Chapter 50- Power

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"I Meg was right," Robin sneered as he saw Ivy's dust self vanish from Lilith's bedroom. Robin stared at the picture he had taken and huffed. "She's a villain," Robin said turning to make his way back into the woods towards the cave.

He was just about to open the doors when an eerie voice echoed around him in the dark.
"Fee, fie, for, fum. I smell the blood of the bats little one," Ivy said as she appeared in front of him. No longer dust but her actual self.

"Damn!" Robin cursed as pink dust was blown into his face. "Hey, Red how did you know they'd still be using this old place?" Harley asked, "My daughter may be good at many things but she can't keep the plants from telling me everything. Once they told me she lived on this Island, I knew exactly where they'd be," Ivy explained, "I get it and little bird brain here is our key in," Harley nodded, "By morning every young hero will be under my control, even my daughter will be forced to join me." Ivy said handing Robin a bag of her pink dust, "I thought Morgana wanted Lilith to join us naturally. On top of that, didn't you just promise your girl that you wouldn't dust anyone?" Harley asked, "I promised her I wouldn't dust Morgana's boys, I never said anything about Bats team." Ivy smirked, "Besides Morgana won't even hear about this until they all get back from Amazon Island, by then it'll be too late and I'll have Lilith as a perfect bargaining chip against her."

Harley sighed as she watched Robin go inside after Ivy had given him orders. "This is not going to be good for your mother-daughter relationship," Harley muttered, which Ivy ignored as she turned to greet another.

"Took you long enough Lex," Ivy smirked, "Let's do this I want to test out my new toy on someone," Lex smirked, as his new tech suit lit up.

Lilith woke with a start as she heard the tree outside crash down through the roof in the living room of her house. She was up and outside within seconds. Her green pajamas getting hit with mud and broken pieces of the forest. As the tornado tore through her backyard.

"Lilith run!" Her father yelled, coming out of the house. Lilith started to turn as he grabbed her arm but paused only to stare up at the tornado. A red streak flying through it every few seconds fight another familiar figure.

"Red Tornado's fighting Lex Luther?" Lilith breathed, "Father I have to help Red Torando!" Lilith shouted over the wind pulling her arm from his hand.

"Lilith no it's too dangerous!" Her father shouted, "It's my duty to protect people, that tornado could tear this island apart!" Lilith shouted, running back inside and grabbing her suit she was half into the outfit before her father could catch up.

"Lilith I said no!" He shouted, Lilith, zipped up the suit before turning to him. "You can't stop me!" Lilith shouted over the wind. "I am your father and you will listen to me!" He shouted grabbing her arm as she started to climb out the window. She turned and glared at him.

"Why should I listen to you? You never listen to me!" Lilith shouted, she ruffly pulled her arm from his and brushed her hand across her face leaves growing to make her mask.

"I'm helping Red if you want to punish me later then do it. As for now," Lilith said as she waved her hand, and the tree that had been knocked down grabbed her father and passed him through the forest from tree to tree. Near town, she could feel the plants preparing a barricade to contain the tornado's carnage.

"Stay safe father," Lilith muttered and ran towards the tornado. "You this is your fault!" Meg shouted as she tackled Lilith to the ground. "What the f-" Lilith shouted as Meg punched her in the face.

In seconds Meg was tangled in vines, and just as quickly she was free. She had to practically stay intangible to keep from being tangled up again all the while trying to land hit after hit on Lilith.

"Why are you doing this?!" Lilith shouted as she ran from Meg. "You led your mother to us!" Meg shouted, "What?" Lilith asked, "Your mother attacked us last night, and now everyone in the cave is under her control!" Meg said, "What?!" Lilith shouted, Meg, paused and stared at Lilith.

"But I didn't!" Lilith try to argue, not that Meg seem to not be listening as she tried to tackle Lilith again.

"As soon as I catch you I'll be able to prove to the others that you're just like your mother. Connor can't, not believe me this time!" Meg yelled over the howl of the wind just as Red Tornado came crashing through the trees past them. A super suited up Lex Luther landed nearby with a laugh.

"Meg this isn't the time for your games we have to stop Lex!" Lilith argued but Meg's angry eyes were only trained in Lilith.

"You're the only villain I'm fighting," Meg said and Lilith saw the glint of pink in her eyes. She immediately had the plants stop trying to catch Meg.

"Mother," Lilith grumbled under her breath, "Meg you're under the effects of the powder too can't you see that!?" Lilith yelled but with all the plants no longer attacking Meg had become tangible and was trying to catch Lilith. Of course, it looked more like she was trying to kill her. Lilith however was dodging, being so used to Conners superspeed made Megs attacks almost too easy to avoid.

"Meg you know I'm sorry I have to do this, but..." Lilith paused and thought about it for a second as her jaw throbbed from the one good hit Meg had gotten in. "You know what I'm really not sorry about this," Lilith smirked and as Meg dove to tackle her Lilith with one quick move elbowed Meg in the back of the head. Not hard enough to break anything but enough to effectively knock her out.

"That felt almost too good," Lilith sighed, telling the plants to entangle Meg in their vines. "I think mother and I need a long talk," Lilith muttered as she walked away. Heading towards where Tornado was currently losing to Lex Luther. Lilith watched for a moment wondering what would be best. Fight her mother or try to defeat Lex.

"If only I could...Control him, mother couldn't win against him and me." Lilith muttered getting a slight, sick feeling in her stomach. Lilith watched as plants were torn apart by Lex as he fought Red. "I'm not my mother, I don't have that power," Lilith muttered a flick of her wrist vines tried to tangle Lex not that he even noticed.

"I'm not my mother, not my mother..." Lilith breathed as she glanced over at Meg who was cocooned safely in a tree. "Even if I wanted to I don't have the powder ability, right?" Lilith said as she looked down at the flowers at her feet pieces of her home were scattered about the forest. She knelt down and picked up the lion plushy Lance had given her. It was covered in mud and its arm was practically torn off. As sadness and anger washed over her she could only pause as an idea came to her.

'Mother has powder,' Lilith sighed grimacing, as a half-baked plan formed in her mind while she ran towards the cave not wanting to waste any time as the tornado tore through the forest.

Lilith didn't even half to ask the trees to carry Meg back to the cave with her, they just did. More than anything that had happened so far; it was that, that scared Lilith. The strength and partial control she had overall plants on this island, without even thinking about it they did her bidding. Lilith could only hope she had enough control of her home; of her island and its plants, and enough power to pull off this crazy scheme. One that Lilith was sure none of the heroes would approve of.

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