Chapter 14- Halloween

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Lilith yawned and opened her eyes to find herself in the garden again. Vines had tightly packed themselves around her like a make shift tent. She sat up slightly and touched them making it shrink away. She shivered immediately regretting it, she looked around in astonishment at the winter wonderland. The entire forest was covered in a thick layer of freshly fallen snow, and it was still coming down. She stood and practically ran inside. Within minuets she had a fire going, she turned on the TV and changed out of her PJs. A list of school closings scrolled across the screen. Her's was the very last on the list. She sighed as she read it, not that she wasn't happy school was cancelled. It just meant that she was going to be stuck training all day. After breakfast she walked slowly through the snow to the cave, only to find the inside covered in dark lights and random fake ghosts. Everyone was running around decorating. Lilith walked passed Zatanna making candles hang in mid air, Wally and Aqua-lad were messing with lights in the hallways. Lilith found Meg, Conner, and Aqua- Girl in the kitchen carving pumpkins. Though it looked like they had already made dozens.

"Lilith!" Conner shouted gesturing her over. She looked at her shoes as shewalked over. "What's all this?" She asked, "Halloween is tomorrow, so we're getting ready!" Meg shouted, holding out a lollipop to her. She took it reluctantly, "Right-Right, I guess I forgot." Lilith half smiled, "You forgot about Halloween? Isn't the same day as your birthday?" Robin asked as he and Artemis walked in with boxes of more decorations.
"Wait your birthday is on Halloween?" Conner asked, "Yes," Lilith said slowly not actually sounding to sure herself. "Oh we should celebrate, we're already having a party! Why not a birthday party," Aqua girl suggested as she started lighting the candles in the pumpkins. "No, no, no, no. I don't really do parties," Lilith said, "Oh come on it'll be fun, we get to dress up and everything." Artemis said, "Um, as what?" Lilith asked, "What ever you want," Conner said, "Who are you all going as?" Lilith asked, "It's a surprise," Megsaid, "Oh well I guess I can come up with something." Lilith sighed just as Batman's voice came over head, "Lilith report to the training area immediately." "Guess I've got to go," she said setting the candy counter before leaving.

"I think I'll make her a cake, Conner do you know what kind she likes?" Meg asked, "I think she said Carrot was her favorite," Conner said, not sounding sure. Meg couldn't hide her smile, "I guess this means we should get her gifts as well, I wonder if any stores are open in this blizzard?" Artemis said as she picked up a pumpkin and went to put it in the living room. "Gifts, right." Conner said staring off into space thinking.


Lilith sighed as she looked through her clothing. There was absolutely nothing she could wear as a costume in the entire house. According to the clock the party had started over an hour ago, she wondered if they had noticed she wasn't there, actually she was more wondering if Conner had noticed. She shook her head and went back to digging. After another ten minuets or so she gave up and laid down on her bed.Which was still covered in all her clothes. She stared up at the ceiling the light was close to going out and the blizzard outside made her even more reluctant to go to the party.

She jumped when there was a knock at her door. She ran to it expecting to find Conner and felt almost disappointed when Artemis and Zatanna practically fell through the doorway. They looked cold and far too excited for someone who had just walked nearly three miles in thesnow, in the middle of the night. "Are you guys okay?" Lilith asked as she closed the door and ran to grab them towels. "We're fine, but where have you been?" Artemis asked, "Here," Lilith said, that's when she registered their outfits. Artemis was dressed like Huntress and Zatanna was dressed as Dr. Fate. 

"I guess this means you're here to drag me to the party?" Lilith groaned, "Yep!Now get dressed, we have a long cold walk." Zatanna said, "One problem with that," Lilith said, "What?" Artemis asked, "I. Don't. Exactly. Have. Anything. To wear." Lilith said smiling innocently. The girls looked at each other and followed Lilith to her room. They dug through her clothing for nearly twenty minutes. "She has a lot of black, I could us a spell turn her hair blonde. Black Canary?" "No," Lilith said, "What's in this box?" Artemis said as she opened the large trunk that had been at the end of Lilith's bed.

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