Chapter 7- Welcome

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Lilith was dressed in her super suit, with the mask and everything as she fought several glowing bad guys. She was doing really well taking them down one by one, she went to kicked one of the fake bad guys, but missed so I one swift movement she did a back flip kicking him and another in the face. They both vanished and the floor stopped glowing.

"That's enough for today," Batman said stepping up onto the floor. "You must be tired from all this training, my dear dinner is ready when you are." Alfred said as he walked over to stand next to Batman. She smiled back up at Batman he nodded. She ran off down the hall still smiling. "You should eat as well sir," "Not hungry, besides after dinner I'm taking her back to Happy Harbor." Batman said, "Has it been a week already?" Alfred asked, Batman nodded. "Well I sure will miss having her around, it was nice to have the house is full of laughter again even for a little while." Alfred said as Batman sighed and opened a few files, the last one to open and the take up most of the screen was a page of a news paper.

'Dr. James Mural still missing.'

"She still doesn't know?" Alfred asked, "No and I'm trying to keep it that way, she doesn't need to know yet." "You know the longer you keep it from her the more she'll resent you for it later." Alfred said, "Not if I find him first." he said as Alfred walked away.

Conner and Wally were in the dinning room setting up decorations, as Meg put cookies on a plate. Artemis and Robin walked in, Robin looking rather unhappy. Meg didn't look up as she asked Robin via telepathy.

'Did you find anything?' 'Wel-' Robin started to ask, "Everyone please report to the main room to welcome our new members." Red Tornado's voice said over the intercom. Meg picked up the plate and followed everyone else into the room where Red Tornado, Black Canary, Rocket, and Zatanna were already waiting.

"Hey guys," Zatanna says as she smiles and waves at them. "Hey Zatanna it's been a while." Robin says, "Yeah," 'Recognized Aqua Lad B02, Tempest B10, Aqua Girl B11.' All three appeared in the boom tube, they all ran up at once to greet the new members congratulating them on joining the team.

"Come on we have the party all set up," Meg said leading Aqua Girl and Tempest towards the dinning room. "Party?" Tempest asked Aqua-lad, "We tried stopping her, but when Meg sets her mind on something it's kind of hard to stop her." Aqua-lad said, "Team? Shouldn't you wait for the final member before you start?" Red tornado asked, they turned to look at him confused except Robin who crossed his arms. "We were only informed of two new members joining today," Aqua-Lad said, "Weren't you suppose to tell them about the trial member?" Red Tornado asked Black Canary, "I must have forgotten," Canary shrugged, "Trial member...Who is it?" Meg asked, as the computer over head said. 'Recognized Batman 02, Jewel- Weed B00.' The entire team turned, to see Batman walk through the door Jewel-Weed in full super-outfit walking timidly behind him. "Team, you may remember Jewel-Weed." Black Canary said, nearly everyone seemed to be frozen in shock. Only Super-boy moved, he practically ran to her.

"You're joining the team?" He asked, she stepped timidly out from behind Batman. "Why didn't you tell me?" Conner asked, "I wanted it to be a surprise," she said looking down. Robin was the next to move and everyone else followed. "Welcome to the team, Jewel-Weed." Aqua-lad said, "It's good to be here but..." she said and looked up at Batman he nodded, she brushed her hands across her face the leaves vanished.

"You guys can just call me Lilith," Super-boy smiled as everyone else looked nervously at each other. Artemis and Robin looked at Meg who seemed to be frozen, Artemis put her arm around Meg snapping her out of her daze. "Oh you're Meg and Conner's friend right?" Artemis asked, "Yeah I guess you could call me that." Lilith said as she looked down and brushed her bangs behind her ear. "Well then lets get this party started," Wally said putting his arm around Artimus's shoulder before she pulled it off and pushed him away, Lilith looked up at Batman he nodded. She followed Conner closely. Red tornado left and when up to his room, leaving Canary and Batman alone.

"Do you really think she's ready?" Canary asked, "She has to be, but I do have to admit Super-boy did quite a good job." Batman said, "Seems the student's become the teacher." Red tornado said, "Yes... but we should go I have a new lead in the missing persons case."

"So you were born with the powers?" Wally asked, everyone was at the table. They were playing a game at the table Tempest was winning. Robin and Meg went to the kitchen to get more snacks. "Yes," Lilith answered, 'What are the chances?' Meg telepathically asked Robin. 'I don't know something is defiantly off.' 'What did you learn?' 'Not much, she's squeaky clean except a few sealed files.' Robin said, 'Sealed? Does that mean you couldn't get into them? How's that possible?' Meg asked, trying to keep the fake smile up. 'Long story, but for now lets give her the benefit of the doubt.' 'I don't like it, something sinks and it's not this artichoke dip Conner likes.' Meg sighed, 'If batman trusts her she can't be all bad can she?' Robin said, 'That's what you said before we found out Artemis's mother was a villain.' 'I was right though she wasn't bad,' 'I guess but I'm not taking my eyes off her for even a minute.'

"Come on Robin it's your turn!" Wally yelled, "Yeah, yeah hold your horses." they went back to the table Meg flouted a bunch of the bowls over to the table. "Lilith try this it's artichoke dip." Lilith took the chip covered in dip from Conner, "It's really good," she said. Meg did her best not to glare having to look down at her cards in her lap, but Robin had to remind her that it was her turn.

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