Chapter 34- Playing with Fire and Roses

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Lilith sighed as she sat on the bed pulling out her phone as it dinged. 

'Well if you don't have favorite then who are in your top three?' Lance asked, Lilith bit her lips as she laid back on her bed. 'Um, Batman...Buster gold...Super boy.' Lilith typed but before hitting send she contemplated erasing the last one, but before she could change her mind she hit send. It wasn't like she was sending it Conner, just harmless Lance. She attacked his name to his number in her phone. 'Lancelot'

She then started scrolling through images online to place as his image until she got an actual picture. Not that she ever expected him to give her one. As she thought this he answered back.

'Buster Gold? He's real?' Lance said and Lilith giggled as she answered, 'Of course he's real, he's from the future all his tech is. He's a true blue time hero,' She was surprised how fast he answered.  

'Yeah I just looked him up, he's got very few followers for a hero that's got accounts all over the internet.' Lance said, 'He's got a bit of a cult following, people think he's a bit full of himself.' Lilith said, 'Well his outfit is cool,' Lance said and Lilith sighed, 'So who's your fav?' Lilith asked, there was longer pause this time. Lilith got up and started pulling out her homework, she had barley sat back down when it finally dinged. 

'Captain Marvel is cool I like his powers, whos your fav villain?' Lance asked, Lilith bit her lip she had hoped he had forgotten that question. She didn't want to choose they were all bad. 'Poison Ivy,' Lilith typed, then licked her lips before erasing it and instead sending. 'None, I guess I don't really like to condone what they do?'

'I understand, so how's your leg?' Lance asked Lilith looked at her leg all bandaged up. 'Yeah Conner got me all patched up.' She said, 'I'm glad you're okay,' he said and before she could respond another message popped up. 'I still feel kind of responsible, I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.' 

Lilith smiled, Lance was so sweet. 'It's not your fault I just don't like being touched,' she said quickly, far to use to giving the excuse. Lilith turned to her homework as she waited for his response but it didn't come.


Lance sighed as he typed and retyped his response, nothing he typed sounded right. His stomach was in knots as he reread her message. She didn't like being touched, yet Conner was allowed to practically be all over her. He had nearly lost his temper before Lilith had shouted in pain at Conner's roughness with her. Conner seemed like a nice guy, in fact it was him who suggested Lance join the club despite his allergies to pollen. Sure medicine kept that in check enough to let him work along side Lilith, but Conner had gone over board when he saw Lilith hurt. 

'Conner is such a jealous dude,' Tucker had messaged into the group chat after explaining to the others about what had happened. 'He has a girlfriend he should back the F-off,' Edwin had messaged as well. 'No one can fight the heart Ed darling,' Musa said, 'Lilith does,' Tucker said, 'I don't know she seems to be warming up to Lance quite nicely,' Musa pointed out, 'She freaked when I took her glove, on accident.' Lance reminded her. 'She said she has a skin condition, I mean I'm a little afraid to know what it is but if she really is that angry it must be serious.' Musa said, 'Her skin looked fine to me,' Edwin said, 'I'll just play it safe for now, don't want to scare her off.' Lance said and the others agreed, "Lancelot," A woman mused as she entered his room. 

Lance looked up and smiled as she entered. She was by far the most enchanting woman he had ever known. Her long raven black hair fell well past her waist as it sat in an intricate braid over her shoulder, matching the dark eyes that glinted as they fell upon him. She wore a deep green colored gown that looked as if it was pulled out of time. The long dangling sleeves and a sparkling train fit her rather snuggly. The plan gold belt matched it nicely, he remembered how jealous Musa was of her wardrobe and aspires to dress like her. 

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