Chapter 53 - With friends like these?

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Harley snickered as she played around, practicing handstands on Superman's hand all while Ivy tried hacking the computers nearby with no luck.

"Why don't you just have Bats login? Wouldn't that be easier?" Harley asked, "It apparently takes more than his key, and don't know who has the other. They don't tend to tell me things when they're in this state," Ivy sighed looking longingly at Batman who stood nearby with all the other heroes.

"And what pray tell is all this about?" Morgana snapped, Harley Quinn practically jumped out of her skin falling from Supermans hand landing at Morgana Layfey's feet. Ivy sighed before turning as well.

"What are you doing here?" Harley snickered, "I could ask the same of you two," Morgana said as she paced around the room looking at the hypnotized heros' though her expression was rather sour. "We're doing something to help," Ivy said, and then with a snicker said, "Well, help me."

"Let me guess, you decided to betray me?" Morgana mocked, "Well yes, and before you do anything. You should know we've hidden away the plant child," Harley shrugged, "Idiots, why must I always surround myself with idiots?" Morgana muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Because you like feeling superior," Lex said as he appeared from the dark grabbing Morgana from behind his suit glowing with power. She didn't try to fight or even try to dodge as he did this despite feeling her magic getting slightly weaker near the contraption Lex was wearing.

"Hello Lex, why am I not surprised you're here?" Morgana sighed, "Because you're as smart as you are beautiful," Lex said, "Well I'm disappointed, I thought I wouldn't have to fight you three until after the world nearly ends." Morgana said glancing around at the heros' as she added, "I guess I could just leave the fighting to the heroes. The little plant darling Jewel-weed won't be of any use to me if she doesn't freely choose my side." Morgana smirked just as an alarm went off.

The cave's lights went red as a computer said, "Interuter alert the cave is now in lockdown."

"Well, aren't I just lucky today," Morgana said as she vanished from Lex's grasp.


Lilith didn't even try to sit up, nor did she open her eyes. She hoped with all her heart that it had all been a bad dream but the cold hard floor beneath her and the freezing air in the room told her the truth. She was still trapped.

The goo had finally dried all the way and Lilith fell much better though she still could barely feel her plants. Her eyes snapped open when she heard a sound she was getting far too familiar with.

"Lance!" Lilith shouted in glee as she scrambled to her feet before leaping over to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck.

Lance was so surprised that Lilith had tackled him. That him it took him a second to hug her back. One hand on her waist the other in her hair, attempting to brush hair out of his face.

"Your safe now Lilith I've got you," Lance muttered as he felt her cold tears hit his neck. He immediately felt the power it held and used his magic to protect himself. Half wondering what part of her powers wasn't super strong. Lance didn't try to pull away or even ask anything, he just held her. Enjoying the fact she was comfortable enough to do such a thing with him.

"Mayhem," Lilith sighed in relief, Lance stiffened a bit as Lilith pulled away from him to move towards Tucker who had come through the portal. She moved to give him a hug then paused.

"Oh oops, um." Lilith looked sheepishly down at her goo-covered outfit and back at Lance seeming to be happy she hadn't gotten anything on him.

"You can hug me Lance will heal me later," Tucker said giving Lance an, 'Right?' look. Lilith smiled and quickly hugged Tucker.

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