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Hey guys!! Happy Veterans Day to all the the Americans out there!!

This isn't an update, I just have to clear something up.

So last chap was about Spain picking Isabella as a name for Amelia because she wanted one of her girls to be named after her mother.

So I was just reading the 'Intolerance' chapter and realized that I made a mistake last chap.

Iberia's name is Isabelle not Isabella. I just want to put that out there in case anyone got confused. So Carmen did name Amelia after her mother but chose a similar name that she always liked. Which is Isabella.

So yeah. Amelia is Isabella but Iberia is Isabelle.

I edited the end of the last chap in case you want to see.

Also, question. Do you guys want to see another chapter from someone in Limbo? Like how I did one from Native America's perspective?

And if there are any other questions just comment them and I'll clear up any confusion.

Ok bye!!!!

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