Chapter 30- Mission Gone Haywire

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'Mission now,' the words glowed on her phone like a beacon. Lilith smiled and put the gardening tools away. "What no club today?" Lance asked walking over to her with his friends. "Um you guys can water the flower beds, but I have to get going I have a prior engagement," Lilith said softly, "Oh too bad I even dressed for it this time," Edwin said showing off his new gardening gloves which Lilith took notice that the twins had gotten matching pairs as well. 

"Sorry, um I think Conner can't make it today either." Lilith said, "That's too bad," Lance said making a face that Lilith didn't understand, she couldn't tell if it was disappointment or something else. "Um, I guess we'll see you tomorrow," Lance said, "Yeah, see ya," Lilith said running off. 

"You have the worst luck ever," Musa said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "So what now lover boy?" Edwin asked, "I water the flowers and try again tomorrow," Lance said, "I'd suggest actually asking her out on a date this time," Musa said, "That's if he can get the words out," Edwin scoffed Lance sighed and crossed his arms as he walked over to the hose.


Lilith sighed as she sat in the room filled with plants. The team had intel that someone was planning on stealing a priceless artifact from a museum.

'A diamond flower, I want to see it.' Zatanna said, 'The exhibit opens tomorrow if we can stop the potential robbery.' Meg said, Lilith stayed quiet being the only one actually in the room with the artifact. The room was set up to look like an indoor jungle which Lilith assumed was why she was chosen for the mission. She hid among the shrubbery, the plants almost too willingly covered her from anyone seeing her. One wall of the room was made of stained glass, it was one of the largest rooms in the museum. The ceiling so tall that it reminded Lilith of a cathedral. The ceiling painted with as many colors as the stainless window. Meg and Zatanna were just on the other side of the glass on a building across the street.

The flower gem was in a safe under the display case in the middle of the room. When the museum closed the flower descended into the safe when the museum would open the safe would open and the flower would be displayed in a bullet-proof display case. The other artifacts in the room weren't as expensive but Lilith thought they were far more interesting. Amazon warrior masks, weapons, and clothing were displayed around the room. It was all from abandoned city archaeologists dug up a few months prior. They were confused at how the city was abandoned but the thing that made it interesting was that nothing was taken when they abandoned it. Food, clothing, even children's toys. It was like they had just vanished without a trace. 

'Anything suspicious?' Meg asked, 'Not a sign of anyone,' Lilith sighed, 'Maybe the intel was wrong,' Zatanna said, 'What's so important about this flower anyways, just a bunch of diamonds made to look like a rose.' Lilith yawned, 'I thought this would be right up your ally, Jewel.' Zatanna said, 'Because it's in the shape of a flower?' Lilith asked, 'Well...Yeah.' Meg said, 'I don't have a one-track mind or just one hobby.' Lilith complained and the others mumbled their apologies. 

'Just how many all-nighters are we going to have to do until this person tries to steal it?' Zatanna asked, with a yawn. 'You can take a quick nap we'll be here until the place opens Conner and the boys have tomorrow's watch.' Meg told her, Lilith wanted a nap as well but said nothing not wanting Meg to have any doubts. 

'You're awfully quiet Jewelweed,' Meg said almost as if she just wanted to fill the silence. 'I'm trying to watch for bad guys,' Lilith sighed, 'JW I know you hate me right now-' Meg started, 'No M I don't hate you, I just don't particularly like you.' Lilith shrugged, Meg went quiet for a second. Lilith hoped Meg wasn't projecting their conversation to Zatanna. 'M. I don't care anymore I just want to do what I can to become a hero. So as long as you don't try to keep me from that, we don't have to pretend to be friends.' Lilith said, 'Jewel-' Meg started again, 'I'd prefer silence M.' Lilith snapped and tried to keep the plants from growing. They had started growing, and talking to Meg wasn't making it any easier to keep control of her powers.


The hours passed in silence, eventually, the sun started to rise. 'The building will open soon Robin and the others will be here to trade out with us. They want to know if we'd like to see the exhibit before we leave?' Zatanna said reading from her phone. 'Yeah,' Meg said cheerfully but yawned, 'I think I've seen enough of it.' Lilith complained and stretched, 'Fair enough,' Zatanna said.

Lilith climbed out of the plants, just as the guard came into the room. The guards and the owner were the only ones who knew she and the league would be there. Yet he still seemed to jump upon seeing her. He nodded her way and called for his crew to start opening the building. There was a soft buzz sound and the flower gem started to emerge from its pedestal the glass case was super clean. The spotlights in the case making it glitter like a star.  

'Hey JW the boys are running late,' Zatanna said and Lilith sighed, 'I'll go change.' 'We'll meet you inside.' Meg said and Lilith rolled her eyes.

Lilith slipped out before the first wave of a crowd came in seeing Meg and Zatanna as she went out unseen. She changed into street clothes and came back with the next wave of viewers. She couldn't help but wonder why Conner and Robin were running late. Lilith took out a sketchbook and slowly went from item to items doing not so pretty or quick sketches of each. Meg and Zanntana were taking never-ending photos near the plants. She pretended not to know them and them, her. They were just normal people. That was until someone would try to steal anything.  

Just as Lilith hoped Conner would come and she could go home a glitter of music went through the room like a wave. People turned confused but smiling as a girl came dancing into the room. She seemed to be wearing a ninja-style outfit that covered most of her face and body. She danced through the crowd with skill and applause. 

Lilith immediately knew something was wrong, despite the crowd's enjoyment as three Boys joined her in similar outfits. 'Flashmob?' Meg asked, just as the dancer ballet jumped onto the glass case. The three boys at her feet. When no alarms sounded at her pointed toes touching the glass Lilith said, 'No it's a robbery.' 

The girl on the case with a wave of he hand tore off the ninja outfit and revealed a new outfit. She now wore a purple and gold tailcoat like she was a ringmaster but the large steampunk-esk goggles covering most of her face. Lilith noticed her red hair was tied back in perfect braided buns as she took off her purple top hat and bowed to the audience.

"Good morning everyone," she said in a melodic tone that was most definitely being manipulated. Lilith thought maybe the same kind of tech Batman used. "We are here to steal this trinket and you all are going to help." She said a murmur of confusion rippled through the crowd as she added with a smile. "Don't worry you won't remember a thing." 

Like it was his cue one of the boys next to her tore away his outfit as well. Lilith barely caught a glance at his purple marching band-inspired outfit with goggles that matched the girls, before the music started.

Poison Love (Young Justice, Super Boy Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن