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"Fucking bastard!!"

"Gilbert!! Language!" Elissa tried keeping up with her brother as he powerwalked like a maniac down the European Floor.

Elizabeta yawned, "I honestly can't believe you of all people are saying that. Even Carmen has a cleaner mouth than you."

This was an interesting morning.

Elissa rolled her eyes. "Prussia!! You already threw him out a window!!"

"Ja!!" He knew that, "But I had a dream last night!"

"About what?" Elissa stopped.

Seeing that North Ireland stopped walking, Hungry grabbed Prussia's hand to stop him.

She saw the looks the two gave each other. No matter how much time passed, it was easy to see the feelings they still had for each other.

Love was a complicated.

Gilbert turned around and gave Elissa a 'What?' look.

"What was your dream about?" She asked as if it were obvious. "Was Turkey a part of it?"

"Not exactly, but I heard something say that 'someone will attempt to drive them away'," He was pretty pissed.

"And you think it's him?" She asked.

"Of course! After what he said yesterday. It's obvious."

"What about Denmark?" Hungary asked.

"Another question to ask is why would someone do such a thing." Elissa wondered. "No one knows we're related," She whispered the last part. But the girls did look a lot like them.

"I don't know and honestly I have no time to think logically!!" Prussia started to march to Turkey's door and banged on the door.

The door opened quickly and a bruised and tired Turkey frowned at Prussia "Wha-"

"Listen motherfucker!!!" Prussia grabbed Turkey by his shirt collar and lifted him up, "If you ever come near them again, I promise I will castrate!!! You sick son of a-"

"Gilbert what are you doing!?!" Germany face palmed from the doorway of his room.

"Umm..." Elizabeta said as she looked back and forth between Gilbert and Turkey and  the nations coming out of their rooms to see what the comotion was.

Wales sighed as he took a look at the scene. He shook his head.

His family was interesting.

Romano snickered at what was happening, he wasn't gonna lie. This was pretty interesting.

Germany did the walk of shame to try and get his brother to let go of Turkey.

Austria face plamed and walked back inside his room.

"Who are you talking about?!" Turkey yelled as he was slammed against a wall.

"Prussia what happened?" Romania asked.

"It's personal!!"

"Well you're making it everyone's business right now!!" A voice said.

Fucking Denmark. This bitch.

Matthias glared at Gilbert. "Want to explain yourself?" He gave a knowing look.

"Stay out of this," Prussia spat.

"Matthias," Hungary warned.

"Stay out of this," He rolled his eyes at Hungary.

Germany finally freed Turkey with the help of Albania from Prussia's grip. He held onto his brother as Gilbert tried latching himself at Denmark for speaking to Elizabeta like that.

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