"Why are you leaving at this time? Liam, Peter is after Angel's life and she's your daughter. You can't leave her alone." 

"She's not my daughter nor my problem. Now leave!" Shadow will be here soon and I don't want her to see Calum here. 

"This is so creative, who did this?" Calum grabbed the frame from the shelf. "You should put this up in the living room so maybe one day your cold heart will change."

"I'll kill you!" I threatened him and he smiled.

"Yes brother, you will so tell me who did this. I know it can't be your handwriting." He is just finding reasons to stay in my house. 

"It belongs to Shadow now leave before I throw you up!" 

"This girl loves you a lot." He commented. "One day, everything will fall into place and we will have our happy ending." He read it out loud. "Did she do this for you or did someone gift this to her?"

"I don't know so leave!" I dragged him out of my house. He is so interested in everything else except finding out who is working with Peter. Calum is really getting on my nerves. 

- - - 

Shadow's POV.

I came home and Liam started lecturing me about safety. My life is not in danger, his daughter's life is in danger but he still won't admit he cares and wants to protect his Angel. 

"So I should stay home the whole time you out of New York?" I asked and he started talking more. The only good thing that will come out of him leaving New York is me opening that room he has locked up. I can't wait for him to leave but I need to act like I don't want him to leave.

"Shadow, I don't think you are listening to a word I am saying." He looks so angry.

"Liam, I don't want to hear you tell me you leaving me alone in this house. I love you and I don't want to see you in danger." I crossed my arms across my chest. "Please let me go with you." 

"You are up to something." He is always suspicious of me. "I'm going to lock you in the house. I don't want to hear about you dying or getting kidnapped."

"What if the house caught fire, how will I survive?" I questioned.

"Jump out of the window or break the door." He replied and I rolled my eyes. "I won't lock you up but if I hear something happened, I will--."

"You too much Liam." I mumbled. "What time are you going to leave?" 

"Now." He answered. "So take care of yourself." 

"You can't leave without saying bye to Angel. She is your daughter Liam." I gave him a kiss. 

"Stay away from them, I don't want you to get in a fight with Angel or anyone else in that family. And don't open the door for anyone." He kissed me before leaving. 

I wonder when he will start calling her Stacey instead of Angel.

I look out of the window and Liam was gone. I need to check that secret room before he comes back. 

I ran upstairs and tried opening the door with every key in the house but it didn't work so I took a pin and started opening the door. Liam made a big mistake teaching me how to unlock any door. 

"Wow!" I never expected this room to be so dirty and untidy. There are so many papers in here. 

I started looking through his notes. Liam really has bad handwriting. It will be hard for me to read any of these things. I'll just look for a letter with better handwriting. 

I found pictures of Stacey and him. He looked angry and annoyed in here but I can see the love in both their eyes. I can't cry now, I need to look around.

I was searching around when all of a sudden I saw an envelope on the floor. Liam must clean up this room, everything is everywhere. I opened the envelope and it had Liam's baby photos. There's literally nothing so exciting in this room. I'll come back later to search more about Liam's past.

I left the room and the doorbell started going crazy. Liam told me not to open the door but I can take care of myself.

I opened the door and the little boy just pushed me out of the way. He literally let himself in and ran upstairs.

"Who are you?" I ran after him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Shadow." I answered. "Now tell me who you are and what you are looking for."

"Tim." He said. "I am looking for my father." 

"Well, you are at the wrong house kid so please leave or tell me your parent's number or names."

"I can't believe my dad has you as his maid." Tim ran to the kitchen. "At least tell me you know how to cook."

"Is Liam your father?" I questioned and he rolled his eyes. 

"No, you are my father." He is so fucking rude. Whoever raised him forgot to teach him some manners.

"How old are you?" This boy is too big to be Liam's child but if he is then it means I have to deal with two of Liam's children. I love Liam and I love kids but I don't want to come between a father and his kids.

"I am nine." He answered. "Not that it's your business."

"You should be like your sister you know. Angel is well-mannered." I told him.

"I don't have a sister." He looked at me weird. "And I am well-mannered, you just a lazy maid. I'll tell dad to fire you."

"You know what!" I snapped. "I'll call him right now." I grabbed the phone and called Liam. "You better tell me you don't have another baby!" I shouted the second Liam answered the call.

"Have you gone crazy?" He questioned.

"Do you know Tim?" I'll show him crazy if this is his son.

"No." He answered. "Now don't call me again unless it's an emergency." 

"Dad." Tim shouted before the call got disconnected. "It's an emergency and you not here at home."

"Shadow, go to your room. I will be right there in ten minutes." He hang up. Liam didn't know him but all of a sudden he is worried and he wants me to go to my room. Who is this kid?

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Chapter 22 out on inkitt (Sorry for the late chapter, I had personal reasons. I hope you all well!)

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