We're Here

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Amadahy and Akando looked around.

One second they were lying on the ground, staring up at their mama and siblings feeling so sick, and then they closed their eyes.

And the next second..... well, they were here.

There was white mist all over but when they looked north, they saw light behind the fog.

"Where's Mama?" Amadahy asked her older brother.

He looked around and held her hand tighter, "I don't know," He realized.

Amadahy whimpered.... they didn't know where they were.

Where were they?

"Don't worry Angeni," Akando tried to comfort his little sister, "I won't let anything happen to us," He puffed out his chest.

"You poor things," They heard a motherly voice say and the twins looked around.

"Over here little ones," the voice said again.

They saw two shapes coming forward through the mist. Amadahy hid behind Akando and he took a defensive stance. 

"We won't ever hurt you," A male's voice came through.

The twins then noticed more figures coming through.

Amadahy whimpered even more and shut her eyes.

Akando didn't like this, "Show yourselves!!" He demanded.

At hearing the whimper of Amadahy and Akando's slightly nervous voice, the figures walked faster to show the children they were no threat. The woman who had been talking ran into their sight. She hated the thought of these sweet children being so afraid of her, "Don't be afraid of us babies, we mean you no harm." She smiled, came closer, and knelt down to their level.

Her husband walked out of the mist and went next to her. He smiled at the two.

"You can open your eyes, darling," The man spoke, "We would never harm you."

Amadahy slowly opened her eyes and looked at the two people she didn't recognize. But she and Akando sensed a connection to them.

They... they were related?

The man and woman were pale faces, a bit lighter than her and her brother, and they were blond. Interesting.

The twins didn't feel fear, this place made it impossible to feel strong negative emotions, and it felt happy, peaceful, and nice. But they felt wary, who were these people?

The two suddenly noticed the other people. There were many of them. They had similar complexions to Aiyana and their older siblings.. the woman had long brown or black hair. Just like their mother and sisters. They were wearing tribal clothes.

"W-Who are you?" Amadahy slightly came from behind her brother.

The woman and man gave just loving smiles.

"We are your bedstemor og bedstefar (grandmother and grandfather), my darlings," The woman smiled.

The twins blinked. They somehow understood what she said, that language felt familiar to them.



"We have grandparents?" Akando asked, "You're mama's parents? But you don't look like her."

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