Chapter 41- Lunch?

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"If this is how you act when you give your heart away, take it back!" The music blared from Megs room. Lilith rolled her eyes as she walked to the kitchen grabbing something to eat before school.

Lilith hummed a song quietly as she poured a bowl of cereal. "Mayhem got stuck in your head too?" Zatanna asked and Lilith jumped nearly dropping her food. "Mayhem? What do you mean?" Lilith asked, remembering that she hadn't really told anyone that the anti Young Justice League had talked to her / kidnapped her for a little while. Zatanna just smiled.

"The song you were humming was Mayhems from the hall of justice. Right?" She asked, Lilith, paused, "Was it?" Lilith asked trying to think about what she had just been humming, "Yeah, you didn't remember." Zatanna said following Lilith to the table. Lilith just shrugged as she said, "I don't know I was kind of just humming to hum."

"Understandable," Zatanna said, "Did you need something?" Lilith asked, "Yes actually, the house of mystery should show up near here tonight around midnight, you said that you'd come to talk to Constantine with me." Zatanna said sheepishly, "Oh right, yes sure I'll come." Lilith said happily, "Great because he kind of makes me nervous," Zatanna sighed in relief, "He does?" Lilith asked, "Yeah, he's only like ten years older than me but already really powerful. I was hoping that he might teach me some stuff," Zatanna said, "You're really powerful," Lilith said and Zatanna sighed but still smiled.

"Thanks, but I can't even do wordless casting." She said before standing, Lilith got up as well but by the time she reached the sink and turn to say something Zatanna was gone.

Lilith sighed just as her phone went off, 'Goodmorning Lilith,' Lance said, and Lilith smiled. 'Goodmorning,' she sent back with a smiley face. Her phone dinged again, 'Are you free after club today?' He asked and Lilith paused. Biting her lip she said, 'I have plans with a friend, sorry.' She messaged back and when another response didn't come she turned back to the sink cleaning her dish.

"Hey, Lil ready to go?" Conner asked peeking his head in the kitchen, "Yep," Lilith said turning eyes locking with Meg who was standing half in shadow at the other doorway. Lilith let her bangs fall across her eyes as she walked away.

Conner and Meg still hadn't talked, but Lilith had chosen Conners side. Unlike the entire school who seemed to be siding with Meg. Well besides their new friends; Edwin, Tucker, Musa, and Lance. Dear sweet Lance, Lilith couldn't help but feel sorry for him. She wanted to give him a chance but then there was Conner and she wasn't even going to try and think about Mayhem. Too many guys had suddenly appeared in her life and she was getting a headache thinking about it.

"Lil, you okay?" Conner asked, they had been basically been walking in silence since they left the cave. "I'm fine," Lilith said, "No you're not," Conner said with a small knowing smirk, "What makes you think I'm not?" Lilith asked, "You're growing leaves," He said, she paused as he reached towards her plucking a few leaves from her hair. She immediately panicked and ran her hand through her hair pulling out at least half a dozen more. Lilith was glad they had been walking alone in the forest.

"What's wrong?" Conner asked as he watched Lilith, concern glinting in his kind eyes. Lilith melted, "Lance," she breathed and watched confused as his expression changed. Now she was wondering what he was thinking.

"What about him?" Conner asked, "Well we're working on a project for the final in science, I was wondering if he's going to be angry at how little I've done so far. I mean we still have a few weeks left before its do..." Lilith trailed off Conner seemed content at her answer. "I doubt he'll be too upset as long as you finish on time," Conner said, "That's if I can find time to work on it with him, with my dad out of town I'm not supposed to be in the cabin. Yet it's not like I can take him to the cave to work on it." Lilith said as they walked up to the school.

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