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Everyone had piled out to give the three parents some privacy with their newborn baby girls.

France still couldn't help but stare at his precious princess in his arms. He was now holding Sophia (Diega). "It's going to take some time for me to believe they're finally here." He sniffled, looking down at his sleeping daughter. 

England nodded and gave a slight smile, he was now holding Elizabeth and Victoria (Madeleine and Maria)  "I actually have to agree with you frog." He was used to his girls being in their mother's stomach. 

But they were finally... they were actually here, in his arms now.

It was so unreal.

Spain only smiled as she nursed her youngest princess, Isabella (Amelia). She didn't mind doing it in front of the baby's fathers, her girls needed to be fed, plus they were both respectable men and didn't dare look. 

How could they when their beautiful baby girls were in their arms?

The Spanish woman had already fed Ambre (Madeleine), who had been in her arms awhile ago before her English father had took her, now just her oldest two had to be fed.  

She looked down at the baby and stroked her cheek, her daughter actually looked up and made eye contact with her. She smiled at Isabella, she was so thankful that her baby girl was okay and mentally thanked her mother.

But still, she couldn't help but feel so scared at the thought of almost losing her princess. Had she done something wrong? Could she have done something to prevent this? Yes, Isabella and the rest of her newborn girls were nations but she didn't know if baby nations, especially newborns, could die like that since they were weaker. 

"We almost lost her," She whispered, but it had been heard and caught the attention of England and France. The two men looked at her.

"She's safe with us now Carmen," France assured her as Carmen felt Isabella let go and she gently started to rub her child's back.

England nodded, "Yes, we can't think of what could have happened to our child. We have to think about what did happen. And what did happen is her surviving, she's a fighter like you."

She gave a slight nod, "I know I shouldn't be thinking of what happened. But I.... it's so hard.... how could I have let that-"

"You didn't do anything," Both men said at the same time.

"You did nothing wrong," England spoke, "She's okay. By the Grace of God, our jewel, all of them, are okay." He looked at his children lovingly. 

"Grace..." France said, "That's a lovely name. By the Grace of God.. It has such power, we were blessed by that for her to be here and safe in your arms, Carmen."

"That is a beautiful name," England nodded, "And we were blessed  by God's favour to have Amelia safe." He carefully passed Elizabeth to France and shifted Victoria in his arms gently. He then reached his free hand out to Amelia's and smiled softly when the baby grasped two of his fingers,

(Fun fact: The Latin meaning of Grace is God's favor.) 

Carmen smiled at the name, "Gracia," She said, letting the Spanish version of the name roll off her tongue. She nodded, "It's beautiful," She looked down at Isabella, who yawned.

And the woman couldn't help but smiled and kiss her forehead, "It truly is by God's grace." She nodded.

The three parents looked at each other and knew. 

Their youngest daughter was safe and protected by the Grace of God. They would never forget but would give her name to always remember. 

And so she knew that she was always protected and watched over.

"Amelia Roselin Isabella Gracia," Carmen smiled and repeated her daughter's name with the English version this time, "Amelia Roselin Isabella Grace."

"It's perfect," Arthur smiled.

Like his children.

France smiled and nodded. "It is." They all looked down at Grace. 

The baby had her eyes slightly open and was looking at the people in white standing by the window. They all had resemblances to her parents and were all smiling.

One was a women who had long black hair and looked strangely like Spain and Portugal and was smiling at all four newborn girls and Carmen. 

She walked towards the bed and leaned over to kiss Maria, moved to the other side of the bed and kissed Madeleine and Diega. None of the empires in the room noticed her.

The woman walked to the front the bed and her eyes landed on Amelia, "Gracia..." She smiled and leaned over to kiss her cheek. 

The women lastly walked closer to England, who was sitting next to Carmen. She looked straight at the Spanish Empire and smiled soft and proudly, "Estoy tan orgullosa. Te amo, mi hermosa princesita." She leaned over and kissed and gently caressed Spain's cheek before walking back to the window.

Carmen felt a shiver go down her spine and just looked at the window. 

She just smiled.

The woman at the window faded away.

"What do you think she's smiling about?" France asked and Carmen looked down to see Isabella smiling in her sleep.

"I don't know, I wonder what,"  She said, turning back and smiling at the window.

Or who....


And that's how Amelia got the name Grace!!!!

Any guesses to who that woman or people were and/or why they were there?

Here's what the woman said: 

"Estoy tan orgullosa. Te amo mi hermosa princesita" -  I'm so proud. I love you, my beautiful little princess.      


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