into what this world was. She was saddened to know even having achieved that dream this worlds Ivy wasn't happy.
World domination ment nothing when the one she loved couldn't share it with her. Lilith rushed through the portal before she started crying, feeling her mother's emotions.
Once in the new world Lilith didn't feel any better as she found herself in the middle of a hurricane.
With Morgana still out cold Lance took charge rather quickly.
"Everyone inside!" He ordered making Morgana float through a wall. Edwin seeming slightly dazed walked through the simmering wall of a boarded up building.
Everyone was thankful that the place was abandoned, no need to explain themselves to anyone.
They had found themselves in an office building, with no light to speak of they tried for switches with no luck.
"Powers out," Fire said her hair glowing brighter being there source of light. "What now?" Lilith asked, "We'll have to wait out the storm, hopefully we'll find who we need a little easier that the last." Lance sighed, "Yeah we only found ourselves in a hurricane, what could possibly go wrong." Edwin said sarcastically.
Lilith sighed as well, 'We are screwed.'
"What to help me see if there is any food in this place?" Musa asked Lilith, "Yeah, I'm starved." Lilith nodded, she looked back only a second.
Lance was arguing with Fire, he wanted her to hide with America in the shadow realm, and she wanted to help them. Lilith could only hope Morgana would wake soon and help.
(Meanwhile outside in the hurricane)
"Red tornado you stop the hurricane, I'll find the boy." The Superman of that world said into his coms.
Red tornado didn't respond but superman saw a red dot start spinning and knew Red Tornado was doing exactly what he had be told.
Superman knew Red could do it but for a second he wished Flash was here, this hurricane would have been stopped before it had caused so much damage, not that he cared much either way. He shook his head, he didn't need such frivolous thoughts, Flash was gone there was no changing that.
"I told you we should have come sooner," Batman said in the coms.

"It's not that bad we have more important things to deal with than natural disasters, just find the boy." Superman said sharply.

"We should do our best to not antagonize him, he could be of use." Wonder woman said as she lifted a rather large piece of building out of her way. The city had been deserted, they knew the League wasn't going to stop the storm so they had fled.
"Of use or not I want to know what Lex built him for," Superman said, watching Red do his best to stop the class 5 hurricane.
Superman flew above it all and looked down on the city like a god would it's creation. Slowly he scanned the city, eyes piercing through solid steel and concrete. His eyes lingered on a few spots where a random citizens were hiding haven't not left, thinking they could out last the storm. He thought about how stupid humans were.
He realized it not long ago that they weren't able to manage themselves bickering over stupid things, so he had brokered peace in the world through his tyrannical rein.
His eyes stopped on one building that he couldn't see through, a bank with a lead lined voult. Lead such a bothersome item. If his target was hiding anywhere it be somewhere superman couldn't be seen. Yet if Superman had learned anything about Lex Luther what ever he had created wouldn't be just a normal weapon. It be smart and hold some if not all Supermans powers, and Superman hoped perhaps it also held his weaknesses as well.
Floating down to the building thinking of the best way to do this Superman paused when he saw movement in the building. Over the roar of the now dying hurricane he hear three very distinct things.
"Morgan's awake,", "Found the kitchen!", and "Aqua Man has a son?"

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