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"Ha! Karma really came back around didn't it!?!" Ireland laughed.

Northern Ireland rolled her eyes. "You knew he was gonna try to kill Turkey since yesterday and you encouraged him to do it?!"

"You would have done the same!!" Ireland snorted.

Elissa got quiet.... "Well....."

"Exactly!" Riley shouted out.

Wales rolled his eyes as he continued to read his newspaper. He couldn't take his younger siblings anywhere.

Scotland let out a booming laugh. He slapped his hand on his knee. "I wish I had been there. Gilbert had it handled but, I wouldn't have minded being his back up!"

Scratch that. Wales tried to drown the sound of his siblings out. He couldn't take any of his siblings anywhere..

Well, Arthur was well behaved.... but, depending who he was talking to. He could be so brutally honest it hurt... And he claimed to be a 'gentleman'.

That's one reason why
Francis and Arthur are so good for each other. They balance each other out. Francis was much more softer and forgiving than Arthur whose sarcasm could take down someone's self esteem if he didn't like that person.

"I heard that the girls were singing today," Riley moved on to a new topic, "Bet they sounded amazing."

"Of course they did, they're their mother's children," Wales spoke.

"Finally decided to speak to us, huh?" Allister asked Wales, "Done ignoring everyone?"

"I must say," Wales didn't look up from his newspaper, "I sometimes do wonder how Mum managed all of us."

"She had her ways," Elissa laughed. Their mother hadn't been afraid to discipline any one of her children who stepped out of line.

If you asked Elissa, she would say that it was her, Wales and Arthur who had been the good ones while Gilbert, Riley and Allister had been the troublemakers.

As the youngest, Arthur had clung onto their mother 24/7. Well, Prussia too to an extent. But Arthur had been a Mama's boy. (I just realized I make a lot of characters Mama's boys/girls)

He and Britannia had been inseparable..... well, until.... Rome.

Elissa shook her head. She didn't want her thoughts to get that far. "I suppose we should get going for the Commonwealth meeting. It's in 10 minutes," Elissa spoke to Wales as she checked her watch.

Scotland was part of the Commonwealth, since the UK was in the Commonwealth, but he didn't like/bother to attend. At this point, Arthur was so used to it he didn't care, unless it was a very important meeting.... so you know, Allister got to hang out with Riley during the Commonwealth meetings.

Right on cue, all their phones chimed. Arthur sent a message to the sibling group chat.

"He moved the Commonwealth meeting to 2pm since the OPANAL meeting will clash with the Commonwealth for the Caribbean nations," Scotland read.

"Why not noon?" Riley asked.

"There's a G7 meeting," Elissa responded. "Well, it looks like we have more time on our hands."

"If we're all older than Artie, why is he in charge-"

"Don't start that conversation up again Scotland!" Elissa shouted.

"I'm just saying-"


"Oh... what do you want to do then Mattie?" Amelia looked at Canada. Diega just told them about the news about the Commonwealth meeting. (Remember, Arthur has her number so he texted her)

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