Chapter 68- Super

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"In this world yes, he's the child of Mera and Aquaman. He's still young but is stronger than both his parents, at least on this earth." Lance explained to Fire who Morgana had agreed with, Fire was going to stay and help them.
"Where are they?" Fire asked, watching Tucker and Edwin out of the corner of her eye. He was whispering with Edwin about something and she had a sneeking suspension it wasn't about their mission.
"Atlantis last we heard, it's the last place on this earth that isn't under the complete control of the Justice League. Or the dark twisted version this earth has," Morgana explained, "On my earth Aquaman was a big player in the league." Fire said sounding confused,
"Ours too but he has no son, at least not anymore." Lance said, "He lost him?" Fire asked, "Black Manta is a cruel man," Morgana said sternly, not sounding happy.
Just as the storm winds seemed to be dying down here came a sudden crashing sound followed by an ear piercing scream from above them.

Edwin yelled, "Musa!" And ran for the stairs Tucker and Lance at his heels.

"BOYS!" Morgana yelled the building was starting to break around them before she got to the stairs. With a quick spell she teleported Fire and her to where the boys were and then in a flash they were all outside in the rain. Just barely missing be killed by a several ton safe that came crashing to the first floor. The entire building now crumbling to pieces around it.
"There has to be some kind of kitchen around here, or a break room somewhere." Musa yawned, glancing out the nearest window seeing the hurricane through the slits between the boards that still blocked the glass.

"It's oddly beautiful isn't it?" Lilith commented seeing where Musa was looking
"What the hurricane?" Musa asked, "Yeah but you know what nevermind," Lilith said walking away.

"Ooo a safe! Do you think Edwin darling would break into it for me?" Musa asked, "Musa that man would break into Supermans fortress if you asked it of him." Lilith laughed, "He could probably do it to, he's a wiz when it comes to puzzles and locks." Musa sighed gleefully.

"You know I could probably unlock it for you, but this is this worlds money it wouldn't be of use to us." Lilith said walking over to the door. She kinda wanted to open it, it could have been because there was a fist size dent in its handle or just because she was in another world and was curious what could be in the safe besides money.

"Dimonds could be the same in every world." Musa giggled, Lilith shrugged curiosity overwhelmed her as the vine belt grew and she began to unlock the gears from the inside.

Moments later the door didn't click but started to swing open anyways. Musa didn't seem to notice how easy it was as she reached out and began to pull the door open more.

They weren't sure if they were more surprised or disappointed in the fact that the safe was empty. Well mostly empty.
Lilith nearly jumped back when she saw someone laying on the floor of the volt. At first she was in fight mode but something about him made her pause.

"Please don't tell me, out of all the buildings we could have chosen we found the one they stashed Superboy's body in." Musa complainted, " I don't think he's dead," Lilith said cautiously stepping forward.
He was laying on his back, his white body suit torn and covered in mud. The bright red S on his chest.
Lilith didn't realize Musa had followed her in until Superboy moved. He was fast Lilith knew that but this one was not holding back. In a blink of an eye he had Musa by her neck. He lifted her up off the floor good foot why he hadn't touched Lilith she didn't really think about as she immediately went and grabbed his forearm.
"Stop!" She squealed, Musa clinging onto superboy's arm in vain. His grip loosened when Lilith touched him. She heard Musa taking a soft breath, Lilith doubt he actually felt how strongly she was tugging on his arm. Even her vine belt started to overgrow trying help her to pull his arm from Musa.
He blinked as the smell of lavender hit him, and he looked down at Lilith.
That's definitely wasn't the Connor she knew, as where her super boy had the palest blue eyes. This one's eyes were black. He seemed to stare at her for a moment, as if astonished she was there.

"Jewel," he breathed in his ruff voice. He dropped Musa like a sack of potatoes.
"How do you-?" Lilith started to ask when suddenly the wall just outside the safe shattered. The impact shook the entire building, Musa screamed in terror. Lilith barley caught a glimpse of this worlds Superman before the building started to crumble.
The sudden shift had cracked the floor, the safe being as heavy as it was started to fall through the floor.
With barely a thought the vine grew fast, in a mear moment. She, Musa, and Superboy we're entangled in a cocoon of plant safely; not so safely, falling through the three-story building.


Morgana, Fire, and the boys stared blankly up at the crumbled remains of the building. Floating above the destruction was Superman. The Superman they had all known was definitely nothing like this one. This Superman wore black suit making the red S symbol look like it had been painted in blood on his chest.
Without a word Morgana cast a spell they were astonished to find themselves invisible. With the storm still ragging around them they hoped Superman wasn't able to tell they were hiding nearby.
They watched a Superman floated down lifted the chunks of rubble as if they were marshmallows and tossed them aside with ease. Soon he uncovered the safe, he paused for only a moment seeing the green tangle of plants inside. But with one strong hand he ripped the cocoon apart finding Musa unconscious in the tangle. In a blink Superboy flew out of the same spot, Superman however was just as fast. SuperBoy froze mid air Superman gripping tightly to his ankle. Superboy's jet black eyes seemed to glow a soft red as he glared down at Superman. Morgana had to physically restrain Lance when they saw Lilith in Superboy's arms. 

Superboy held tightly to Lilith who was unconscious in his arms, blood running down her face from a small cut on her forehead. 

"Leave her," Superman said his voice rather rough, "Not safe," Superboy snapped, with tremendous effort he twisted his whole body to get Superman to move right in the path of some flying debris from hurricane that was finally loosing it's momentum. Superman was forced to let go and Superboy was gone. Whether he flew or jumped they weren't quite sure. 

"Portal," Morgana hissed, snapping her fingers making Musa appear in her arms. With a flick of his hand Lance opened a portal. The blue sky was just starting to peak through the dark clouds that no longer rained upon the city.

"Batman, we have a problem." Superman said into his intercom as he heard the portal snap close.

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