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Mozambique is 10. Philippines is 12 and Barbados is 14.


Barbados sighed but smiled as she saw Spain cuddle Elizabeth in her arms.

It was really cute seeing the Spanish woman interact with her baby sisters. And Carmen was really nice too but.....

Things just felt pretty awkward between her and Spain.... well to her. She really wanted to help with her sisters, help bathe them, hold them if Carmen needed her to... but it just felt weird.

It wasn't like Carmen banned her from holding her baby sisters or coming near them. But Barbados just felt awkward around her. Like she was England's daughter, Spain was her father's rival. So.... it just felt a bit strange to be around her.

That makes sense, right?

Philippines, Mozambique, and Monaco were closer to Carmen. They felt less awkward around her and helped out with the babies more than she has.

Philippines was Spain's daughter so of course. Mozambique was her niece so that wasn't far off. And Monaco was France's daughter, and France and Spain were much closer than Spain and England.

Would Carmen be okay with her?

Would she-

"You keep looking over there," Philippines stated, "I'm telling you, Mama won't mind."

Barbados waved her off, "That's fine. I-"

"They're your sisters too. You have just as much a right to help with them as us," Mozambique added in.

Honestly, during these past few months. The three girls have gotten close. Well, Philippines and Mozambique were already close as cousins and Mozambique and Barbados had already been good friends. But now all three them hung out together after Mozambique introduced her cousin and friend to each other.

"It's easy for you guys to say, your her daughter and niece," The 14 year old huffed.

"We can go ask her for you," Mozambique offered.

"No.. I'm fine," Barbados said feeling a bit shy.

"Come on," Mahalia gave her a look, "I promise-"

"Monique," Tanzania called for her sister, "Daddy wants to speak to you."

She nodded, "Okay," She looked at Mahalia and Mozambique, "I'll be back."

Barbados made her way down a hallway and into a dining room, where she knew her father was. He had been having a lot of dicussions with her aunts and uncles on the next step. As in, when they when they would head back to their home countries and how would they keep the North American babies safe. It was easy to see that her father was becoming very paranoid now.

Philippines said Carmen had been that same way too when she was pregnant.

The door was open but she knocked on it anyway. "Dad?"

She saw him speaking to Prussia and holding Victoria in his arms. India was also in the room.

Her father, uncle, and brother looked at her. Arthur smiled at his oldest daughter and motioned for her to come in.

"Come in darling. I just wanted to check on you and your brother. How have you two been feeling with this situation? We've been here for a few months now and I've realized I've been failing in making sure you two and your siblings feel comfortable and safe here. I want to change that today. I will change that."

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