Chapter 13- Probation

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Lilith watched Conner train on the simulator out of the corner of her eye. She pretended she wasn't but she knew she was, she breathed and tried to focus on what she was doing. Batman had put her back on full time training which meant, simulator practice. One of his favorites and her least was the battle tactics simulator. She's put in charge of missions and has to get everyone out alive. 'Mission Failed,' flashed across the screen in big red letters. Lilith sighed and started hitting her head on the desk, "I don't think that's how that thing works." Wally said as he walked over a bag of food in hand.

"It' s not that I'm just bored," Lilith said sitting up, "How about a run on the sim?" Wally asked, "Aren't you suppose to be getting ready for your big date?" Lilith asked, Wally rolled his eyes and sighed. "Don't tell me she canceled again?" Lilith asked, "More like Batman did, she and Robin are off on another mission. You know I thought when we got more members the missions would be less frequent, but we just seem to be getting more." He complained as he popped another piece of food in his mouth. "Yeah," Lilith sighed, "Oh, right sorry." Wally said remembering she wasn't allowed to go on any. "It's okay I know it's my fault," Lilith sighed, "How? I mean all of us have had moments where we froze, we're all just wondering why was Batman so harsh on you." He said shaking his head, Lilith sighed and got up. "I'm going to take a break," she said walking away as she looked down. Conner saw her move and he hit the last sim guy, the training sim ended. He turned to look at Lilith as she walked out of the room, he of course had been listening to her conversation with Wally. Not that he was about to tell either of them that fact.

The next day after yet another mission Conner and tried to talk to Batman about Lilith, but Batman wasn't willing to listen. Conner followed Batman out the docking bay, with Artemis and Meg. Robin was in the training area playing with the computer. They were all not so discrete as the listened to Conner and Batman argue.

"I was just thinking this missions would be a lot easier with Lilith-" Conner started, Batman cut him off. "I told you no, she's on probation."
"But why?" Conner asked trying his best to stay calm, even though they could all tell he was getting really irritated. "Because I said so, Robin what are you doing?" Batman asked, Robin had closed the the screen as Batman approached, "Nothing," Robin said, "Oh really?" Batman asked before adding, "Then I didn't just get a notification that you were trying to break into my secure files?" He clicked a button, putting back up the screen Robin had closed. Lilith's face was on screen along with her fathers and several files that Robin had been trying to hack into. All with the 'classified' stamp on them.

"Why are you looking into Lilith?" Conner asked surprised, "I was just curious, her father went missing I thought I could help." Robin shrugged as if it was no big deal. "You can't now drop it," Batman said turning the screen off again. Robin watched in surprise, "I didn't think-" "That's right you didn't, now stop digging into her files. That's an order," Batman said and turning to leave, "Wait what about Lilith rejoining-?" "I'll think about it." Batman said and walked out before any of them could get in another word.

"I don't get it why doesn't he want us digging?" Meg asked, "Who knows, but I don't like it." Robin said crossing his arms, "Did you learn anything about her father?" Conner asked his tone sounding almost hopeful, "Not much," Robin said turning back to the screen the secure files weren't up anymore but a few articles were.
"He's apparently was in the military then went to school to become a scientist," Robin said, "Lilith said he was a rocket scientist?"Conner half asked, "Yeah among few other things, thankfully the pentagon doesn't have as hard to crack fire walls a the Bat-cave. So I was able to pull a few files. He worked for a bunch of top secret projects," Robin said, "Until Lilith was born then he changed fields, became an archaeologist." Conner added, looked at the screens reading the papers as fast as he could as they each came up.
"Right," Robin said glancing at Meg who crossed her arms and glared at the screen. Artemis had noticed to but said nothing, just listened. Robin turned back to the screen as he spoke, "He hasn't done anything top secret until recently, but then they sent him are enlistment orders." Robin said, "The military took him?" Conner asked, "At first yes, but he was with them when he was taken. Here look," Robin said pressing a button and a video popped up. Lilith's dad was in a lab with a few armed guards and several other scientists. He was arguing with one but they couldn't hear what about. Then the camera cut out a few second later it came back. The lab was trashed and all the guards were down, the scientists gone.
"So it wasn't just her father they took?" Conner asked, "Right, but the other scientists were never reported missing." Robin said pulling up the newspaper clipping about Lilith father still missing.
"Why not?"Artemis asked, "Because they're all suppose to be dead." Robin said pulling up death certificates for the other scientists. "Dead?" Conner asked, "It's nothing new the military fakes deaths all the time, but Lilith's father was the only one they didn't do it for." Robin explained, "Then why'd they report him missing?" Meg asked, "They didn't apparently a woman claiming to be his wife reported it." Robin explained, "Wife?"Conner asked, "Yeah I've been looking into it but she left no name, no contact info, nothing. The phone she used was a burner," Robin said, "What now then?" Conner asked, "Now?" Meg asked, "Yeah we have to help, Lilith's father's been missing for months we've got to do something." Conner said, "I agree," Robin said, "But if he's been missing for mouths why didn't Lilith know?" Meg asked, sounding almost as if she was accusing her.

"She says he goes on sabbaticals a lot, spends weeks in dead zones unable to talk to her." Conner explained, "You seem to know a lot about her." Meg said sounding slightly worried or even jealous, Conner sighed and shrugged. "She's a friend we talk," "Talk," Meg said looking down, Conner looked back at Robin. "Robin I want to help find him,"
"Alright but there's not much you can do right now, I'll keep digging see if I can find anything Batman missed." Robin said, Conner nodded and left the room, Meg glanced at the others before following Conner.

 They went into the kitchen, "Conner what's really going on?" Meg asked grabbing his arm stopping him in his tracks. "What do you mean?" Conner crossed his arms as he looked down at her, "I know your hiding something from me, I just want to know what?" Meg said softly placing her hand on his arm, "Meg," Conner sighed running his hand through his hair, "Why is it when it comes to her, you act so differently?" Meg asked looking up at him. He looked away as he said, "I'm not trying to Meg, she just needs my help."
"Does she really?" Meg asked, "Yes, you don't know her like I do Meg." He said looking back down at her, Meg's hand dropped from his arm. "How well do you know her Conner?" Meg said with an icy tone, Conner looked at her surprised. "Meg, I didn't mean it like-" "No I get it," Meg snapped, "I don't think you do," "What you don't think I see it?" Meg said her tone harsher then he ever had heard before. "See what?" He asked confused and slightly annoyed.

"Never mind," Meg stomped away, "Well that was interesting," Zatanna said as she closed the fridge door, having been listening and not on purpose. "It's nothing, just leave it." Conner said waving her off, "I might but she probably wont." Zatanna pointed out. "I don't get it why does she care who I'm friends with? Why I'm helping them." Conner asked, "You really don't understand a girls heart do you?" She said with a sad smile. "I don't know what she wrong, Lilith and I are just friends." Conner said softly, "Weren't you and Meg just friends at first too?" Zatanna said before leaving Conner alone with his thoughts. 

Lilith looked at her shoes, half wondering why she was hiding. She sighed as she heard Conner leave through the other door. 'Lilith and I are just friends' echo'd in her head. What could she expect him to say? He was Megs boyfriend after all. What she couldn't figure out was why she felt like crying.

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