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Carmen rubbed her large stomach as she thought.

It was funny how she could jump from ship to ship while fighting Inglaterra or her brother. And dive into the ocean and swim back to shore. Or even take torture from the English. But for some reason, at this very moment.

She couldn't find a name.

She just didn't know. It just seemed like this was so important, like a life decision..... And technically it was, since this name would most likely be one of her little girls' name.

Actually, as the mama, the fathers of her children had to listen to her so whatever name she chose would be one of her girls' name.

Carmen smiled as she felt one of her babies kick her. Feeling her little ones just always made her smile and made her heart swell. She then tapped one of their little feet that she felt on the top of her belly twice. 

When she tapped the foot, it instantly moved before coming back and kicking that  same spot twice.

It was about a month ago since she discovered this. One night, she had been lying in bed feeling so uncomfortable. It had just been so much bloating and nausea, and when she tried moving to her side, she felt one of her daughters' foot in the way. Well..... it wasn't really in the way, but it was in an uncomfortable spot. So she tapped it to get it to move.

She didn't which baby it was, but whoever it was moved their foot for awhile. Only to come back to the same spot and kick her. It was surprising at first since it was like one of her girls were directly communicating with her. So she tried again to get the baby to move her foot, but the child came back once more with a kick. 

Eventually Carmen tried three taps but her daughter responded with the same number of kicks in the same stop.

As if she was telling her mother to not disturb her.

Anyways, Spain was  just amazed at how her child or children, if her other babies were doing this with her, were taking in how many times she would tap their feet and then would respond with the same number. After a little more tapping, the little one gave up and moved her foot to another spot, and gave her mother a kick to respond to another tap.

Carmen could sense the attitude and stubbornness just like that from her baby girl in that moment. Well, it was in the girls' bloodline anyway.

Getting out of her thoughts, Spain fondly smiled and looked at her bed. Some of her children were just lying on it since their schooling was over. Her daughters had all given her names for their baby sisters,

She felt a kick again and tapped a foot.

It was like a little game she would play with her babies. 

She knew they would be smart, just like their mama of course... And their abuelita.

The strongest women she knew.

Her mama, like so many other women and even men at times, fell in 'love' with Rome. No, it wasn't love, she had been seduced by him. 

But her bastard of a father still went out and would bed other women and men, he had done when with Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Gaul, and now her mama.    

But Romulus made it clear that he didn't care for her or any of his children to be honest. And since Iberia was under his rule it she couldn't really do much about it. He was much stronger and more powerful than her. So he didn't listen to her.

But she didn't let that stop her in any way, shape, or form.

Her mother would keep her and brother away from their father when he came with a random woman or man, or multiple women and men. Or when he came back reeking of wine.

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