Where Are You?

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North America was not born yet.


All the ships hit land.

Denmark smiled and was the first to jump off the ship and onto the new land they discovered.

"Denmark!!!" Finland called with concern, "Don't do that!! We don't know what's out here." He rushed to the side of the huge boat and looked over the edge.

Denmark only laughed, "Well, we're going to find out." He started to walk away.

Finland just sighed.

"We should get going," Norway came up to him, "We need to find a place to set up camp."

He nodded, "But everyone needs to be careful."

"Such a mother!!" Denmark called from the land and all the other men on the boat started laughing as Finland blushed and quickly walked to get off the ship.

The other Nordics followed behind him and they all caught up to Denmark.

"This place is beautiful," Denmark whispered as the wind blew his hair. "It's a bit cold but beautiful."

"You're actually right about something for once, Dane." Norway nodded as he looked around.

There was so much forest and wildlife here.

"Where are we?" Iceland asked.

"Unknown land,"  Was the only answer Sweden could give him as the other Nordics nodded.

"We should try and find the nations of this land before dark," Denmark said excitedly. He had been waiting for this since he was told that the Nordics would go looking for new land.

"That can't wait for tomorrow?" Norway asked.

"We're surveying the land right now, let's take the chance. Plus we can really stretch our legs out.

"Really want to find them?" Sweden gave him a soft look.

Denmark smiled and nodded, truthfully all the Nordics were excited to find new countries. But for some reason, especially Denmark. 

He really wanted to maybe find a younger sibling. Or maybe even son or daughter.

He turned to their men, "Some of you will come with us. Let's go!!"

And the search party began.


The Nordics first started to look in the forest but after a few hours, they spread to flatter lands. 

It was starting to get dark and they knew they had to turn back soon.

"Denmark," Sweden state, "Getting dark."

He nodded, "But they have to be out here, we just haven't looked enough."

Norway actually put his hand on his shoulder, "Listen Dane, it's getting dark. And this is an unknown land-"

"More the reason, we should keep looking around."

"We'll find them tomorrow. We should start heading back."

"They're right," Finland nodded. He motioned to Iceland who looked tired.

Denmark sighed but nodded.

"Tomorrow," Norway said.

He nodded again and they all started to head back.


But tomorrow came.

And they still made no progress in finding any new personifications at all. 

But there was still hope. After all, it was highly unlikely for there to be no personification for a land.

So the searches went on.

"I know they're here!!"  Denmark said to the other Nordics, on the 2nd week. "We just have to go a little further and we'll find them."

Iceland gave him a look, "Are you sure?" 

He smiled, "Of course!!"

No he wasn't.  

The other Nordics looked at each other. If they hadn't sensed or even found the personifications for this long.......


5 weeks later


"Sir," One of the Danish men spoke to Denmark, "If we want to build camp faster and focus on gathering food and water, we have to stop the searches. For whoever you're looking for."

"We can't stop!!" Denmark argued.

"We have much work to do to make the camp."

"Then work twice as hard!!"

The man gave him a look, "I know you're devastated-"

Denmark marched away, they were here.


And he would find them.

"Where are you?" He whispered sadly as a tear slipped.


Well, this was rushed. Sorry I'm about to leave for school.

I hope this puts a new perspective on Denmark.  

There's gonna be an update on Saturday. And we're almost at 2K!!!

Never Should Have Let You GoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang